Page load speed: Can take anywhere between 7-15 seconds, sometimes 30 seconds or more.
Audio/Video load speeds: I don't usually use those, but from what my tests are, same time to start the videos/tracks as above.
Search speeds: forum search speeds are typical for the amount of posts we have on the forums. They take on average 1 minute 15 seconds
Latency: ehhh, here's where we run in to issues... The site itself, depending on the time of day, can be fast, or it can be slow. Peak hours, the site takes an extra 2-3 seconds to load. Non-peak, it loads almost instantly, excluding the forums. The forums depend on the next answer I give...
Database/mySQL errors: The host usually has a tricky time making sure mySQL stays up and running efficiently. Database queries from the forums are taking a huge hit in execution time due to excess customer usage. They *ALWAYS* go down between 12:00-12:05am and can last up to approx 5 minutes. In the last two days, I have gotten about 15 "cannot connect to database errors," 4 of which were because it was midnight.
But what you're looking for is a score. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being piss poor, and 10 being "orgasmic," I would have to give the overall experience a 4.