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Author Topic: Question About the Male OCMs  (Read 9286 times)

Offline Dylan

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Question About the Male OCMs
« on: May 13, 2020, 04:21:16 PM »
Does anybody pay attention to how a lot of the male OCMs dress these days? Well, if you do, am I overreacting or is it annoying how so many of them dress these days? First off, so many of them don't wear ties, not only that, but they also don't even wear coats, including "Mike Bettes", "Carl Parker", "Dr. Rick Knabb", and "Dr. Greg Postel", and those 4 will always have their sleeves rolled up, which to me looks so unprofessional, especially when you consider that years ago, it was a given that if you had a job on TV, you'd wear a coat and tie, besides those 4, "Chris Warren" has been doing that lately, he quit wearing a tie at the start of the year, but he'd wear a coat up until recently (I will give them a pass for doing these things when they work from home, but unless I'm overreacting, this is really annoying seeing them do these things in the studio). In fact, "Alex Wallace" and "Ray Stagich" are the only ones who will always wear a tie, and 95-99% of the time, will wear a coat, except for when their working from home, which as I said, I can give them a pass for that. Back when "Abrams & Bettes" was a thing, Mike would often not wear a tie, so this is not something that just recently started, but it got to be really normal starting when "Weather Underground" premiered back in 2015, in fact, very rarely does anybody wear a tie on that show, just a couple times when "Chris Bruin" and "Tevin Wooten" guest-hosted the show, both of whom, don't always wear ties, though they'll almost always at least wear a coat.

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Re: Question About the Male OCMs
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2020, 08:15:16 PM »
Does anybody pay attention to how a lot of the male OCMs dress these days?
I can't speak for other people, but I don't.

...when you consider that years ago, it was a given that if you had a job on TV, you'd wear a coat and tie...
That was also years ago, as you said. Things have relaxed and I am okay with it myself. It's like wearing nice suits to work as you would stereotypically see in the 1950s... boy am I glad business casual is common now! If the OCMs are comfortable and look presentable, then awesome! If they want to wear a tie and a coat, then cool. Just don't get in front of the camera with an AC/DC shirt looking like you haven't cleaned up in a while and I won't flip the channel :yes:

Offline Dylan

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Re: Question About the Male OCMs
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2020, 12:08:16 AM »
That was also years ago, as you said. Things have relaxed and I am okay with it myself. It's like wearing nice suits to work as you would stereotypically see in the 1950s... boy am I glad business casual is common now! If the OCMs are comfortable and look presentable, then awesome! If they want to wear a tie and a coat, then cool. Just don't get in front of the camera with an AC/DC shirt looking like you haven't cleaned up in a while and I won't flip the channel :yes:
It's not just TWC where the men don't wear ties. In the past, when flipping through channels, I've seen men do shows on ESPN, CNBC, and one of my local affiliates with no ties on, so dress codes have apparently become more relaxed lately.

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Re: Question About the Male OCMs
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2020, 08:41:47 PM »
I'm with you, Dylan. I haven't watched TWC in awhile, but the whole sans-tie thing annoys me. If you're a professional, you should look the part. When you don't, it tells me you don't take your job seriously.
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Re: Question About the Male OCMs
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2020, 11:45:49 PM »
I'm with you, Dylan. I haven't watched TWC in awhile, but the whole sans-tie thing annoys me. If you're a professional, you should look the part. When you don't, it tells me you don't take your job seriously.
I knew I couldn't be the only one. If these guys don't want to wear ties, what I think they should consider is to wear a "Land's End" "Weather Channel" polo shirt like they wear when they report, that would look like a uniform, which would look much better than just wearing the dress shirt with no tie and the sleeves rolled up.