Seems that around June 27 of this year (yesterday as of writing), The Weather Channel went and "brought back" their Weather Star 4000 for a nightly hour-long (around 4-5 AM eastern, including commercial breaks) set of looping national forecasts known as
Retro 8's Live. Rather than actually bringing back such old hardware/software, they replicated its graphics (and even intros) in a modern fashion (likely using Max or whatever graphics engine they rely on.) In a way, some may say that they made their own simulation of the 4000.
Other than a few differences from the real deal (for example, the lack of Current Conditions icons (the only icon set used throughout is the smaller ones from the Regional Forecast segments), the fonts used and a date in the upper right instead of being both a clock and date), it's still quite interesting!
11-06-23 EDIT: Seems that as of this week, The Weather Channel is no longer airing it. Matter of fact, the entire evening/nightly programming block (which included this and an English language iteration of Twilight, which seems to have been exclusive to The Weather Channel en Espaņol) has been replaced with long-form programming.
02-27-25 EDIT: In celebration of National Retro Day, The Weather Channel has brought it back (for that day only, until 9c/10e), opting to air it before commercial breaks rather than airing in an hour-long block of sorts. I talked a bit more about it
in this post.