Why am I not surprised... The 30 minute updates have an up and down to them.
The up? Some areas don't have the IS. However, i'm sure that's not the reasons since if they killed the legacy LDLs (for when they had the big and small LDL, not anymore so excuse:invalid) plus not having a squeezeback (enjoy that national forecast for cities that can be far far away, take Big Bear for example, that's in the mountains!) then obviously that's not the reason.
However, the 30 minute interval keeps the updates sooner than they used to have them when they had

and a

The down? Well, Severe weather can strike in an instant. Since TWC obviously could care less about anything
weather these days, then obviously of course they won't utilize the dual feed. That right there, is laziness, just like as I mentioned the LDLs and squeezebacks. the XL can AT LEAST show an LDL during that time, or if they devoted a little time, make a squeezeback, it's capable of doing so, they just have their heads in the clouds working with the new equipment leaving older ones at a disadvantage. I bet the IS will no longer be getting anymore updates, since the IS2 is rolling out.