Hopefully the studio is still getting a good deal of use, maybe just not one that we can see on-air. Otherewise, TWC really did waste a lot of money. I don't understand why they're using "expert desk" in the old studio a lot now.
I will admit the green screen is crisper but still think the video wall should be used for some segments. And commenting on what Mike (here at the forums) said, I have also noticed and am upset about the continued lack of wide shots of the studio and the reduced number of desk positions. To be honest, that was one of my favorite things about the studio...to see what "position" the desk was going to be for a specific show.
They can't set the desk in as many different positions because of where they have the new green screen setup. The studio probably is in a mess because of having the new green screen by the wall with the 3 lcd's, so wideshots wouldn't look so good.
the wall with the 3 LCDs turned in to the wall with the 2 LCDs, thus it made sense to put the green screen over there. They still have plenty of positions to use, but they're trying to limit them due to the set, in general, slowly falling apart. the Waves/Tornado part of the set is still functional, as well as the small desk area (allbeit the maps are shut off again), as well as the video wall position still being used, so it's a tough call.
i think it wont be long before the put a desk back in the old studio and start using it again for broadcasts im going to be honest with you i liked the old weather channel better than i do now..it was better when Mark Mancuso Dave Schwartz Cheryl Lemke and all them were there
Good luck with that.