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Messages - wxmediafan

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I don't get why they chose Sunday night to return to live programming, either.  :dunno:

Sunday nights, at least when I worked in TV news, had the highest ratings of the week probably because people were preparing for the week ahead.  I would guess that's why they would have live programming.  Probably gives the image as to having more live content than they actually do.
You are correct.  Usually Sunday's and Monday's have the highest ratings. 

Kelly Cass and Kim Cunningham are a GREAT team!  Just thought I'd say that.

General Discussion / Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« on: February 02, 2011, 02:40:51 PM »
update: the state of texas is experiencing rolling black outs so that the power grid does not fail.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which manages electric power to 22 million Texas customers, has declared a level 3 Energy Emergency Alert. ERCOT urges customers to reduce consumption of energy due to an overload on the system. Level 3 requires "firm load shedding" to restore and maintain system frequency, according to the council.
Dang! Hope power gets returned to you soon, Al.
Jim Cantore's reaction is PRICELESS!  I was hoping to experience some thundersnow during this storm, however that did not happen.  A couple of my friends who live south of my area said they saw it.  What an amazing phenomenon to experience, I imagine.

16.7" from the blizzard, 18.4" since Monday.  This is my areas 2nd largest snowstorm on record.  If that 18.4" had been all from the blizzard, the record would have been tied for the largest.  Worst storm since 1974 here!

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: February 02, 2011, 02:37:58 PM »
The past hour, and this hour of Weather Center has been in the old studio/satellite center/expert desk, presumably so whoever is anchoring the rest of the night is recording their segments now.
That or either, since there is so much going on right now, they are in there so everyone can communicate easily and get the data to us quicker.
The former is more probable.
In your opinion yes, but Chris and Crystal are also in the old studio now, and what would they need to tape? They probably want all live reports since they weather is bad with this storm.
It's possible you may be right, lol... It's still live at 1am, as per the tickers in the satellite center.

I was surprised they were live at that time.  Kudos to TWC.

Winter Weather / Re: January 31st-February 2nd Superstorm
« on: January 31, 2011, 05:13:46 PM »
Blizzard Warning issued from 3PM Tuesday until 6PM Wednesday. Absolutely crazy.  I cannot believe this is happening to me :P 

Last night it looked like 18"+ of snow here, however it looks like that may be more near 10"-14" with isolated higher amounts.  I am going to be on the lookout for some thunder snow.

Winter Weather / Re: January 31st-February 2nd Superstorm
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:08:15 AM »
Rather interesting how the media gives every storm now a name.

Interesting indeed.

Also, the journalists and meteorologists here and on The Weather Channel (Kelly and Adam mentioned it a few times last night) are really emphasizing that they are not trying to scare people, just inform.  Using words like "crippling" and "dangerous" do not really comfort me :P.

Looks like the storm might track a smidge southward than last night, so my area is going to get probably 12-15" instead of the 13-18" previously thought.  I am completely okay with that :D.

The only weather that I absolutely dread is ICE.  I'd rather see 3 feet of snow than a 1/2 inch of ice.  Dangerous stuff right there.

Winter Weather / Re: January 31st-February 2nd Superstorm
« on: January 30, 2011, 10:47:31 PM »
Looking for 13-18 inches plus snow here :D  I am pretty stoked. 

Everything Else TWC / Re: What would you do to improve TWC?
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:35:33 PM »
I just thought of another one. Actually show the Wekkly Planner go beyond like two days (precip and temps) They are always rushing it. It's basically serving no purpose now when they do that.

Figure out a way to schedule phone interviews better where there's time to finish them start to end. They always cut people off halfway through their conversation because they ran out of time.

I agree with you about the Weekly Planner.  They always blow through it, and it is very annoying.  How about you go day by day like you used to, and NOT stop and show a package from an NBC News reporter.  That'd be great.

General Weather Chat / Re: What's the weather in your area?
« on: January 29, 2011, 11:54:08 AM »
It's been pretty boring here lately.  Finally seeing "warmer" temperatures, up above freezing right now, as it is 35 degrees with mostly sunny skies.

I am getting pretty stoked about the next winter storm that will be affecting the US Monday-Wednesday of next week.  It is looking real promising for pretty big snow for this area.  The Euro model is saying upwards of a foot plus.  However, since it is days out, I can't get my hopes up to high, as these storms like to move around a lot.

Also, the bad stuff NEVER comes here, and it makes me so angry.  :P  Even one of the local meteorologists always say "WE DON'T GET SH*T!!"  He doesn't like it either, so we best be getting some good snows.

General Discussion / Re: Your class schedule...
« on: January 21, 2011, 03:22:13 PM »
Last semester at community college :P :)

Monday-Thursday:  Math 124 Calculus I from 11-11:50
Tuesday/Thursday: World Regional Geography (2nd time taking class..not pleased with my grade the first time around [D]) from 9:30-10:44
Tuesday/Thursday: Psych 200 Human Growth and Development 12:30-1:44
Fridays: OFF..however, I will probably study and do homework all day.   :hmm:

Programming and Graphics / Re: New HD Wall
« on: January 19, 2011, 05:20:39 PM »
I was told techs are working on a new hd video wall today
I wonder what this new HD video wall will be like and if they'll continue to use the green screens... I like the green screens over a video wall any day.
Most definitely.  The green screen gives a more clear picture.  I think it is kind of pointless to be watching TV, and have the weather person stand in front of another (big) TV. 

A station here went HD a few months ago and has been using a big video projection wall for some segments, and it looks horrible.

I am so happy that Cheryl found more work in broadcasting. :)

More like Primed for Lower Ratings...
Doubt it.  They wouldn't be doing this if they *thought* the programming would bring lower ratings.  Apparently they have lower ratings if they are switching things up.  Apparently longform is what people want, and no live weather.  We'll see how it goes.

At least they are going to have the weather at the bottum of the screen, and updates every half hour.

General Discussion / Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« on: January 16, 2011, 12:58:47 AM »
Has anyone watched the show "Strange Addictions" on TLC?  Very interesting show.  There are people who are addicted to eating chalk, eating/drinking laundry detergant, tanning, cats, wearing a costume.  Weird stuff, but definitely interesting.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Nicole Mitchell's Last Night
« on: January 16, 2011, 12:42:29 AM »
I am not too upset about this, as Nicole was never my favorite nor did I ever watch Weather Center late.  However, she is much better than some of the new hires, and I hate seeing people lose their jobs.

Good luck to Nicole Mitchell.

General Weather Chat / Re: Weather Photo Thread
« on: January 14, 2011, 11:22:36 AM »
Who needs Peter Lik?  These photos are absolutely amazing!  Great job, everyone.

I (finally) got a digital camera for Christmas, so if anything exciting happens weather-wise, I hope to snap some good photos.

I am a huge fan of the lightning and storm pics!  Great job!

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