The show style logos you all know and love have returned... They're NOT the finalized versions... Why? Well I'm giving the community an opportunity to improve on them. I know I had a few people PM me or IM me saying that such and such logo should be tweaked in this way and such and such logo should be tweaked that way. Well, now the community has an opportunity to act on their opinions. I am, by far, not the greatest graphic designer in the world by any means. I would love to see what the community comes up with. Below are the show logos in their current form:
Day Planner:

First Outlook:

Weather Center with Cantore & Steele:

PM Edition:

Sunrise Weather:

Weather Center/Default Logo:

Weekend Now:


Weekend View:

Your Weather Today with Abrams & Bettes:

Requirements if you so choose to modify logos to your liking: I ask that you keep the image widths below 900 pixels and heights below 200 pixels if possible. If you attach a modified logo, I ask you attach your PSD as well in the event your logo is chosen in a poll to come later, conditions pending. All PSDs for these show logos can be found at
Again, this is a chance for the entire community to have an opportunity to pitch in on the logo design for the forums. I, along with the rest of the crew, look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. Happy photoshopping!