TWC Today Forums
Present - The Weather Channel 2000 => Programming and Graphics => Topic started by: Trevor on June 04, 2010, 02:06:03 PM
Haven't seen it? Take a look!
is this what your talking about trevor?
:yes: I just posted more pics.
Wonderful shots! i wish twc used this ldl for all HD programming then viewers would be able to watch any show in 16:9 format
We'll see when PME comes just came on at 2 PM ET..........
Sorry for the double post, but does this mean the HD STAR is in the VERY near future????? :thrilled:
I see it essentially shows some of the same information as the LDA. If it's for all programming, then the LDA will be redundant.
I see it essentially shows some of the same information as the LDA. If it's for all programming, then the LDA will be redundant.
Yea.... :yes:
I'm very confused. :wacko: What is this LDL replacing? The LDA? :unsure:
It actually debuted yesterday or the day before, I can't remember. And it seems they're only using it during long form, for now anyway.
Sorry for the double post, but does this mean the HD STAR is in the VERY near future????? :thrilled:
They have nothing to do with each other. Two different departments handle the HD STAR and the HD national displays.
Glad I saw this topic, I took a pic to post in case no one else saw it. :happy:
i love hd :yes: B) :happy:
I think it would an awesome addition for all programming!
Hopefully sooner rather than later.
I think it would an awesome addition for all programming!
Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Yeah. :yes: Right now it seems that it is only being used on long-form, but I wish it would replace that darn LDA (I know, the LDA is useful, doesn't cover up anything, blah, blah...I still dislike it :angry:).
While I like the new LDL, I think as far as usefulness is concerned, the LDA is far more useful. It has radar, a nowcast, etc. The LDL just has current weather and a 2 day.
i love hd :yes: B) :happy:
Welcome to the forums, Joshua! :)
While I like the new LDL, I think as far as usefulness is concerned, the LDA is far more useful. It has radar, a nowcast, etc. The LDL just has current weather and a 2 day.
Even if The LDL was to use the Radar on the bottom left side (like the LDA does) i think it would be an awesome fit.
Hopefully that is in the works Below is my take on what the LDL might look like full time.
:offtopic: Has anyone seen the HD LDA this morning? It is frozen on "Memphis", which is good for me because that's where I live. But, get this: The Kansas City, MO radar is being shown with a "Memphis" label :blink:
Even if The LDL was to use the Radar on the bottom left side (like the LDA does) i think it would be an awesome fit.
Hopefully that is in the works Below is my take on what the LDL might look like full time.
The blank area where you put the radar is for ads.
No HD LDA today? What gives?
Is there a chance in the future that this LDL would be used for all HD programming? and take the place of the LDA?
Is there a chance in the future that this LDL would be used for all HD programming? and take the place of the LDA?
That's what I've been wondering. :yes: I don't like the LDA, but Tyler says it is much more useful, so TWC will take into account what the average viewer wants and likely keep it.
Well, it's weird how the design of the long form LDL is inconsistent with the LDA. You'd think they'd aim for a uniform appearance across the board.
Is there a chance in the future that this LDL would be used for all HD programming? and take the place of the LDA?
Probably since I doubt the HD STAR has an LDA
I still haven't seen this, sadly. I think it's a step in the right direction. Utilize the lower third of the screen with scrolling information while showing different info in the other 2/3 of the screen. I'm VERY excited for the HDStar. Then I can FINALLY get some use from TWC HD!
I still haven't seen this, sadly. I think it's a step in the right direction. Utilize the lower third of the screen with scrolling information while showing different info in the other 2/3 of the screen. I'm VERY excited for the HDStar. Then I can FINALLY get some use from TWC HD!
....the waiting is the hardest part :P
HD LDL Debuts on WUWA in 16:9 glory!
Well, it's weird how the design of the long form LDL is inconsistent with the LDA. You'd think they'd aim for a uniform appearance across the board.
Right now, TWC's graphics are kind of all over the place, at least to me.
HD LDL now debuts on WC
That's pretty amazing that we get to go without the LDA on the "main" shows now! I really didn't think they'd do something like this. Hopefully it's permanent.
PME still had the LDA/LDL combo. Other than that, it's amazing to see the full 16:9 glory on TWC HD again! :dance:
We'll only see the new HD LDL and 16:9 picture on the "main shows": WUWA, YWT, 7pm WC, WV, and WN.
We'll only see the new HD LDL and 16:9 picture on the "main shows": WUWA, YWT, 7pm WC, WV, and WN.
The way HD is supposed to be like. :happy:
Once the IntelliStar2 rolls out, HD STAR viewers won't see the LDA at all. The IntelliStar2 will have a 15% and 33% LDL as the current SD IntelliStar does.
Once the IntelliStar2 rolls out, HD STAR viewers won't see the LDA at all. The IntelliStar2 will have a 15% and 33% LDL as the current SD IntelliStar does.
is the star going to roll out to all companies that carry TWC HD, or just some? i've been a little confused on that topic.
and, how many LDL's exist on TWC, again? lol :P
Once the IntelliStar2 rolls out, HD STAR viewers won't see the LDA at all. The IntelliStar2 will have a 15% and 33% LDL as the current SD IntelliStar does.
is the star going to roll out to all companies that carry TWC HD, or just some? i've been a little confused on that topic.
and, how many LDL's exist on TWC, again? lol :P
Any cable company that carries TWC is required to have a STAR (as part of the carriage agreement). So, any cable company that has an SD IntelliStar now, and provides and HD feed, will be required to have an IntelliStar2 (the HD STAR).
As for the LDLs, hmm I'm not sure. Here's the ones I can think off of the top of my head:
- Domestic IntelliStar 15%
- Domestic IntelliStar 33%
- Left Display Area
- HD L-Bar
And then eventually the 15% and 33% LDLs when the IntelliStar2 launches.
I still haven't seen this, sadly. I think it's a step in the right direction. Utilize the lower third of the screen with scrolling information while showing different info in the other 2/3 of the screen. I'm VERY excited for the HDStar. Then I can FINALLY get some use from TWC HD!
....the waiting is the hardest part :P
lol, ahhh Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. Yeah, I finally saw it. Definitely looks schnazzier than the SD Star version. I'm still waiting for the STARs to be updated to include the HD feed.
has anyone noticed that with this new HD LDL the TWC Logo is not 16:9 safe? it kinda bugs me.
has anyone noticed that with this new HD LDL the TWC Logo is not 16:9 safe? it kinda bugs me.
Doesn't have to be, since you'll only see this on the HD channel. Of course, that doesn't explain the dead space on the other side of the HD LDL.
has anyone noticed that with this new HD LDL the TWC Logo is not 16:9 safe? it kinda bugs me.
IIRC the HD logo is in the exact same place it's been in since the 3/11/10 graphics launch. :unsure:
has anyone noticed that with this new HD LDL the TWC Logo is not 16:9 safe? it kinda bugs me.
Doesn't have to be, since you'll only see this on the HD channel. Of course, that doesn't explain the dead space on the other side of the HD LDL.
The "Dead Space" on the Left side of the LDL is for as Tyler pointed out Ad space
The only Ad TWC seems to be testing is the "Wake Up With AL."
The "Dead Space" on the Left side of the LDL is for as Tyler pointed out Ad space
The only Ad TWC seems to be testing is the "Wake Up With AL."
Which I've yet to see used on that HD LDL.
As an aside, anyone's Intellistar still out? The one here in New Orleans (don't have the ID) has been out since last night at least.
has anyone noticed that with this new HD LDL the TWC Logo is not 16:9 safe? it kinda bugs me.
Doesn't have to be, since you'll only see this on the HD channel. Of course, that doesn't explain the dead space on the other side of the HD LDL.
you misread, i said 16:9 safe...not 4:3 safe. i didn't mention anything about SD.
IIRC the HD logo is in the exact same place it's been in since the 3/11/10 graphics launch. :unsure:
it definitely has shifted (for this new LDL that is), i'll try to capture a few shots. hopefully this will show what i'm talking about.
edit: based off of the pictures on the first page of this topic, it appears fine---i wonder what gives? still gonna take screen shots, and maybe play around with the settings on my tv.
the logo is safe on the LDA/5 Day Forecast combination, but with the new LDL it's off
Is DirecTV supposed to be getting a national Intellistar2, or are they going to remain without a Star? If they don't get a Star, what will be displayed on screen during studio programming? I don't see a way for the LDA to still exist since that's generated at TWC. If the LDA won't exist for cable viewers with an Intellistar2, surely it couldn't exist for viewers without a Star, right?
Just as the SD channel has nationally-broadcast LDLs and the HD feed has nationally-broadcast LDLs and sidebars, I'm sure there will be something similar to this for viewers without an Intellistar on the HD channel once the HD Intellistar starts to be used.
Today's PM Edition w/ LDA (
Weather Center w/ new HD LDL ( (
is it just my tv :unsure:
Does something look wrong to you?
yeah, the logo on the new hd ldl is not 16:9 safe and the "om" in .com is cut off.
but based off of the pictures on the first page it is 16:9 safe. it was also said that the logo position hasn't changed on the HD feed, but based off of these pictures i took today...the logo shifted (on the new LDL)
i'm not really sure how to explain it...
yeah, the logo on the new hd ldl is not 16:9 safe and the "om" in .com is cut off.
but based off of the pictures on the first page it is 16:9 safe. it was also said that the logo position hasn't changed on the HD feed, but based off of these pictures i took today...the logo shifted (on the new LDL)
i'm not really sure how to explain it...
It seems to just be your TV. :dunno:
On my big HDTV in the living room it's Weather (without the .com)
but in my room it shows up normally.
They need to learn about overscan areas. It's just as bad on the large national SD LDL where the ".com" is cut off on most TVs.
I noticed that as well...and it's only on the new LDL. The old logos (both SD and HD) were in the right location but the new logos are too far to the right and get cut off. TWC should have kept the HD LDL that is used on the LOT8s. It's cleaner, it has pertinent information, fits with TWC's graphic set and it just looks good. *shrug*
They should find a place to add a clock, IMO. Maybe under the ad or somewhere near the TWC logo?
They need to learn about overscan areas. It's just as bad on the large national SD LDL where the ".com" is cut off on most TVs.
The "m" in ".com" is cut off on both SD LDLs on my TV.
- They're displaying a Storm Stories ad in the corner on top of the LDA's radar. Is this a simple mistake, or is this a sign of changes ahead?
I'm guessing it's just a simple mistake given that the language around here suggests that nothing is going to change in the immediate future, but it's worth speculating. :P
I really need to start watching channel 245 again. Always leave my tuner on channel 36, by force of habit :P
What times have people seen the new LDL? I need to see it on my tuner (no HDTVs in the house). As for the ad, it sounds like a mistake to me too, but again, I haven't watched TWC [HD] much lately.
I really need to start watching channel 245 again. Always leave my tuner on channel 36, by force of habit :P
What times have people seen the new LDL? I need to see it on my tuner (no HDTVs in the house). As for the ad, it sounds like a mistake to me too, but again, I haven't watched TWC [HD] much lately.
You'll see it during long form and these shows WUWA, YWT, 7pm WC, WV, and WN.
Overscan 101 (
Thankfully my TV isnt too bad with it
No LDA or LDL for the first segment of Day Planner today. A blank black LDA just turned on during the commercials.
This is like most new technology when it comes out. Modifications will be made as bugs are ironed out. I agree that the LDL that is already on the HD LF should be used "channel-wide", if you know what I mean, but I think the one that is used during programming is fine. Just needs a clock.
+1 for clock. Why have they been forgetting about this in recent history?? A clock has been in TWC programming since I can remember in some shape or form. I still wish they would have stayed with the LDL that is currently used for the LOT8s...with a couple modifications to show currents for cities and such.
The clock has been a thing since the launch. It was used on the first Star, but, that's just old TWC. They are simply cutting corners nowadays for ad space or other stuff. But I dont see why they wont insert a simple clock :pinch:
so...any reason why PM Edition Weekend gets the new LDL, and the weekday edition doesn't :club:
BLAH. lol
so...any reason why PM Edition Weekend gets the new LDL, and the weekday edition doesn't :club:
BLAH. lol
This is the long form schedule. :yes:
so...any reason why PM Edition Weekend gets the new LDL, and the weekday edition doesn't :club:
BLAH. lol
This is the long form schedule. :yes:
yeah, i just figured that out as they just mentioned it on TWC. haha oops
so...any reason why PM Edition Weekend gets the new LDL, and the weekday edition doesn't :club:
BLAH. lol
This is the long form schedule. :yes:
yeah, i just figured that out as they just mentioned it on TWC. haha oops
Hey Al, I just looked on my TV and saw it indeed shifted. In fact, it's worse on my TV than yours. :pinch:
( ( ( (
Looks like TWC finally removed the LDA on PME Weekend
I'm seeing the Small LDL right now.
Odd, the screen was scrunched from 16:9 to 4:3 on PME just now. Looks like they still haven't completely ironed out the LDA.
Odd, the screen was scrunched from 16:9 to 4:3 on PME just now. Looks like they still haven't completely ironed out the LDA.
Seems to be full 16:9 now!
- (
Has the LDA met its demise? A blank black LDA keeps automatically triggering at the start of every segment, but they immediately remove it in lieu of using the new HD LDL with full 16:9 picture.
Nope, false alarm. The LDA returned for the second hour of FO. It must have been broken all last hour.
So is the LDA only used now when the big LDL is on SD? :dunno: I wish they would trash it all together. :yes:
So is the LDA only used now when the big LDL is on SD? :dunno: I wish they would trash it all together. :yes:
They most likely will soon.
Actually, it won't. I have learned that the LDA will continue to show (during programming that uses the 33% LDL) even with the HD STAR's 33% LDL (so you will see the left strip of data, not the bottom 5 day forecasts).
Actually, it won't. I have learned that the LDA will continue to show (during programming that uses the 33% LDL) even with the HD STAR's 33% LDL (so you will see the left strip of data, not the bottom 5 day forecasts).
Makes sense so you can see national forecast data in addition to local data. :yes:
I think it's stupid. Once I have local info, I don't care what the weather for the next 6 hours in Dallas.
If anything, why didn't they engineer the HD Star to display local info in the LDA?
Actually, it won't. I have learned that the LDA will continue to show (during programming that uses the 33% LDL) even with the HD STAR's 33% LDL (so you will see the left strip of data, not the bottom 5 day forecasts).
I like that idea. Now... we just have to wait for the HD Intellistar to come out... and for cable companies to actually start using it!
I think it's stupid. Once I have local info, I don't care what the weather for the next 6 hours in Dallas.
Those who are traveling would though.
I think it's stupid. Once I have local info, I don't care what the weather for the next 6 hours in Dallas.
Don't be hating on Dallas, Tyler. :club: :P
So let me get this straight...HD will soon have a "big"local LDL that will be shown WITH an only national LDA? And a "small" local LDL will be shown alone with no LDA?
TOO CONFUSING!!! :wacko:
Day Planner now has the HD LDL
EDIT: SD also using small LDL so i guess DP is now a 16:9 show with no more LDA
It's just for severe weather coverage. They've done this every day that there's been severe weather.
Actually, it won't. I have learned that the LDA will continue to show (during programming that uses the 33% LDL) even with the HD STAR's 33% LDL (so you will see the left strip of data, not the bottom 5 day forecasts).
Thats got to be about THE DUMBEST thing I have heard of. Does TWC give a crap anymore about the quality of their on air presentation with the ldls? Its bad enough the alert scrolls still go over and our very obvious with the 33% ldl. ~facepalm~
Actually, it won't. I have learned that the LDA will continue to show (during programming that uses the 33% LDL) even with the HD STAR's 33% LDL (so you will see the left strip of data, not the bottom 5 day forecasts).
Thats got to be about THE DUMBEST thing I have heard of. Does TWC give a crap anymore about the quality of their on air presentation with the ldls? Its bad enough the alert scrolls still go over and our very obvious with the 33% ldl. ~facepalm~
I couldn't have said that any better... TWC is really starting to annoy me now just for those reasons. Now I am happy to not even get the HD feed.
Well this is odd... Notify! ad on the Intellistar LDL, yet a WUWA ad on the HD feed.
They're two completely different ad systems, so unless it's a paid sponsor ad, it's not really important that they match.
Well this is odd... Notify! ad on the Intellistar LDL, yet a WUWA ad on the HD feed.
Yeah, the ads hardly ever match, and that really doesn't bother me. :no:
I have a question about the LDL in general, though: is it "cued" by the STAR or some "control" at TWC? :dunno: Because on some segments, you can see the LDL...I don't remember ever seeing the blue one on segments. :no:
That's because the national LDL is no longer cued by a STAR, but by the control room. As such, it's glued to the screen and will show on the segments.
Can you please change the topic name to just New HD LDL (without the question mark)? Or at least something simular? I think we know that there is a new LDL, and that it's not a question anymore.
Thanks! B)
HD LDL on for special coverage today but weirdly on SD its the Big LDL :wacko:
HD LDL on for special coverage today but weirdly on SD its the Big LDL :wacko:
My guess is that it gives HD viewers the chance to see a bigger picture.
HD LDL on for special coverage today but weirdly on SD its the Big LDL :wacko:
My guess is that it gives HD viewers the chance to see a bigger picture.
It's a "special coverage" day. The small LDL is supposed to be showing, but network control doesn't realize that, and is cuing the large IS LDL over the small national LDL/L3rds.
I am amazed how nice TWC looks in its intended 16:9 ratio. Finally!
I don't want to sound technologically uneducated, but why does everything in HD have to be 16:9? I don't understand why you can't have 4:3 HD programming.
I don't want to sound technologically uneducated, but why does everything in HD have to be 16:9? I don't understand why you can't have 4:3 HD programming.
You could, and HD stations actually do broadcast a good amount of 4:3 programming - some commercials and older programs that weren't made in widescreen format.
However, 4:3 programming on an HD television leaves black bars (called "pillarboxing") on the left and right of the screen. Some people don't like letterboxing (black bars on the top and bottom of their standard definition TV screen), and some people don't like pillarboxing.
I don't want to sound technologically uneducated, but why does everything in HD have to be 16:9? I don't understand why you can't have 4:3 HD programming.
With the LDA on, it essentially IS 4:3 HD programming, in a sense anyway.
IIRC, CNBC-HD+ uses 4:3 HD programming all the time because they use the right wing area (similar to TWC's LDA) for current stock updates, etc.
ESPNews also uses a type of LDA like TWC and shrinks the programming to a 16:9 feel
The "forecast update" at 1:30am EDT, before long form programming was in 16:9 format on the SD channel..
has anyone noticed this before, Its a first to me..
and sorry its kinda off topic. :happy:
I haven't had time to see MSNBC HD because it just got added to DirecTV last month, and pretty much all news stations except Fox News (who actually letterboxes their SD feed these days) and CNN have 4:3 HD feeds to display extra info. NFL Network HD sometimes does this concept, although they actually shrink the screen more to have a full 16:9 display.
Noticed This Error @ 6:00pm EDT yesterday for a split second (HD) Looks to be a new 30-33% LDL
Noticed This Error @ 6:00pm EDT yesterday for a split second (HD) Looks to be a new 30-33% LDL
Actually, I like this "error" very much!
Interesting. So now I guess HD viewers will soon get an LDL with info. relating to their STAR. :yes:
No HD LDL or LDA at all on FO today. The blank LDA box keeps sliding in at the start of every segment, but they quickly remove it. Now, at the bottom of the hour, this appeared:
( (
No HD LDL or LDA at all on FO today. The blank LDA box keeps sliding in at the start of every segment, but they quickly remove it. Now, at the bottom of the hour, this appeared:
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
What's up with the blacked out version of the old TWC HD logo bug?
The death of TWC HD? :bleh:
The death of TWC HD? :bleh:
LOL I was thinking about that too..
Its called Fail Outlook. :P
Updated pictures
Hopefully this premieres in the near future.
Just to clarify, you photoshopped the LDL in, right? I have a feeling that it really didn't air when those pics were taken... Correct me if I'm wrong.
Just to clarify, you photoshopped the LDL in, right? I have a feeling that it really didn't air when those pics were taken... Correct me if I'm wrong.
He doesn't have Photoshop on his PC, I've asked Alex that question numerous times myself :P
Just to clarify, you photoshopped the LDL in, right? I have a feeling that it really didn't air when those pics were taken... Correct me if I'm wrong.
I Photoshopped it in just hoping to show what it might look like in the future.
Just to clarify, you photoshopped the LDL in, right? I have a feeling that it really didn't air when those pics were taken... Correct me if I'm wrong.
I Ms-painted them in just hoping to show what it might look like in the future.
yus that's what I thought xD
Just to clarify, you photoshopped the LDL in, right? I have a feeling that it really didn't air when those pics were taken... Correct me if I'm wrong.
I Ms-painted them in just hoping to show what it might look like in the future.
yus that's what I thought xD
For future reference: the term "photoshopped" generally means the image was somehow doctored...not that the person actually has Photoshop.
I wonder if the new HD LDL that i posted would be used soon.
Did it appear only during beta testing?
Did it appear only during beta testing?
Either that or it just popped up by mistake.
That 33% LDL should be used cuz the LDA/LDL combo has been freezing too much and im sure normal viewers can notice it getting stuck. The LDA prior to March 11th never or hardly had these issues
That 33% LDL should be used cuz the LDA/LDL combo has been freezing too much and im sure normal viewers can notice it getting stuck. The LDA prior to March 11th never or hardly had these issues
Plus it would make alot of sense to do that and not see a huge bar shrinking the screen on the left side of the HDTV
I think I saw that blank LDL once before. I didn't realize it was on the HD looks just like the 33% SD LDL. :yes:
Anyway, I would much rather them use that than the stupid LDA that ALWAYS gets stuck. :rolleyes: Does TWC even know it's doing that? :wacko:
The LDA runs on Viz which can often mess up such as putting out blank data and the freezing kinda reminds me of the national squeezeback version that was used from late 2008 to mid 2009 (
which i think also ran on Viz) having a hard time fading cities to cities (you can notice below)
The Weather Channel- National LBar (
EDIT: The squeezeback was not run on Viz. Confirmed over an IM.
I think I saw that blank LDL once before. I didn't realize it was on the HD looks just like the 33% SD LDL. :yes:
Anyway, I would much rather them use that than the stupid LDA that ALWAYS gets stuck. :rolleyes: Does TWC even know it's doing that? :wacko:
yep it looks way better than the SD 33% LDL
New Bedford, MA Local Forecast: 7/22/10 Narration Failure (
Towards the end of the video
Looks like the unidentified HD LDL showed up during a SS promo today @ 3:17pm EDT
Seems the LDL cues during the 8's during longform
The L-Bar has Returned!
Interesting! :thrilled: Maybe this is why the large LDL had not been showing for awhile on SD.
I'm not quite clear, though, on the use of this new HD 33% LDL. I didn't think a large LDL would be used during long-form. :thinking: What I would hope for though is complete discontinuation of the LDA.
Interesting! :thrilled: Maybe this is why the large LDL had not been showing for awhile on SD.
I'm not quite clear, though, on the use of this new HD 33% LDL. I didn't think a large LDL would be used during long-form. :thinking: What I would hope for though is complete discontinuation of the LDA.
This is just me but i doubt anything since 2008 has been discontinued from TWC.. It could still be in their systems even if it wasnt to be aired unless a miscue happened :P
(OT but relevant to my above statement as a thought and observation) In a nutshell i think the blue LDLs with multiple tabs used outside the LF could make a rare appearance, or DirecTV gaining their LF LDL back (the one that only has a NOW tab and loops the 40-city CC's), and stuff such as the return of the old TWC HD bug earlier this year, some Viz graphics displaying the 2006-2010 icons, and better yet, when Weekend Outlook was still around, in its first few weeks intros from 2003-05 were used on air :yes:
The Weather Channel HD Local On The 8's Forecast Line (
I have to admit I love the new LDL. I love the sleek and shiny appearance that the colors have. But with all this talk of the LDL, I have to wonder, did HD viewers see any overlay (LDL) on programming before the LDA came out in April or May 2009?
I have to admit I love the new LDL. I love the sleek and shiny appearance that the colors have. But with all this talk of the LDL, I have to wonder, did HD viewers see any overlay (LDL) on programming before the LDA came out in April or May 2009?
No. From September 2008 until the LDAs launch, a TWC |HD| logo appeared and prior to that (since Ive been a viewer of TWC HD), the TWC logo appeared just like the SD one in the same place as the SD one and disappeared just like the SD one, however the text was absent on the HD feed below the logo