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Messages - Eric

Pages: 1 ... 77 78 [79] 80 81 ... 115
Local Forecast / Re: New SD Satellite LF
« on: May 25, 2011, 06:41:43 PM »
This is so much nicer!

The number of red boxes is quite scary, though.  :(

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: May 25, 2011, 06:33:05 AM »
Ass and Hell aren't considered bad words by the FCC anymore

It's interesting how some things that were previously considered obscene are now considered "fine," or some things remain obscene in the U.S. but not elsewhere, and how what used to be considered "fine" is now considered obscene.

For example, you already explained the first point.  As for the second point, no one in Europe batted an eye when Janet Jackson showed off a certain piece of jewelry on a certain part of her body because European TV shows bare breasts all the time.  Well, not "all the time," but, after a certain hour, it's no longer unacceptable to show them.  As for the third point, FCC regulations for sex and sensuality have become so much stricter, while language is becoming more permissive.  For example, Homer Simpson once could walk around with no pants on all day long.  Now, even his bare derrière has to be covered up somehow, or the network will pixellate it.  A cartoon butt!!

General Discussion / Re: Jury Duty
« on: May 24, 2011, 07:52:18 PM »
Haven't been asked yet, but it's only been a year and a half. Besides, isn't it only those who are registered to vote that are asked, or do you simply just need a driver's license? I've heard both stories.

I've never had a driver's license, but I do have a (heavily used) passport and I'm also registered to vote.  That, and I pay taxes.  :)

I was called for jury duty within a month of turning 18, so they wasted no time at all for me!  The second time I was called was several years later, but I was living outside of the country for an extended period of time.  After a couple of years of trying to get me, and receiving a reply that I'm outside the U.S., they finally excused me for that.

WeatherSTAR Tech Support / Re: Intellistar 2 (ID: 31471) missing
« on: May 24, 2011, 09:41:46 AM »
There's just something strangely satisfying when the STAR Team uses :dance: in one of their posts.  :)

IntelliStar 2 Discussion / Re: IntelliStar 2 Beta Launch
« on: May 24, 2011, 08:32:26 AM »
whatever the problem is, it's not TWC's fault. it's comcast.

people seem to be blaming TWC. honestly, i just don't think it's their problem.

Believe me, I very much blame Comcast!  :censored:

IntelliStar 2 Discussion / Re: IntelliStar 2 Beta Launch
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:16:23 PM »
Still no sign of the IS2 in any comcast location yet.

I'd love to know what the problem is and when it will be solved.  Sadly, I'm still convinced that there's a considerable amount of foot-dragging going on.

General Discussion / Re: Jury Duty
« on: May 22, 2011, 08:41:07 PM »
I was called to serve once.  It turned out that all of the cases for that day were dismissed or settled out of court before the trial began, so I basically just sat in a big room with a bunch of other people from 8:00 in the morning until the middle of the afternoon when we were all sent home.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Peter Lik Joins The Weather Channel
« on: May 22, 2011, 03:00:31 PM »
Does anyone know what percentage of those who get TWC also get Weatherscan?  My guess is it's not a whole lot.  And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's been quite a while since Weatherscan's somewhat awkward appearance has been updated in any way, except for the new weather icons.

It really would be sad if the only weather content TWC provided was with LDLs, on Weatherscan, and on the webpage.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Peter Lik Joins The Weather Channel
« on: May 22, 2011, 12:10:49 AM »
So why does Peter Lik's show warrant showing a transparent TWC logo with no LDL? I guess an LDL would distract from the pictures, but I still want my weather information. :hammer:

I noticed that Peter Lik's show and the "Flick and a Forecast" airings have the same thing in common: a transparent logo and no LDL, except for the Local on the 8's segment in place of a proper Local Forecast.

Bad, bad, bad, in my opinion.  It wouldn't be quite so bad if the LDL was on the screen the whole time, and the pull-back Local on the 8s with the programming continuing in a box in the corner of the screen would give more weather information than just the LDL (though still less than a real Local Forecast).

However, during this show, actual weather information is being deliberately kept to an absolute minimum, and that seems to run contrary to everything TWC stands for (or used to stand for).  Not everyone has access to Weatherscan, not everyone wants to run to the computer, cell phone, PDA, or whatever to check the weather...  Sadly, NBC has forgotten or outright dismissed the real purpose of The Weather Channel.

Want to find out what the weather's going to be tomorrow?  During Peter Lik's show, chances are The Weather Channel will give you as much information as the Discovery Channel - in other words, none... unless you tune in at just the right time, in which case you'll get the bare minimum of information via the LDL.  And that's only if there's an Intellistar installed in your local headend for SD, or the even rarer HD Intellistar.  Everyone else will have to do with a national city-by-city LDL.

Sadly, I have the feeling that this is the beginning of the future.  With time, The Weather Channel will become a weather-themed documentary/entertainment network, and the days of actual weather information will become a thing of the past.  Just because "Flick and a Forecast" failed during its first incarnation doesn't mean that movies won't return again to TWC.  I think they will.  And then cheesy sitcoms will be next.

I look back with nostalgia and sadness to the days when every cable network had its own unique niche.  Now, every network seems to be more or less the same as every other, with just a hint of its own uniqueness remaining.

If the person creates more than 5 topics in 1 week, they should just not allow that person to do that until another week passes.

I very strongly disagree.  What if one person has more than five very legitimate things to say in a week (not counting his contributions to threads created by others)?  Why create needless limits?  Just because someone's "overly talkative" doesn't mean he actually has nothing worthwhile to say.

That's never going to happen.  It would create mass chaos and an unfair bias towards members who post a lot of topics.  Besides, if you don't like what someone has said within your topic, just report the post to a moderator or administrator.  We're always watching for anything suspicious or offensive.

Thank you!  I can only imagine the disaster such a rule would bring, and in such a short period of time.  And thank you, and all the administrators, for being vigilant!

I was thinking that you should be able to control topics that you start, for example modify other posts, delete other posts, all the options that the admins have but for YOUR topics only.

I disagree.  Such a thing would allow each person who starts a topic to essentially become a censor, eliminating or changing opinions he doesn't agree with.  It would turn this forum into nothing but one big flame war within days, if not hours.

Hurricane Central / Re: Hurricane Central 2011
« on: May 15, 2011, 07:02:21 PM »
Note that Don, Katia, Rina, Sean, and Whitney are all new names for this season as replacements for the hurricanes of the devastating 2005 hurricane season.

Oh, that's right - the 2005 list is getting recycled (although barely!) this year.  I almost forgot!

General Discussion / Re: SKYWARNAL being Examined by the NWS
« on: May 12, 2011, 07:02:50 PM »
Imagine if AccuWeather copyrighted all warnings issued ;)

Please don't give me nightmares!  :hmm:

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:59:58 PM »
This doesn't quite count as a blooper, so i'll post it here. This afternoon when Jeff Morrow was showing the radar, his click got stuck and shot through his playlist of graphics and he had to pull the button off the remote.

I saw that - it was pretty funny!   :rofl2:

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