TWC Today Forums
TWC Today => Questions, Comments, Suggestions => Topic started by: lfmusiclover on November 17, 2007, 02:04:15 PM
Alright, I've been working on some new site designs, and here are what I feel are the three best. Please tell me which you like the best:
Choice A: (
Choice B: (
Choice C: (
Thanks for your input!
Only two votes so far? Come on folks! Here's the deal: If you all don't vote, I have decided on the design that will be used. So if you want your voices heard, then I urge you to vote. Otherwise, my choice will be used by default.
I like Choice A. :yes:
I pick B
Finally! Some votes! Though we still need more, because its still dead even.
If you haven't voted yet, please do! We have a tie, so it has to be broken! :P
I broke the tie!
Could I make one suggestion, though? Change the banner image so the background is transparent...I think the banner text would look good against that background.
Thanks for your vote! Thanks also for the suggestion. I think that would be an excellent idea. :sunglasses:
I don't know about others that haven't voted, but for me, it's hard to choose b/c they look the same. Yes, I can see the variations in the clouds from design to design, but they're so similar that I can't say "oh that one is terrible or that was is by far the best."
Surely you can find some grounds on which to base a vote. Their not identical for crying out loud. :shocked:
If you haven't voted yet, please do! We can now declare a winner if no further votes are cast, but I'd like as many of you to vote as possible. :sunglasses:
If you haven't voted yet, please do. The finally tally will be taken in a couple of hours, and the winning design will be implemented at that time. :sunglasses:
Wow, that's fast! :shocked:
Unfortunately, votes aren't guaranteed here. Getting votes on anything is very hit or miss around here. I feel lucky to have gotten as many as I already have. I may give it another day, but there's little guarantee of any more votes.
Another day has gone by and the leading candidate has only pulled further ahead, so I feel confident now that that won't change. See Matt, I know how things usually go around here. :sunglasses:
Matt, I removed your post. I think it was the best thing to do. :sunglasses:
Matt, I removed your post. I think it was the best thing to do. :sunglasses:
Did I miss a fight? :huh:
Choice B and C look identical. :huh: Anyways i chose B.
Choice B and C look identical. :huh: Anyways i chose B.
Your kidding right? None of the 3 look even close to one another.
I chose C. Yes, B and C look almost identical, but when you click them from side to side really fast, you can see the difference (C is can tell it's not really a repeating image)
Well, it looks like choice B has pulled ahead, so as promised I'll remove the design I already put up and put up that one. :sunglasses:
So I take it that's the end of the poll?
No, I'll leave it up in case anyone else wants to vote. Though I don't think that'll happen.