If TWC is going to eliminate full screen LOT8s for IS and IS2 viewers, they would also have to think about adding new LDLs and squeezebacks for legacy STAR units that are still in use by some cable headends
Otherwise, XL, 4000 and Junior viewers won't be able to see their local weather anymore.
Legacy STAR units are dead. Its only a matter of time, probably within the next 12-24 months before the old backend feed is killed. Most of the units are probably held together by dust and its frankly a miracle that they are still functioning as well as they are. I'm sad to see them go but servicing and running 20+ year old computers isn't practical, profitable or sensible. Even the current IS hardware will likely be revised in the coming years as that hardware is approaching nearly a decades worth of use.
Haha, TWC just wasted tons of money on the IS2 deployment only for the LOT8s to be scrapped. .gif)
Not sure how you figure that. Pushing high definition video to a headend requires massive amounts of computer equipment and the on air graphics are still going to be generated using it. The STARs are more than LOT8s.
Too much information is just as bad as too little information.
Very true. Its part of the reason why the Local on the 8s has changed to a simpler form. When the IS launched it was all about features, features, features! Bus forecasts, ski forecasts, getaway forecasts, etc. Now its a more concise set of information geared toward whats relevant to the user.