TWC Today Forums
Present - The Weather Channel 2000 => Programming and Graphics => Topic started by: tpirfan28 on September 07, 2008, 03:17:45 PM
Round three, and we start with Ike as a cat 4 nearing Cuba. The Walker/Davis combo to play first.
Same rules apply as the other two threads.
(And yeah, this looks like a Storm Alert activator. Twice maybe (the Keys/the Gulf).)
Edited to remove "hype" since this is da real deal.
You mean Walker/Brown...
Anyway, the Keys *probably* aren't going to be hit, and by the time Ike gets over Cuba, there's a chance that it might not even restrengthen to major hurricane status before hitting the U.S. We all saw what happened to Gustav after it got into the Gulf; it actually weakened. I guess we'll see what happens with Ike.
You mean Walker/Brown...
Anyway, the Keys *probably* aren't going to be hit, and by the time Ike gets over Cuba, there's a chance that it might not even restrengthen to major hurricane status before hitting the U.S. We all saw what happened to Gustav after it got into the Gulf; it actually weakened. I guess we'll see what happens with Ike.
What happened to Gustav and what's happening to Ike are completely different. Gustav weakened into the GOM because dry air choked it off. Unlike Ike who's been able to fight against 30 knots of shear and cooler water in the past w/o weakening. The reason it's weakening now is because it's going through an ERWC. There isn't much dry air this time in the Gulf so it COULD explode again once it's out there. Just look at yseterday it went from a Cat. 2 - 4 in just a few hours.
I would be more worried about if that through pulls it north into Flordia before it gets too far west.
Now Paul and Alexandra are doing EE tonight. Wow, I seriously didn't expect that...
Is it me or did they skip the :18 and :48 lfs?
So now that Ike is into the Gulf and it is set to make landfall Friday night or Saturday morning as a strong Category 3, when do you think TWC will go into Storm Alert?
So now that Ike is into the Gulf and it is set to make landfall Friday night or Saturday morning as a strong Category 3, when do you think TWC will go into Storm Alert?
Most likely Saturday Morning
So now that Ike is into the Gulf and it is set to make landfall Friday night or Saturday morning as a strong Category 3, when do you think TWC will go into Storm Alert?
Most likely Saturday Morning
Unless Ike really slows down, there's no way they will wait until Saturday morning to activate Storm Alert.
My guess is sometime late Friday afternoon or Friday evening.
So now that Ike is into the Gulf and it is set to make landfall Friday night or Saturday morning as a strong Category 3, when do you think TWC will go into Storm Alert?
Most likely Saturday Morning
Unless Ike really slows down, there's no way they will wait until Saturday morning to activate Storm Alert.
My guess is sometime late Friday afternoon or Friday evening.
They waited till Gustav was about to make landfall to activate it so i'm looking for them to do the same actions as Gustav and wait till Saturday
So now that Ike is into the Gulf and it is set to make landfall Friday night or Saturday morning as a strong Category 3, when do you think TWC will go into Storm Alert?
Most likely Saturday Morning
Unless Ike really slows down, there's no way they will wait until Saturday morning to activate Storm Alert.
My guess is sometime late Friday afternoon or Friday evening.
They waited till Gustav was about to make landfall to activate it so i'm looking for them to do the same actions as Gustav and wait till Saturday
They went into Storm Alert about 14½ hours before Gustav made landfall in Louisiana. Storm Alert was started at 8:00 PM ET on Sunday, and Gustav made landfall at 10:30 AM ET Monday.
I suspect it will be the same this time around with Ike.
I'm guessing it'll be Friday evening.
I guess TWC's hype is nothing compared to CNN's hype. They had CNN on in one of the eateries at my school, and they did a huge "BREAKING NEWS" segment on Ike, and their meteorologist, from what I heard, introduced the segment by saying something like, "Hurricane Ike. A category 4 storm with maximum sustained winds of 135 mph. (pause) Or at least that's what it could be at landfall." They seriously tried to make it sound like it was already a cat 4 until that dramatic pause and the revelation that they were actually talking about the future.
I think I remember Paul around 8pm saying that Storm Alert at TWC means that a Hurricane is going to make landfall in the US between 15 and 18 hours, The timing was a few hours off, but they were very close
I say they go into Storm Alert 4pm Friday
Yeah, that's what I'd say too.
I think it's safe to remove "hype" from up there...this looks like a big one.
And yes, it's 15-18 hrs before landfall, Cat 3+.
They probably will go into Storm Alert when A&B or EE starts on Friday evening.
:offtopic: Has anyone noticed that Ike is almost the same size as Katrina was?
I'm sad to say this but i can't wait to see what Ike's eye looks like compared to Katrina
Is Ike gonna be worser than Gustav???
Is Ike gonna be worser than Gustav???
It's not going to be "worser" than Gustav (:P), but it could very well be worse. :yes:
It's gonna be awful I know that, the pressure is already at a Category 4 strength it's just gonna take time for Ike's winds to catch up to it.
Ike Prompts Hurricane Warning for Palacios,TX (
It's gonna be awful I know that, the pressure is already at a Category 4 strength it's just gonna take time for Ike's winds to catch up to it.
It surely is going to be awful, no doubt about that.
TWC is now in Storm Alert for Ike!
STORM ALERT! :dance:
Did they get a new SA lower thirds title bar (above the red bar).
Looks like they are doing split A/B today?
Yay Storm Alert!
I like that red bottom of the screen.
Still regular LF music. :(
I had the right show just the wrong day. This thing is a beast! TS winds extend out 510 miles, that's 70% larger than a normal hurricane!
Yeah, it surely is.
I mean, that is one huge storm because I saw it on TWC and the news both.
Wow, came alot earlier than I thought it would! :blink:
Yeah, it surely did!
Why the <blank> is there a Forecast Earth brief on right now?
It's like they're in SA but they're not, maybe it'll ramp up by the time EE starts.
Should TWC be in Storm Alert?
They are in Storm Alert
Can I make a new poll regarding storm alert lf music?
It guess this shouldn't be much of a surprise since history tends to repeat itself. Gustav served as a sort of "Katrina" in terms of generating the hurricane hype; now Ike is sort of a Rita with the same projected landfall day and time (early morning Saturday). What did they do for Rita? They went into Storm Alert at 9 PM Thursday night; this is pretty much the same thing, just two hours earlier because A&B wasn't around back in 2005.
Just saw a new Storm Alert "reopen." (remember the one for Gustav that said "Gulf Coast Prepares," etc?). Well, it was like that, but a lot nicer.
I had the right show just the wrong day. This thing is a beast! TS winds extend out 510 miles, that's 70% larger than a normal hurricane!
275miles for TS, 110miles for Hurricane winds
Should TWC be in Storm Alert?
The answer isn't yes. ;)
OMG, the desk is red! That was my idea!
I know, I was saying the same thing. (That wasn't my idea, I was talking about the desk being red, too.)
They've also got the Storm Alert logo on the TWC website for this one. They're making a much bigger deal out of Ike than they did with Gustav.
Still regular LF music. :(
I never liked having storm alert music on the LF. IMO, that's going too far, and you're hearing nothing but two songs on the LF for a day or longer. I'd rather hear regular music.
Yeah, me too.
Still regular LF music. :(
I never liked having storm alert music on the LF. IMO, that's going too far, and you're hearing nothing but two songs on the LF for a day or longer. I'd rather hear regular music.
IMO, it just isn't Storm Alert without the local forecast music; it adds a certain amount of drama and importance to the storm coverage.
Still regular LF music. :(
I never liked having storm alert music on the LF. IMO, that's going too far, and you're hearing nothing but two songs on the LF for a day or longer. I'd rather hear regular music.
IMO, it just isn't Storm Alert without the local forecast music; it adds a certain amount of drama and importance to the storm coverage.
Agreed. And we ARE talking about a catastrophic storm here, so I think it would be justified.
Hurray! Storm Alert! :dance:
I am glad is using their Storm Alert banner too. :yes:
Why isn't TWC Today is Storm Alert yet? :whistling:
Hurray! Storm Alert! :dance:
I am glad is using their Storm Alert banner too. :yes:
Why isn't TWC Today is Storm Alert yet? :whistling:
Too far away yet. I'll probably put it into storm Alert tomorrow. :biggrin:
Did Adam just welcome us back to "Evening Edition West Coast"? :P
Ike is looking a little bit more organized the past few hours on the IR satellite loop. Will be interesting to see if the wind speeds pick up at all within the next 12 hours...
,,,it looks like Rich Johnson and Adam Berg Berg (according to the lower third) agree with me...
As of 12:18 CT, the 2008 Studio show Storm Alert music is playing for the LF.
Now back to the regular playlist...WTF?
As of 12:18 CT, the 2008 Studio show Storm Alert music is playing for the LF.
It's about time new music for storm alert aired!
As of 12:18 CT, the 2008 Studio show Storm Alert music is playing for the LF.
Really? Got a video? I know I should've skipped class today. :P
Holy crap, they've brought back the 2005 Storm Alert music as well for this one! Sweet!
(Video of the other one to come later)
All i'm hearing is the 2005 music. When will they air the new music?
I think they yanked it from the playlist after only one or two hours.
As of 12:18 CT, the 2008 Studio show Storm Alert music is playing for the LF.
Ah crap! I was in school then. I thought they would have played it last time.
Right now only the 2005 SA Theme and its 2006 remix are playing. This hour, the 2005 theme is being used for the 2-minute LFs. :D
IMO, they should mix it up and use all four themes. Can they do that? I don't think it would be that difficult to have a four song playlist... :P
I like the new Storm Alert graphics.It gives lots of information.The radar shows all the maps. :thumbsup:
Kim and Kevin are on now?!?
It was very surprising to me that TWC went into Storm Alert last night.
I was watching some of CNN's coverage, and that's all they had..was IKE IKE IKE
People act like a hurricane has never hit them before:rolleyes:
Kim and Kevin are on now?!?
Most likely they suspended Abrams and Bettes tonight.
And it looks like three days of rain for us in the Midwest, today and tomorrow from this system, and "torrential all-day rain" from Ike on Sunday.
Ugh. The rains here are going to suck come the start of the school week. It's been raining enough already! <_<
Thanks to Puckguy, and a possible Mistake at 1:18pm at the Local Forecast, I now have the complete Storm Alert Music
I like the new music! So they use 2 different cuts of the music on the lf?
I like that music, too. :yes:
I like the new music! So they use 2 different cuts of the music on the lf?
What are you referring to?
Anyway, here's the new theme played on the 2-minute LF earlier today followed by the technical difficulties that Gary mentioned earlier, which was then followed by an alternate cut of the Storm Alert theme for the teaser and opener.
And if you just want the LF...
Wow, so Carl Parker is in the studio again while Betty and Sam, for the second Storm Alert in a row, were told to take a load off. Surely that says something about what TWC thinks of their pairing...
Wow, so Carl Parker is in the studio again while Betty and Sam, for the second Storm Alert in a row, were told to take a load off. Surely that says something about what TWC thinks of their pairing...
I don't think Betty and Sam are a very good pairing. :no: IMO, they don't seem to work well together. But I also still don't understand the weird schedule for Storm Alert? Why were Kevin and Kim, the Weekend Now crew, doing PM Edition? :wacko:
I bet I'll see Dave/Jen in the morning...or is Jeff not in the field?
Carl Parker mentioned about 10 minutes ago for us to blog with him tonight ( - and that comments/questions posted may be featured on air tonight. For the heck of it I left a comment there, and I'm very curious to see if it actually does get featured on air tonight. :whistling:
Wow, so Carl Parker is in the studio again while Betty and Sam, for the second Storm Alert in a row, were told to take a load off. Surely that says something about what TWC thinks of their pairing...
I don't think Betty and Sam are a very good pairing. :no: IMO, they don't seem to work well together. But I also still don't understand the weird schedule for Storm Alert? Why were Kevin and Kim, the Weekend Now crew, doing PM Edition? :wacko:
Methinks TWC doesn't want Betty and Sam handling Storm Alert.
Anyway, Jeff's not in the field this time, so except him and Jen to do the early morning coverage.
Also, TWC is officially promoting Carl Parker's blog on and on the TV network; I wonder if TWC is starting to appreciate Carl again after moving him to weekends last year. I still miss him on PM Edition.
Also, is now entirely red for Storm Alert. They're really going all-out for this one!
Carl Parker mentioned about 10 minutes ago for us to blog with him tonight ([url][/url]) - and that comments/questions posted may be featured on air tonight. For the heck of it I left a comment there, and I'm very curious to see if it actually does get featured on air tonight. :whistling:
I don't see your (or any comments) there. It says "Comments (0)."
Carl Parker mentioned about 10 minutes ago for us to blog with him tonight ([url][/url]) - and that comments/questions posted may be featured on air tonight. For the heck of it I left a comment there, and I'm very curious to see if it actually does get featured on air tonight. :whistling:
Hmmm...the comment didn't post. Is something wrong with the site?
I believe the comments have to be approved before they are shown.
Hmmm...the comment didn't post. Is something wrong with the site?
It takes a while for them to appear (I believe they have to be manually approved). :yes:
Carl Parker mentioned about 10 minutes ago for us to blog with him tonight ([url][/url]) - and that comments/questions posted may be featured on air tonight. For the heck of it I left a comment there, and I'm very curious to see if it actually does get featured on air tonight. :whistling:
I would expect live blogging/Twittering to become a new norm for TWC. It's seemed to catch a full head of steam recently.
Hmmm...the comment didn't post. Is something wrong with the site?
It takes a while for them to appear (I believe they have to be manually approved). :yes:
What did you ask a question about anyway (in case it doesn't get approved or answered on air)?
My question got answered on-air once.
My question got answered on-air once.
Wow that's cool! When?
I also recall a time a picture Martin sent to TWC was shown live on-air too!
It was back when Gustav was happening.
I didn't send in a question about Ike, though.
I started to send in a picture of the tornado damage I had in my backyard, but since we were out of power for most of that weekend, I forgot about it.
We are now on "limited commercial interruption presented by Geico." :yes:
Huh...presented with limited commercial interruption by that damn gecko and Geico.
Dang...beat by Spring...
And that means we're down to local forecasts at the top and bottom of the hour only. I wonder what flavors we'll see?
Jim Cantore just said "We are having one hell of a night". Nothing wrong with saying hell just sounds unsual.
Jim Cantore just said "We are having one hell of a night". Nothing wrong with saying hell just sounds unsual.
I noticed he said that too and was shocked.
However, I think he's pretty frustrated (and he has a good reason to be) that 24 thousand people have NOT evacuated!?! :o Did I understand him right??? :dunno:
Didn't Jim say the s-word just a few hours ago on-air too? :unsure:
What are you referring to?
Anyway, here's the new theme played on the 2-minute LF earlier today followed by the technical difficulties that Gary mentioned earlier, which was then followed by an alternate cut of the Storm Alert theme for the teaser and opener.
And if you just want the LF...
The forecast seems to run a tad bit too long for the music. I think the forecast/music should have ended at that very last 3-note chime but it continued for about a couple of seconds more. Guess it doesn't matter that much though.
Also, where was this SA music from (from the quote below)? Bascially, it seems to loop the same music over and over. However, it's slightly different from the LF music and does not use the 3-note chimes within the music.
Thanks to Puckguy, and a possible Mistake at 1:18pm at the Local Forecast, I now have the complete Storm Alert Music
I heard Jim say something I never expected after all this years if him covering hurricanes, "I'm done, that's it" He's going in for the night.
Jim seems to be more dramatic this year compared to years past. Is Jim getting agitated or something?
I don't know, but it seems to me like he is.
Jim seems to be more dramatic this year compared to years past. Is Jim getting agitated or something?
Yeah he does seem a little more angry reporting tonight. Maybe he's upset that so many people refused to leave like idiots or he's just tired of that stupid earpiece giving him problems.
Jim seems to be more dramatic this year compared to years past. Is Jim getting agitated or something?
Yeah he does seem a little more angry reporting tonight. Maybe he's upset that so many people refused to leave like idiots or he's just tired of that stupid earpiece giving him problems.
Well he is the guy always sent out for these storms. It might be getting old for him
Paul and Sharon are on now? WTF?
Paul and Sharon are on now? WTF?
WTF? indeed. That is very odd. :wacko: :blink:
I was thinking that he sounded a little agitated too. after doing this for 15 or so years, maybe it IS starting to wear on him a little. :thinking:
Sharon is on with Paul tonight for EEWC. Paul is having a long shift tonight. Sharon is fittingly wearing red.
Spring beat me to the punch.
I don't believe Paul and Sharon have worked together on the air since Sharon started doing EEWC in 2006; before that Sharon used to be a primary fill-in on the big EE show, of course.
IMO, Jim is getting angry out there more than ever before. Does he not care about his public reputation the way he used to? He doesn't seem himself out there. Normally he's happy when he's out in the field...
He's been doing this for 22 years, I know he's the main guy they count on to report in these hurricanes, but even the best need a break or two.
Normally he's happy when he's out in the field...
He is never happy when he covers dangerous hurricanes.
Yeah, it seems like all this hurricane coverage is wearing on him...
Of course, we can only speculate that things are beginning to wear on him. Who knows what else could be going on. Maybe there's a familial problem or something. Or maybe there's some other reason for his issues of late. Whatever the reason, it sure is sad to see him so disgruntled. His enthusiasm in the field was (to me) what makes his reporting so good (we all remember how overjoyed he was to hear thundersnow, don't we?!). Its almost hard to watch him like this.
Is Mike Seidel not in HD? They just showed a shot of Mike out there on one of the big LCD TVs in studio, and the HD windowbox bars were present.
And Paul is still hanging in there for the 1 AM ET hour with Sharon. You can tell his voice is starting to go. Are Adam and Rich not available tonight?
I wonder if Adam is getting the "rookie" treatment and not being considered high-ranking enough to cover a landfall. If so, that's kind of a shame. Rich is probably being saved for the next hour.
No, Mike Seidel is not in HD. I think they currently only have one or two HD trucks/uplinks available.
Adam has just joined the Storm Alert gang! Now they have 3 OCMs!
Dr. Lyons just said, "Back to you, Paul, Alexandra." I guess he works by word association. :P
WTF? Now Paul and Rich?
Let Paul off for cryin' out loud! The poor man can barely talk!
I say let Paul get some rest. Usually, he signs off at 11:00. I feel for him. They needed to have Rich and Sharon on at midnight.
Why won't they just let Adam host the show? He's there, but apparently the powers that be don't want him to be at the forefront of their coverage.
Adam is now at the desk with Rich; maybe they finally decided to give in and do what they should have done in the first place.
EDIT: Nope, now they've got Paul doing the update at the projector wall, and his voice is almost completely gone. He needs to go home while Rich and Adam take it from here.
At around 1:40 AM ET, did anyone else notice a streaker run through the background of Jorma's shot?
That had to happen sometime.
At around 1:40 AM ET, did anyone else notice a streaker run through the background of Jorma's shot?
No more than 20 copies on YouTube already. Here's one recorded from the HD feed. (
And...Over goes Mike Bettes ( made my local news today!
Those winds were very strong. And whoever that was running in the back of Jorma like that, there's something wrong with them. Also, Mike endured some strong winds.
I assume you mean Mike Bettes. Last night, the winds he encountered peaked to 69 mph.
I was up til about 3 AM CDT, and during the 2AM hour of their coverage, they went to Jorma Duran, and there was no audio. After (Adam?) said, that they were having a few technical dificulties, Jorma looked pissed, it looked like he stomped off, and was yelling. It was actually fun
I assume you mean Mike Bettes. Last night, the winds he encountered peaked to 69 mph.
Yeah, Mike Bettes is the one that I was talking about.
I knew that Mike Seidel was covering it too.
They're back to doing LOT8s at :48 past. :yes: :happy:
About time :yes:
At around 1:40 AM ET, did anyone else notice a streaker run through the background of Jorma's shot?
And...Over goes Mike Bettes ([url][/url])..even made my local news today!
Holy moly that's hilarious! :rofl2: What time did these events air?
At around 1:40 AM ET, did anyone else notice a streaker run through the background of Jorma's shot?
And...Over goes Mike Bettes ([url][/url])..even made my local news today!
Holy moly that's hilarious! :rofl2: What time did these events air?
About 2:00 ET this morning. :yes:
I saw it, too. :happy:
Aah crap I went to bed at 1:27 am last night <_<
I guess they are winding down their Storm Alert mode. It is a minimal hurricane at this point. I'd be surprised if they are still in Alert Mode around the time of EE.
Adam is now at the desk with Rich; maybe they finally decided to give in and do what they should have done in the first place.
EDIT: Nope, now they've got Paul doing the update at the projector wall, and his voice is almost completely gone. He needs to go home while Rich and Adam take it from here.
Poor Paul. :( So what time did they finally let him go home? And how many hours did he work that night? I wonder if he'll be on again tonight. :dunno: Sure hope not. He probably has no voice now.
Yeah, Paul's voice was sounding very terrible this morning.
Now we've got Heather and Marshall hosting WWC today.
What in the world? :dunno:
What in the world? :dunno:
It's not all that unusual. They've done the afternoon shift in Storm Alert for past hurricanes. ;)
Did Heather say this is Day Planner just before they cut to commercial?
Wow, I'm surprised to see Marshall and Heather on at this time of day, on a weekend no less. :blink:
What in the world? :dunno:
It's not all that unusual. They've done the afternoon shift in Storm Alert for past hurricanes. ;)
I'm talking about I've never seen them work on weekends before.
I'm talking about I've never seen them work on weekends before.
They have before. :yes:
I'm talking about I've never seen them work on weekends before.
They have before. :yes:
I would've fainted if Nicole was on too. :faint:
I'm talking about I've never seen them work on weekends before.
They have before. :yes:
It must've been a good while back because I don't remember.
They did it in 2005 for a few hurricanes. Still, that was because landfall was imminent; I don't think this scenario merits having them on.
Oh, okay then
If anything, I would have expected them coming on the air this morning instead of in the afternoon, but oh well.
I see back at home in Chicago, there's significant flooding after 7 inches of rain fell due to a stalled out cold front and training storms. It has now become a secondary story on TWC next to Ike; in a way, it's pretty cool seeing my hometown on TWC with all of the red STORM ALERT graphics; indeed, the situation almost merits it. >_<
Here in Bloomington, IL, we're slated to get possibly 6 inches of rain from Ike tomorrow. That's not going to be fun. >_<
Hmmm...they're also doing the Weekly Planner YWT style...
Hmmm...they're also doing the Weekly Planner YWT style...
What's the YWT style? :unsure:
Instead of having the precip and temps separate, they present the precip for Sunday, then the temps for Sunday, then the precip for Monday, then the temps for Monday, etc.
Instead of having the precip and temps separate, they present the precip for Sunday, then the temps for Sunday, then the precip for Monday, then the temps for Monday, etc.
LOL!! :lol:
I can imagine that. :P
I'm quite shocked to see Heather and Marshall today!
LOL!! :lol:
What's so funny? :huh:
Storm Alert is over at 6 PM ET for PM Edition. Carl Parker and Kristina Abernathy are hosting.
Well, I guess that means that Rita will continue to hold the record for longest Storm Alert at 51 hours. This one only lasted 47 hours.
Did you guys see Carl and Kristina scrambling and confused at the top of the show? It's as if they didn't get the message that they were going on the air. Glad to see that typical PM Edition behavior is back. :P
I wonder if long-form will return tonight; Adam and Kristin obviously can't anchor the whole night, and I don't think Paul is well enough to work tonight (they finally let him off at 3 AM ET, BTW). I was honestly expecting to see a pairing like Warren and Kristina now followed by Carl and Alex on EE, but that's not going to happen now. I wonder if they might call in Rich and Sharon to "do that" tonight.
Indeed, the classic PME jitters continue. At the bottom of the hour, there was a long black screen, followed by the Weekly Planner opener, followed by another long black screen, then finally a sudden cut to Kristina at the desk.
...and no a forecast for Dallas for this past Wednesday. This show seriously must be being done by the old PME crew! :P
Stephen... was your question in Carl Parker's blog ever answered? I noticed that they were just answering some "view blog" questions on EE.
Stephen... was your question in Carl Parker's blog ever answered? I noticed that they were just answering some "view blog" questions on EE.
If you saw a question regarding the relationship between the hurricane winds and the pressure, then that one was mine. :yes: It seems it didn't get posted on the blog, though.
I was right, a special edition of the "Yeah, let's do that" show is next!
I was right, a special edition of the "Yeah, let's do that" show is next!
Yep, we're indeed doing that, on a Saturday night, nonetheless!
...and they're showing radar, so I guess that means that they'll be live though the night! I wonder if they'll have anyone else stepping in at 2 AM ET or if they'll have to do it all by themselves...
Ok, Ike is a depression now; can we lose the Red Bar of Doom?
I wonder if Adam is getting the "rookie" treatment and not being considered high-ranking enough to cover a landfall. If so, that's kind of a shame. Rich is probably being saved for the next hour.
No, Mike Seidel is not in HD. I think they currently only have one or two HD trucks/uplinks available.
Well, if they can't get Delta (HD Truck) to where ever they are, they use local station trucks, some of which are HD, and some that are not.
For those who don't know... I just wanted to post in response to a few posts about Jim out in the field and how he seems more, or in this case less dramatic than before and sort of seems wound down and out of energy.
I'm not sure how many of you are aware, but Jim has a family with some challenges. His wife, Tamra, has Parkinson's and both of his children were diagnosed with some hereditary challenges...
You can read up on it here:
He seems to get rather upset and worried when he is away from his family for long periods of time, such as said Hurricanes.
For those who don't know... I just wanted to post in response to a few posts about Jim out in the field and how he seems more, or in this case less dramatic than before and sort of seems wound down and out of energy.
I'm not sure how many of you are aware, but Jim has a family with some challenges. His wife, Tamra, has Parkinson's and both of his children were diagnosed with some hereditary challenges...
You can read up on it here:
He seems to get rather upset and worried when he is away from his family for long periods of time, such as said Hurricanes.
I was aware of those things, and I can certainly understand where Jim's coming from. I'd be worried too if I was in that situation. But it doesn't explain anything. Jim's been doing hurricanes for years. His recent change in demeanor seems to be just that-recent. Its not something I've noticed before. If this was the explanation, he wouldn't have come to be known as the guy who loves to be in the middle of hurricanes. He certainly hasn't demonstrated much of a love for it recently.
I was aware of those things, and I can certainly understand where Jim's coming from. I'd be worried too if I was in that situation. But it doesn't explain anything. Jim's been doing hurricanes for years. His recent change in demeanor seems to be just that-recent. Its not something I've noticed before. If this was the explanation, he wouldn't have come to be known as the guy who loves to be in the middle of hurricanes. He certainly hasn't demonstrated much of a love for it recently.
This is true.
I forget who said this here, but its true, even the best / greatest just need a break.
I was aware of those things, and I can certainly understand where Jim's coming from. I'd be worried too if I was in that situation. But it doesn't explain anything. Jim's been doing hurricanes for years. His recent change in demeanor seems to be just that-recent. Its not something I've noticed before. If this was the explanation, he wouldn't have come to be known as the guy who loves to be in the middle of hurricanes. He certainly hasn't demonstrated much of a love for it recently.
This is true.
I forget who said this here, but its true, even the best / greatest just need a break.
True indeed. And if that's all it is, I'll be very relieved. I'm just worried that there could be more to it than that. Thankfully though, if that's it it looks like Jim's gonna get a break, as the tropics seem quiet currently. Maybe he'll have some time to take his family on a nice vacation or something.