I haven't seen anything posted about this, unless I missed it. If so, I apologize.
Both Kim Cunningham and Maria LaRosa posted pictures on Facebook saying it's their last time one the "old set." A new one will debut in about two weeks to go along with the new changes.
Looked up Kim and Maria, and you’re right. I’m starting to think this will be a Major Relaunch! Bigger than 2005! A New Set??? I’m surprised! Wonder what they will do to the set? Also wondering, what will debut first the graphics, or the set? Did anyone watch Prospector’s Season Debut last night? I saw the end of it so I could watch WCL. After the credits, I saw something that looked like an ID. It looked the ID’s I’ve seen on TWC’s latest YouTube Videos. I didn’t hear as I was on my laptop with headphones and was not expecting it, and it happened fast. Did anyone else see it? Was it an ID or a Prospectors copyright?
Not much happening today, DP was in the studio I can’t remember the name of. Did it used to be Lighing Rod’s? It wasn’t the GFC. Wonder where WCL will be later today?