TWC Today Forums
TWC Today => Questions, Comments, Suggestions => Topic started by: TWCToday on April 29, 2009, 09:25:20 PM
What would you all like to see here at the forums and site? Throw out anything big and small. I want to hear from you guys and what you want!! :biggrin:
Before you all say it, I will say that coming sometime this summer, will be SMF integration into the main site. Meaning, that on, you can see your name, posts, latest 5 threads, latest 5 posts, etc... I'm going to read up on it, and during my days off, I'll play with it. Also, I will be going through and fixing the many many bugs I have come across switching to the new site design (sorry Gary, don't mean to offend)... Shouldn't be difficult to fix. So look for these to come soon :biggrin:
This is what I can add to the site: (
Commenting on pages.
I'm going to learn PHP this summer (yay three big books!)...if things go well, I'd be willing to rebuild a STAR database that might be stored on this server (if the server is capable and I know what the hell I'm doing).
I like SMF integration to the main site.
Before you all say it, I will say that coming sometime this summer, will be SMF integration into the main site. Meaning, that on, you can see your name, posts, latest 5 threads, latest 5 posts, etc... I'm going to read up on it, and during my days off, I'll play with it. Also, I will be going through and fixing the many many bugs I have come across switching to the new site design (sorry Gary, don't mean to offend)... Shouldn't be difficult to fix. So look for these to come soon :biggrin:
This is what I can add to the site: (
I'm confused. :wacko: Why would something like this be on the main site? :unsure:
Not to be rude to Gary or anything, but some of the links/pages on the main site still do not work; if possible, I would like to see those up and running again. :biggrin:
Before you all say it, I will say that coming sometime this summer, will be SMF integration into the main site. Meaning, that on, you can see your name, posts, latest 5 threads, latest 5 posts, etc... I'm going to read up on it, and during my days off, I'll play with it. Also, I will be going through and fixing the many many bugs I have come across switching to the new site design (sorry Gary, don't mean to offend)... Shouldn't be difficult to fix. So look for these to come soon :biggrin:
This is what I can add to the site: (
I'm confused. :wacko: Why would something like this be on the main site? :unsure:
Not to be rude to Gary or anything, but some of the links/pages on the main site still do not work; if possible, I would like to see those up and running again. :biggrin:
That's what I'm referring to... Me and Martin are going to work on getting the rest of the pages up and fix the bugs. As to the SMF integration, I was thinking a page where you can see latest threads at a quick glance at school for instance. That's pretty much why I thought of doing it.
Even stricter rules on signatures... I HATE sigs with huge images (or lots of text) in them (LDLs, etc). At least shrink them down.
The forum banner on the top should be linked to main site. It's like that in most sites, and I find it convenient that way...rather than having to manually search for the main site.
Even stricter rules on signatures... I HATE sigs with huge images (or lots of text) in them (LDLs, etc). At least shrink them down.
That is something I really will crack down on. I will make a post about that soon
Even stricter rules on signatures... I HATE sigs with huge images (or lots of text) in them (LDLs, etc). At least shrink them down.
That is something I really will crack down on. I will make a post about that soon
Even stricter rules on signatures... I HATE sigs with huge images (or lots of text) in them (LDLs, etc). At least shrink them down.
That is something I really will crack down on. I will make a post about that soon
Do you think that's a little too late to tell the people?
I also like the idea of limiting signatures.
I do but please don;t say YOU CANT have this or that :no:...impose a siize limitation...cuz we like our LDL sigs :yes: :P
i would love a way to stream here on TwcT and not just ustream (with like JWplayer for example.)
i would love a way to stream here on TwcT and not just ustream (with like JWplayer for example.)
That would be AWESOME! :thrilled: But, is it even possible to have a permanent live stream of something? :dunno:
i would love a way to stream here on TwcT and not just ustream (with like JWplayer for example.)
That would be AWESOME! :thrilled: But, is it even possible to have a permanent live stream of something? :dunno:
a site i know uses jwplayer constantly ( it doesent have to be live all the time it's a better alternative imo
i would love a way to stream here on TwcT and not just ustream (with like JWplayer for example.)
That would be AWESOME! :thrilled: But, is it even possible to have a permanent live stream of something? :dunno:
a site i know uses jwplayer constantly ( it doesent have to be live all the time it's a better alternative imo
I will look in to this.
I do but please don;t say YOU CANT have this or that :no:...impose a siize limitation...cuz we like our LDL sigs :yes: :P
Ill think about how i want to regulate it.
Somehow I doubt this server has the capacity to do live streaming video. There's a reason why so many people rely on other services to provide that bandwidth.
Somehow I doubt this server has the capacity to do live streaming video. There's a reason why so many people rely on other services to provide that bandwidth.
I think they're asking for a page that has the player code for martin's stream and a web based client underneath for the IRC... Which is not difficult at all.
- (
Here is a little something :) Comments?
Perfect! (hopefully we can get your stream on Jwplayer soon)
I'll look to provide the same when i get my tuner.
Here's the site if anyone is interested (
Consists of either an FLV player (, or WMV player (
JWplayer Overview (
If you need help with this let me know!
- (
Here is a little something :) Comments?
Perfect! (hopefully we can get your stream on Jwplayer soon)
I'll look to provide the same when i get my tuner.
Here's the site if anyone is interested
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
Consists of either an FLV player ([url][/url]), or WMV player ([url][/url])
JWplayer Overview ([url][/url]).
If you need help with this let me know!
Something I will look into.
Stream is up. I have it now so it shouldnt go down very much. Feel free to pm me if it does
Perfect! (hopefully we can get your stream on Jwplayer soon)
I'll look to provide the same when i get my tuner.
Here's the site if anyone is interested
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
Consists of either an FLV player ([url][/url]), or WMV player ([url][/url])
JWplayer Overview ([url][/url]).
If you need help with this let me know!
Something I will look into.
Stream is up. I have it now so it shouldnt go down very much. Feel free to pm me if it does
Great stream!!! :thrilled:
But, how did you get the old LDL on there and the XL V2 too? :dunno: :blink:
Perfect! (hopefully we can get your stream on Jwplayer soon)
I'll look to provide the same when i get my tuner.
Here's the site if anyone is interested
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
Consists of either an FLV player ([url][/url]), or WMV player ([url][/url])
JWplayer Overview ([url][/url]).
If you need help with this let me know!
Something I will look into.
Stream is up. I have it now so it shouldnt go down very much. Feel free to pm me if it does
Great stream!!! :thrilled:
But, how did you get the old LDL on there and the XL V2 too? :dunno: :blink:
Thats my real XL unit
Perfect! (hopefully we can get your stream on Jwplayer soon)
I'll look to provide the same when i get my tuner.
Here's the site if anyone is interested
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
Consists of either an FLV player ([url][/url]), or WMV player ([url][/url])
JWplayer Overview ([url][/url]).
If you need help with this let me know!
Something I will look into.
Stream is up. I have it now so it shouldnt go down very much. Feel free to pm me if it does
Great stream!!! :thrilled:
But, how did you get the old LDL on there and the XL V2 too? :dunno: :blink:
Thats my real XL unit
Oh that's right. :) I forgot you bought a working XL. Very neat! :biggrin:
Is there any way that all the TWC info can stay on a member's profile instead of showing up with every member's post? I'm trying to think of ways to show information but not chew up much space with my posts.
For me, I would like to see a 3000 or Jr. emulator.
Even stricter rules on signatures... I HATE sigs with huge images (or lots of text) in them (LDLs, etc). At least shrink them down.
I tried breaking the trend of sig images by removing mine. Hopefully a few others will follow.
Even stricter rules on signatures... I HATE sigs with huge images (or lots of text) in them (LDLs, etc). At least shrink them down.
I tried breaking the trend of sig images by removing mine. Hopefully a few others will follow.
Aw, man. :( You removed the best part of your sig; I liked the lower third.
I'd really like to be able to keep my sig...I personally find my image as well as the others, like Ana's, Jesse's, etc cool and a way to show off our creativity B)
Also Martin, what do you think about a page that is basically a database of all the teaser music we have amassed over the years? :dunno:
I think we can keep our sigs, but they just shouldn't take up half the page. ;) *cough* Squizz *cough*
I'd really like to be able to keep my sig...I personally find my image as well as the others, like Ana's, Jesse's, etc cool and a way to show off our creativity B)
Also Martin, what do you think about a page that is basically a database of all the teaser music we have amassed over the years? :dunno:
You are fine B)
OK, so I have a question that is probably "board-related", but how come when somebody is banned, it doesn't show up anywhere on their posts, profile, etc? :dunno:
OK, so I have a question that is probably "board-related", but how come when somebody is banned, it doesn't show up anywhere on their posts, profile, etc? :dunno:
a "Muted" used to show up on their posts under the info on the left, but that disappeared once the RC1 upgrade happened.... One thing to note though, is that banned users don't show up in the member lists.
Also Martin, what do you think about a page that is basically a database of all the teaser music we have amassed over the years? :dunno:
I must have been half asleep and missed that part of your post. I really like that idea!!! Thats something I would like to do :yes:
I would like to see a forum theme.
Perhaps something like this:
I would like to see a forum theme.
It's possible but I am going to wait for SMF 2 to be finalized before I begin work just in case more stuff is changed. It's something I would be working on in my spare time, since I've begun work...
How about a /me mod.... you know, when you type: /me is a kitty. It comes out as * jtmal0723 is a kitty.... Just a thought as I'm sure a few users would like to see this.
PS: Make sure you keep a list of these mods handy for when RC2/2.0 Final comes out so that the mods can be reapplied.
/me thinks that feature already works. ;)
/me is testing this out.
Anyways I like everyone's ideas!
ugh but it's not italicized >_> lol
/me is a kitty too
/me is a kitty too
/me scratches Spring Rubber
/me trying to see if this feature works for him.
Wow!!! Cool feature! :D :thumbsup:
/me chases after the kitties because he's the dog :club:
/me puts Zach on a leash because he is a dog :bleh:
I have a question about the main site. Under the "Emulators" tab, why doesn't anything happen when you click on any of them?
I have a question about the main site. Under the "Emulators" tab, why doesn't anything happen when you click on any of them?
The site is undergoing an overhaul. Jesse and I are working to bring it up 100%
I just had a brilliant idea...maybe add a Twitter icon to our profiles? (
Video of the last days of the WeatherSTAR 3000 (from December 2004). I know someone over at TWC Classics has some video footage of his old 3000 taken on December 29, 2004. According to what he had said about the video, it showed a message saying that the 3000 will no longer be avaiable after December 31, 2004. He also had mentioned that the audio went out durring what was likely the replacement stage and on the same tape the cable company jumped ahead to a XL. :rolleyes:
I just wanted to see all of Dan Crawley's other video recordings of his old 3000 from 2004 (expecialy that one from November 7, 2004).
Here's what I'm talking about from TWC Classics on the Internet Archive. (
The forum logo now links you to the forum home. I know this is something some of you requested. Should it link to the forum home, or website home?
Forum home makes better sense, IMO. Might be a good idea to have a link to the site home in the area below the news banner though.
The forum logo now links you to the forum home. I know this is something some of you requested. Should it link to the forum home, or website home?
Great idea!! :biggrin: However, as Mike said, I think we should also have a link that takes us to the site home from the forum page. I'm guessing that the only way to get there now is to type the URL in the address bar. :hmm:
The forum logo now links you to the forum home. I know this is something some of you requested. Should it link to the forum home, or website home?
Great idea!! :biggrin: However, as Mike said, I think we should also have a link that takes us to the site home from the forum page. I'm guessing that the only way to get there now is to type the URL in the address bar. :hmm:
It would be nice if the forum logo can take you to the main site page. Most forum/sites have that. Plus many people are too lazy to manually type in the twctoday URL in most cases. :P
The forum logo now links you to the forum home. I know this is something some of you requested. Should it link to the forum home, or website home?
Great idea!! :biggrin: However, as Mike said, I think we should also have a link that takes us to the site home from the forum page. I'm guessing that the only way to get there now is to type the URL in the address bar. :hmm:
It would be nice if the forum logo can take you to the main site page. Most forum/sites have that. Plus many people are too lazy to manually type in the twctoday URL in most cases. :P
Like me. :P
Actually, wait, now that I think about it, the forum logo should definetely link to the main site because the "Home" tab already takes you to the forum home. :doh: We don't need two of the same thing. ;)
IDK, most forums I've been to have the title bar link to the forum home. I always click that when I want to go back to the forum homepage, rather than clicking that small "home" link.
Now links to
Now links to
Using the home tab on the menu bar to reach the forum home works for me, so I think what you did with the TWC Today banner is fine.
Alright, here's something I would like to ask: :)
Is it possible that the extremely long message on the site telling IE 5/6 users about the problem with the menus can be removed (or maybe shortened a little). :dunno: I don't want to offend Jesse or Martin, but having the message up there for so long and even including the date of the last update looks unprofessional and shows people that nothing has really been done to the site even though the message states "we are working around the clock..."
I hope I am not offending either Jesse or Martin by saying this. :ermm: I am not saying that the site is bad or anything; I just think the message should be removed. Even if it is shorted, that's OK. I've just never in my life seen so many words on an "error" message in a webpage. :no:
One of the things I am most unhappy with is the website. Not the design but the limited resources and time I can devote to it. I have been discussing how I would like to arrange for a select few members to help design and update basic pages. I agree this is a problem and is something I am looking into.
I just want to say that I really like the new "News Update" system on the site! :dance: Very good idea! :D
I just want to say that I really like the new "News Update" system on the site! :dance: Very good idea! :D
Me too. :happy: :yes: