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Messages - wxntrafficfan

Pages: 1 ... 342 343 [344] 345 346 ... 351
Local Forecast / "Breathe In" by 7 and 5
« on: March 13, 2009, 06:15:59 PM »
Hello everyone! I am calling upon everyone for help. "Breathe In" by 7 and 5 is my all-time favorite TWC song. I want to e-mail Brian Picard, the LF music coordinator, asking him to put this song on the playlist sometime this year. But to influence his opinion, I need more than just my request. This is where you all come in. Would anyone agree to sign a petition to have it played this year?
-Thanks  :wave:

Local Forecast / Re: IntelliStar Update - Sound Effects Disabled
« on: March 13, 2009, 05:35:15 PM »
It's completely fine with me. I didn't like them from the start.
Oh, me neither! I am in fact stoked to hear that they were done away with.
I won't know for sure, since my forecast is sunny/clear for the next 48 hours.

Local Forecast / Re: IntelliStar Update - Sound Effects Disabled
« on: March 13, 2009, 03:56:06 PM »
They're gone for good. :biggrin:
REALLY? That's awesome!  :thrilled:

Local Forecast / Re: IntelliStar Update - Sound Effects Disabled
« on: March 13, 2009, 03:07:22 PM »
That's odd, hopefully it isn't permanent. I liked the sound effects.
Hmm, I didn't know anyone did. I don't (no offense, just my opinion  :smoke2: )
I didn't know this, but my intellistar still has all the normal narration and has the sound effects.

Local Forecast / Re: Intellistar- Do you like the current version?
« on: March 13, 2009, 02:45:34 PM »
TWC should have asked the opinions of their viewers, since they are a business solely there to provide to the consumers.
The Weather Channel's not obligated to do so. As Martin said it best:
The average person, 99.9999% of TWC viewers could care less about what the icon is. They are there for the weather.
socool775 says: There in lays (lies) the problem of the problem. You're right, point taken. However, this would not be anywhere near as big a deal to me had I known it was coming and could have recorded the IS before the unnecessary changes were made.
Now I want them to use the old icons as much as you do, Aaron, it's just, unfortunately, not going to happen. You also have to take into consideration, that we are only part of a minority of people. I'm not trying to be mean in any way.
socool775: Understood. But this a problem that to me feeds itself. I know the icons are never going back (unless I get control of the graphics someday), but I just don't want to accept it. This is something that I am interested in, and I never knew the changes were coming. It is for that reason that I refuse to accept it, thus perpetuating my problem with it.

Local Forecast / Re: Intellistar- Do you like the current version?
« on: March 13, 2009, 05:36:20 AM »
Why? It is shocking and quite frankly, appaulling that so many people like the current icons  :wall:
Why is that so hard to believe?? Despite what some people think you cant just have the same thing for over 8 years. Look at your local news. The graphics used to be simple, now they are flashy and advanced. Same with the IS. If you even want TWC to be around at all you should support any change that would help them keep viewers. The average person, 99.9999% of TWC viewers could care less about what the icon is. They are there for the weather. Sure I think we can all agree that the XL icons were great. The XL had a great local forecast but the equipment and software are outdated. Nothing can stay the same forever. I swear listening to some people is like hearing some old person complain.
Yes, I realize that XL is outdated to this point. But no, I personally don't think that 8 years is all that long for those icons to have been there, especially since I was only 13 and a half when they were done away with. I barely remember seeing them anymore. They just bring back memories. I don't believe the Intellistar graphics are flashy and advanced at all, except for the LDL. The old background looked very clean and relaxing, with the sun, and awesome transitions that added to the local forecast. And yes, the vast majority of people just turn to TWC just for the weather, and don't care about the look. ON the other hand, there are those who DO care about what it looks like. Everyone has different interests and opinions. Plus, the icons have not brought them any viewers. TWC should have asked the opinions of their viewers, since they are a business solely there to provide to the consumers. I certainly feel blindsighted, since I never knew about any of the changes over the past 2 and a half years in advance. I was never able to get viable recordings of the IS in 2007, and now, I may never be able to.

Local Forecast / Re: Satellite LF Sightings
« on: March 12, 2009, 10:03:45 PM »
IS failure- satellite LF normal music 9:40 PM ET

EDIT: Comcast commercials are airing at 9:41 PM ET during the broadcast.
Are you sure?
It looked (and looks- got a recording) fine to me

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: Cable Providers
« on: March 12, 2009, 07:53:39 PM »

Verizon FiOS, and I LOVE it.

I can imagine you do! I've wanted to get Verizon FiOS for a long time. I didn't know you had that. How long have you had Verizon?

Local Forecast / Re: Intellistar- Do you like the current version?
« on: March 12, 2009, 04:31:41 PM »
Why? It is shocking and quite frankly, appaulling that so many people like the current icons  :wall:

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday, Jonathan!
« on: March 12, 2009, 03:24:17 PM »
Happy birthday!  :thrilled:

This is awesome! I'm glad we finally are close to getting it resolved. I just wish I would have got more recordings.......   :shades:

Local Forecast / Re: Intellistar- Do you like the current version?
« on: March 12, 2009, 02:16:12 PM »
I agree 100% Socool, i miss those Old Icons so much! they really need to bring them back.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to start a petition.......   :wave:
I am going down to the ATL in August.  :dance:
What do you think?  :welcome:

Local Forecast / Intellistar- Do you like the current version?
« on: March 12, 2009, 09:47:19 AM »
I am just curious which version is favored the most. I am definitely going to have to say 8/15/05-12/12/06 is my personal favorite. I HATE the current intellistar. The new icons are horrible and ugly-looking. The background has no transitions and looks like a colored pencil drawing. The graphic on the text based forecast is a joke, with goofy unnecessary sound effects added.
Just my 2¢  :)

Local Forecast / Re: Unknown April 2007 Songs identified!!!!
« on: March 11, 2009, 05:33:21 PM »
My CD Baby method did indeed work!!!!  :happy: The artist is "Chris Korblein" and the album is "Love Notes"

The songs used in April 2007 are "Summerland", "Boys Night Out" and "Stay" and all 3 are available on iTunes. Gosh, words can't express how excited I am, it was a tireless attempt to search every smooth jazz album on CD Baby, but it WORKED!!!

Now the unknowns left are the jazzy Lee Hogansish song and the April 2007 latin tune.

Awesome! I remember hearing all these songs! I have a short clip of "Summerland":

TWC and your Cable Company / Cable Providers
« on: March 11, 2009, 05:24:12 PM »
I realize it usually says what cable provider each person has on their profile, but I wanted to see what it all looks like together.  :thumbsup:

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