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Messages - kb77

Pages: [1]
General Weather Chat / Re: What's the weather in your area?
« on: July 06, 2019, 05:12:08 PM »
Thunderstorms, Heavy Rain, and 90 degrees today.

TWC Fan Art / Re: WeatherScan Rebrand
« on: July 01, 2019, 11:47:23 AM »
Neat!  :biggrin:

TWC returned to the lineup, but there seems to be no sign of Weatherscan so far.   :(

TWC Fan Art / Re: TWCWyatt's Work
« on: June 20, 2019, 07:00:28 PM »
Amazing work! 

I've always loved the look of the Weatherscan Intellistar V1. Its pretty cool to see it in such high definition.  :thumbsup:

Looks like The Weather Channel will be returning to Verizon FiOS starting next week.  :yes:

Awesome! :thrilled:

I have missed watching TWC on FiOS so much!
Hoping they also bring back Weatherscan to FiOS too...
It's doubtful that Weatherscan will come back. TWC doesn't show any interest in maintaining it anymore (they're only doing it because they have to), and Verizon probably doesn't care enough to get Weatherscan back on the lineup. Not saying it won't happen, but I'd be surprised if it did happen.

More than likely you'd see a simulcast of Local Now in place of Weatherscan. It'd be cheaper, and they wouldn't have to worry about maintaining a computer that's almost 20 years old for a channel that's damn near obsolete.

Dang.  :cry:

Local Now looks meh, but i'd take anything that's remotely close to what Weatherscan was. The only reason I would think Weatherscan was coming back too was because they dropped both the actual TWC channel and Weatherscan together, not just Weatherscan like other cable providers have done.

I'm praying it will still be in the lineup.

Looks like The Weather Channel will be returning to Verizon FiOS starting next week.  :yes:

Awesome! :thrilled:

I have missed watching TWC on FiOS so much!
Hoping they also bring back Weatherscan to FiOS too...

General Emulator Discussion / Summer 2019 Livestreams?
« on: June 16, 2019, 08:35:15 PM »
Are there any livestreams for the emulator up?

Most of the posts on streams I've found don't have any streams currently broadcasting.

Certain image URLs from static cameras end up in a 'File Open Error' when used in the emulation. Whereas some URLs show no 'File Open Error' when used in the emulation.

Unsure if this is a bug, or if these images need to be a certain file format.

Hi there.. can you provide the user ID you are logging into CINE with so i can double-check your settings ?


My CINE ID is kb77.

Certain image URLs from static cameras end up in a 'File Open Error' when used in the emulation. Whereas some URLs show no 'File Open Error' when used in the emulation.

Unsure if this is a bug, or if these images need to be a certain file format.

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