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Messages - wxmediafan

Pages: 1 ... 111 112 [113] 114 115 ... 122
General Discussion / Re: Network News
« on: September 02, 2007, 02:23:01 PM »
Robin did the news, Charlie and Diane anchored that program

The Game Room / Re: Say something about yourself
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:53:52 AM »
I don't have an iPod.  iPods are a waste of money if you ask me.  I'm fine with my MP3 player

General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite day of the week?
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:48:59 AM »
Exactly, We all (well most of us) have lives outside this place.

Anyways, my favorite day of the week is Friday.  It's the weekend, football games (and sometime work <_< ) dont' have to do your homework that night.

General Discussion / Re: Network News
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:47:36 AM »
There aren't, and never were 3 anchors on GMA, it's always been 2 ;)

Programming and Graphics / Re: Evening edition, 2001-2003, or 2003-present
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:43:53 AM »
I thought Evening Edition went from four hosts to two in 2002 when Nick and Kim were moved from the evening to the morning shift?

I don't think so, because Carl was part of Evening Edition as well.

Now that I think of it, it was probably in 03, near the end of the era, where Jim then came in as what was supposed to be a week long stint, that turned into something else.  So, it was probably either late 2002, early 2003 when they went back to two, then added 3 (IIRC)

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: September 01, 2007, 01:48:19 PM »
My 2's usually look like a backwards S.  I never take time to do the numbers/letter right

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: September 01, 2007, 12:42:38 PM »
Really? Dang.  I learned cursive in 2nd grade, then  I moved schools in 5th grade, and they were JUST starting to teach it.  Apparently cursive writing is slowly being eliminated from schools..

Programming and Graphics / Evening edition, 2001-2003, or 2003-present
« on: September 01, 2007, 12:32:42 PM »
So, I got to thinking about when EE had 4 OCMs..and I decided to ask, what do you like better, 4 format, or 3 (with Jim)

I liked the 2001-2003 format, with the 4 OCMs.  IIRC, it was Jennifer Lopez and Paul Goodloe who started the :00 , and then Kristina Abernathy and Nick Walker (soon to be Carl Parker) started :30, and each would alternate segments.  That was a great format.  Also, I loved how they did First Forcast, and TWC Across America.  (What other segments did they have?.. If Spring Rubber is here, he could deffinitly help with this)  And, I liked how they had straight weather (with RoadCrew) from :00-:14 or :15 after, and didn't go to commercial, then Locals til :14 or :15.

Which do you prefer?

General Discussion / Re: Network News
« on: September 01, 2007, 12:23:31 PM »
I like Charlie better than Brian.  When Elizabeth Vargus was doing World News, I was watching Brian Williams.  He is a good anchor, and a great replacement for Tom Brokaw.  Tom is my friends uncle, btw.

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: September 01, 2007, 12:22:20 PM »
I am better at cursive than I am at plain writing..but I never write in cursive.

I think it is funny how in Elementary, the teachers were saying.. "In middle school, you are going to be expected to write in cursive all of the time."  Middle School" In high school, you are going to have to write curive all the time"  THEN why the :censored: am I writing plain. :P  haha

anyways.. no my print is bad..cursive good

TWC Today News / Re: New Banner
« on: September 01, 2007, 12:19:33 PM »
I think we should go back to the old banner, but that's just me.

But, this one is nice, too. :yes:

General Discussion / Re: Network News
« on: August 31, 2007, 07:29:06 AM »
I'm glad that Diane and Robin are the hosts of GMA.  IT was definately better with Charlie there, but I like Charlie better on World News.

General Discussion / Network News
« on: August 30, 2007, 11:20:58 PM »
So, just an interesting question I suppose.

You can vote twice.  One for the morning, and one of the evening.  Make sence?

If you voted other, feel free to explain what you watch.

I watch Good Morning America almost every morning, and World News once in a while.  I used to watch the TODAY show..but I can't stand Ann Curry and Meredith Viera.

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: August 30, 2007, 10:52:10 PM »
iPhone is a waste.  I'll stick with my cell phone, and acessing the internet from my computer :yes:

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: August 30, 2007, 05:23:16 PM »
Tampa*x. Interesting name. :P  :rolleyes:


it's not a bad word..

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