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Topics - jtmal0723

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TWC Today News / Martin's passing and the future of TWC Today
« on: October 31, 2015, 01:12:36 PM »
As many of you have heard, unfortunately Martin Cornick had passed away Friday, after having recently celebrating his 24th birthday. He was loved by all who visited both TWC Today and TWC Classics. He was the owner of TWC Today for almost 6 years now. He will be missed.

As for the future of TWC Today, it remains uncertain at this time. Martin has not shared any of the hosting details with anyone so unfortunately there is no possible way to obtain the data at this time. The twctodayforums.com domain name is registered through June 2016, however I am uncertain how long the hosting will be live. I will be in contact with the admins of the forums and we will, together, figure something out. After a respectful mourning period, we will get in to contact with the Cornicks and see if we can get the hosting details so we can move the forums to a new host.

I know most of you don't want to see TWC Today or the forums end, but we will try to do everything we can.

Rest in Peace, Martin Cornick. October 22, 1991 - October 30, 2015. You will be missed.


Forecasting / Accuweather launches "revolutionary" 45-day forecasts.....
« on: August 07, 2013, 09:11:51 AM »
You have got to be kidding me, right? Evidently earlier this week, Accuweather launched their "Revolutionary" 45-day forecasts. I have one thing to say: lolwut?


Questions, Comments, Suggestions / SMF 2.0.4 Upgrade Coming.....
« on: July 06, 2013, 03:11:31 AM »
Hello everyone. I just wanted to make a quick announcement that sometime in the next two weeks, I am planning to do an upgrade to the forums. This will bring the version from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4. I'm monitoring to see if SMF 2.0.5 is going to be released before then, but it looks like that is a no. This 2.0.4 upgrade will bring some security upgrades and bug fixes in the software itself. I do not have a date as to when this will happen, but once I've been able to make that determination, I will post an update, as well as update this post. If you guys have any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, feel free to post them, and the administration team, myself, and other site designers will be able to answer them for you. Thank you for your time guys!  :happy:

General Discussion / Comcast Adds NBC Peacock to New Logo
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:41:22 AM »
Meet the new (now live) Comcast logo!

Everything Else TWC / The Weather Channel Windows 8 Metro/Modern UI App...
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:45:02 AM »
I highly dislike the present Windows 8 app that TWC presently has out.... It's horrifically ugly, it's bland, and it's "generic." The weather icons they use aren't even their web or on air ones, they are highly generic and ugly. I took the liberty of taking some screenshots and present the links below......

The first shot is what you see when you search the app in the Windows Store:

The second shot is what you see in the current conditions page:

Scrolled to the end of the current conditions page:

This shot is the day-by-day forecast page:

This shot is the hour-by-hour forecast page:

This shot is the radar map page (note you cannot change to a satellite like image, you're stuck with the ugly map):

The only "saving grace" part of this app, the alerts page:

If you want my personal opinion, I would "pan" away from this app and use a different weather app instead, until TWC can get their act together.

General Discussion / 20 States File Petition to Secede From the Union...
« on: November 12, 2012, 11:35:54 PM »
What is wrong with people these days... Symbolic or not, people wanting to secede from the US should just not be here to begin with...... http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/secission-petitions-filed-20-states-190210006.html

General Weather Chat / Here comes another one! Approx Nov 20th
« on: November 11, 2012, 04:33:35 PM »
Here comes another one heading our way showing for the 20th.... It's 10mb lower than it was run a few days ago. It's showing possible activity for approx November 20th.

General Discussion / Lucasfilm bought by Disney....
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:32:06 PM »

I fear for how they're going to butcher Star Wars.... I'm scared.

TWC Today News / SMF 2.0.2 upgrade complete!...
« on: August 11, 2012, 03:56:04 AM »
Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that within the week, I will be upgrading the forums to the latest 2.0 build, SMF 2.0.2. The upgrade will occur on or about August 16th. I do not have a timetable as of yet. To my knowledge, there are no security exploits for our current version, however, I felt it was necessary to upgrade to the latest version to be as secure as possible. If you guys have any questions, please post them here and I, or a member of the Administration team, can assist you. As always, thank you guys for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy your experience on the TWC Today/TWC Classics Forums!~

Questions, Comments, Suggestions / Dear Matt:
« on: July 06, 2012, 04:21:43 PM »
I, along with several other members of the forums, have noticed that there is no mention or link to these forums on TWC Classics.... Was this intentional or by accident? I would hate to see twcc leave the forums :( Maybe I'm overreacting.... Any case, Loving the new layout.

-- Jesse

General Discussion / Advanced Degrees That Don't Pay Off...
« on: January 03, 2012, 10:13:41 PM »
Something to think about...

Grad students are making heavy investments of time and money in their future income prospects, but in many areas of study the odds are stacked against the gambles paying off. A Georgetown University analysis identifies the advanced degrees that gave students the smallest pay bumps.

If you're currently in grad school for meteorology, studio arts or petroleum engineering, you may want to stop reading right now, think happy thoughts and enjoy the rest of your winter break.

Daily Finance relays the findings, which say meteorology grads could only expect to make one percent more, while studio arts upped their salary prospects by three percent and petroleum engineering students did so by seven percent. Other sucker bets included oceanography, mass media and advertising/public relations, which hovered near 11 and 12 percent bumps.

Meanwhile, health and medical preparatory programs paid off the best, upping graduates' salaries by 190 percent.

Link to Article on The Consumerist

In light of the recently relaunched show openers and graphics and such, I have come to the decision that until the shows that will be relaunching new graphics/openers have been completed, that I will keep the logo rotation turned off. I have plans to work with Andy on creating new logos once The Weather Channel has completed their graphics/opener relaunch process. I don't want you guys to think that it's permanently disabled because I enjoy and like the rotation process. It will return soon, but I do not have an exact date. Stay tuned! :happy:

Questions, Comments, Suggestions / Sporadic Outages
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:50:09 PM »
Presently at this time, TWC Today and the TWCT/TWCC forums have been getting hit hard, possibly due to this ice storm. You may see an "Internal Server Error" pop up once in a while, but it's only temporary. At this present time, the forums have at least 30 guests signed on. It will clear up, so don't get discouraged! Just refresh in about 20 seconds when you see it. If it appears for an extended period of time, please inform us here, so Host Gator can look in to it.

Happy Foruming!

General Discussion / Happy Birthday, Tyler!
« on: January 28, 2011, 09:27:48 PM »
Happy Birthday! :happy:

Spark Notes version:
    -45 million viewers over holiday weekend (most viewers for any news network over the weekend)

    -Over 117 million page views on weather.com

    -Over 82 million page views on TWC mobile

    -3.8 million page views on iPad app (largest day ever for page views on app)

Link to Article

Clearly, TWC is doing something right.

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