Please excuse all the replies...
After reading through posts and such, I seriously hope that for TWC's well being that this isn't the final product. That looks half-
for a studio. The anchor desks look like they're made out of white cardboard that has been folded and cut to form a desk. The floor/stage area for that (the 'desk') just appears to be a large plastic box-like platform and the entire floor looks terrible where you can see the 'stage' ending. What in the world are they thinking? This is a studio? I sincerely hope they're also going to make more use of the space they have, but given that the weather producer desk is now out in the floor where the old desk w/ the four monitors were, I'm thinking that's unlikely. Goodness, TWC, what in the world have you done to your once beautiful studio. 
I agree with you, Donovan. I would *hope* that the desk there is just a placeholder as mightynine said. Because I thought I remember seeing or reading somewhere that a new anchor desk was going to be put in, and the one there now looks like it could snap in half and crumble to pieces in minutes. It would be hard to go from that huge, swivel desk to this cheap piece of crap, but then again, TWC has done crazier things before.
With all the long form programming TWC has, do they really need a big set?
I'm surprised they are even getting a new studio. The other one was pretty spiffy.
I am also surprised they are updating the studio. Going along with what Eric said, if they are increasing long-form, what is the purpose of even remodeling the studio? However, I wonder if they are trying to confine the studio to a smaller space now, and they will be filling the excess space with something else we don’t know about yet?
I'm very excited to see all the new graphics and the new studio on Tuesday! I'm practically refreshing this page every 5 minutes to see if there's anything new to see lol. And then of course when I see there's a new post in here I get all excited 
However, after reading thru the posts the last few months and especially the last couple of weeks...does the following seem like what is going to be the new norm at TWC?...
-No live weather coverage during week days after 8pm
-No live weather coverage during weekend days after 2pm
-When there's severe weather during those "off hours" only people in the local areas being affected by severe weather will have live, severe weather coverage, while the rest of the country is forced to watch the reality shows?
Do I understand correctly?
I think that is correct. At least, that's what I have understood so far.