I agree that trying to mix the place up with the weather in general and TWC would be beneficial. Like some (I guess), I haven't been poking my head around here that often as I once used to. The reason being, I lost all interest in The Weather Channel. Only two things keep me here, which is talking to fellow weather fanatics, and WeatherSTAR technology. So I really believe that a mix of the two would be excellent. And now time to reply to other people in this thread, so excuse all of this below if you don't want to hear about my experiences here

Martin, I'd like to say that I am extremely happy you are following your interests. It's a shame that you will have to step down one day, as you have been an excellent administrator in my eyes. It's not about frequency, it's about quality. You have invested money into this website, and made quite a strong user base. So all I can say is good luck, and thanks for everything you have done. Hopefully you will still to make big changes before you hand off the position to someone else, and continue to be a part of the community. And when you said everyone is like family to you- I can second that. I've made very good friends here, and some that have gone strong for years and continue to. I hate to see things get between everyone like this. We're all friends

Patrick, I would also like to say that you have been an excellent administrator, yet alone a friend. It's not too often that you find someone with the devotion like you. You keep this place safe and happy for everyone... and that's all that matters. You've done a fine job