It doesn't help that HamWeather has seen a major overhaul and now only has a limited free version. I don't even know where to begin to find a solution just from looking at their website.
It would also appear that while their website lists a Spring 2012 release date, a php version of the software isn't avaialble yet. I cant even find a mention of the software we are using much less support for it.
Yeah, as I noted in The Front Porch yesterday, it appears these current conditions went out the day in which the NWS converted to their new website design. It may just be a coincidence since I don't see how a design change can affect something like this, but I still think that's what caused it.
We're just going to have to be patient and see if the problem fixes itself, or if Martin can somehow look into this further. Thank you.
Sadly its not. Not content on the overhaul of their website, the NWS had to tinker around with things that affected most scripts and programs that get weather content from them. Its odd because I don't see the reason behind messing with this as it wasn't needed for the main website update.