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Messages - musikcomposer

Pages: [1]
TWC Artist Chat / Re: Attention Artists!
« on: November 09, 2008, 03:42:12 AM »

Mr. Kilpatrick, if I can listen to a small bit of one of your mp3s, and compare it to any song playing now on TWC, I should be able to tell. B)

Hi Chris,

If you go to this site:

you can listen to samples of all the songs. If you do happen to determine that "Across The Bay" is one of my tunes (by a different name on my cd), please let me know ~ I'd love to solve this mystery!


TWC Artist Chat / Re: Attention Artists!
« on: October 28, 2008, 05:38:11 PM »
Hello Mr Kilpatrick. I have that CD (Mixed Bag). I was wondering if you was able to find out which song was "Across the Bay"  used on The Weather Channel March of 2007 on that CD. Let me know. Thanks in Advance!

To those of you who have asked me about the song "Across The Bay" ~ to the best of my knowledge, I think I have determined that the song is, in fact, not one of mine. It is published by the same gentleman who published my song, "Dusty's Groove", which played on TWC last January. The publisher, however, says that he published "Across The Bay" in February of 2007, which is before I had anything signed with him. In addition, I never received any statement for song play on TWC other than that of January 2008 ("Dusty's Groove"). My best guess is that I have been erroneously credited as the songwriter of "Across The Bay". If anyone can send me just a small bit of the song as an mp3, I can listen to determine for certain one way or another...

All the best!

TWC Artist Chat / Re: Attention Artists!
« on: October 27, 2008, 06:17:12 AM »
Hello Mr Kilpatrick. I have that CD (Mixed Bag). I was wondering if you was able to find out which song was "Across the Bay"  used on The Weather Channel March of 2007 on that CD. Let me know. Thanks in Advance!


I've had a few people ask about that song ~ I'll try again to see if my publisher can track down which song that is... hopefully I can do so! And thank you for buying my CD ~ much appreciated!

Bill Kilpatrick

TWC Artist Chat / Re: Attention Artists!
« on: September 25, 2008, 01:13:53 PM »
My bad. :doh: Just curious because I like to hear more of your music on The Weather Channel's forecasts :)

I got one more question TWC retitled another song of yours in March 2007 called "Across the Bay" (BMI title) . Would you happen to have the actual CD title from "Across the Bay" ?

Thanks, I appreciate hearing that!

Regarding "Across The Bay", I asked my publisher what the original title was, and he's not able to remember... I'll ask again ~ I was actually surprised to hear that I had a second tune on TWC, as I had thought only the one  ~ "Dusty's (or Lucky's) Groove ~ had been picked up.

If you've got some time, go to

and you can preview the songs on my album... hopefully one of them will answer the "Across The Bay" mystery...

Thanks again!

TWC Artist Chat / Re: Attention Artists!
« on: September 23, 2008, 09:44:09 PM »
Hello ifmusiclover ~

I've just signed up, at the suggestion in a very nice email from Gary Turner. A song of mine, "Dusty's Groove", is playing on TWC.

I look forward to enjoying your site!


Wait, so the song will air in a future playlist? (besides Jan 2007)

Hmm... that I'm not sure of; don't know how TWC plans what music will be played, whether plays from past months will be repeated... guess I should've said "...has played on TWC". Sorry for any confusion ~

TWC Artist Chat / Re: Bill Kilpatrick is here!
« on: September 23, 2008, 09:41:21 PM »
Thanks to all of you for the nice welcome! Hope to enjoy some good conversations here ~

Appreciate the compliment, Alex ~ glad you enjoy my music!

TWC Artist Chat / Re: Attention Artists!
« on: September 23, 2008, 12:22:32 PM »
Hello ifmusiclover ~

I've just signed up, at the suggestion in a very nice email from Gary Turner. A song of mine, "Dusty's Groove", is playing on TWC. The title for TWC is slightly altered ~ "Lucky's Groove". I've just released a CD, "Mixed Bag"; the song "Dusty's Groove" can be found on it. Here are a couple of links:

I look forward to enjoying your site!



Hi there Mr. Kilpatrick. Coincidentally, I am Gary Turner!  Glad you decided to join us! Feel free to start topics here in the artists board, or for that matter anywhere on the forum. And of course feel free to participate in existing discussions if you wish.  B)

Well, how about that for a coincidence! Thanks then, Gary, for the welcome to the site. I'll be sure to check in periodically ~

TWC Artist Chat / Re: Attention Artists!
« on: September 22, 2008, 08:54:51 PM »
Hello ifmusiclover ~

I've just signed up, at the suggestion in a very nice email from Gary Turner. A song of mine, "Dusty's Groove", is playing on TWC. The title for TWC is slightly altered ~ "Lucky's Groove". I've just released a CD, "Mixed Bag"; the song "Dusty's Groove" can be found on it. Here are a couple of links:

I look forward to enjoying your site!



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