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Messages - farkas

Pages: [1]
After following the directions 3 times, I am still getting problems with a file open error.  Any word on an update?

Help and Support / Re: Key error
« on: June 24, 2009, 06:40:17 PM »
it appears as though you figured out your issue because your emulator is 'polling home'. please detail your issue and how you resolved it so others can learn how to solve issues similar to yours.

I dont know what what i did, i booted up today and it seems to be working. 

Help and Support / Re: Key error
« on: June 23, 2009, 01:07:14 PM »

I just recently received a key ...
So wait, is the emulator actually working? if your seeing those three slides and its no longer asking for a key your fine

But isnt it supposed to be pulling down some weather information? i have it configured in CINE too. BUt im not seeing any data.

Help and Support / Re: Key error
« on: June 22, 2009, 05:03:54 PM »
I just recently received a key too and im getting the "The name/key you entered does not appear to be valid. Please try again." When i click 'get my key,' i login to CINE and it shows my username 'farkas' and get my key.  I copy it with out any spaces before and after, then click enter my key and the emulator starts up, and says updating, but then goes into a 3 screen loop of the title slate, my personal message slate, then a slate that says local weather unavailable.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. also if you need to contact me my aim and yahoo is in my profile.


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