I was looking for a place to contact TWC and came across this forum. I hope you all excuse me for needing a place to vent about WUWA. I have been a long time fan of TWC and have watched it regularly since it first came out. As you can see by my sig., I am very into the weather.
I have about lost all respect for the integrity of TWC with this "show". It comes on early in the morning and I have only seen it a few times. I guess it really wouldn't effect me if I could avoid it, but because of all its advertising, I can't. I am beginning to think that he gets more air time with the ads through out the day, than his show does. Does anyone from TWC visit this forum? Is ther a place to give them any feedback?
Well I feel a bit better. This looks like a forum that I should visit more often and hopefully not just to rant.