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Messages - Zach

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Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: August 15, 2014, 09:18:08 AM »
So it wasn't the video card...
The only thing that caught my eye was the map of the Kalos region from Pokémon behind your TV set in that picture :bleh:
What does that have to do with TWC? I have that same exact poster too. Either way, don't get me started with Pokémon.
Well geez I'm sorry that it has nothing to do with the weather channel at all, just something that i noticed  :noexpression:

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: August 14, 2014, 10:47:01 PM »
So it wasn't the video card...
The only thing that caught my eye was the map of the Kalos region from Pokémon behind your TV set in that picture :bleh:

IntelliStar 2 Discussion / Re: General IS2 Discussion
« on: July 29, 2014, 05:22:32 PM »
Alex, if that's been happening for a few days now, you may want to post a thread in tech support to resolve it.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: July 28, 2014, 07:31:04 PM »
Remember Chris Hoitsma who was laid off back in 2008? Apparently he's back, but now as a local product manager! :o

Good morning, Mike.

There is a problem related to the computer unit we provide to Comcast Cable to deliver your local weather for Audubon, New Jersey. A replacement computer unit is on its way...it was ordered on Saturday evening (7/26/2014). Please allow a few days for delivery of the computer and installation by Comcast Cable, and local weather for Audubon and south Jersey will return.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Chris Hoitsma

Local Forecast Product Manager

The Weather Channel
Impossible! Chris Hoitsma would never go into such details! :fear:


Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: July 13, 2014, 09:29:55 PM »
It's interesting that TWC recycled footage from the 2002 baseball-themed Weather Center opener to a 2011 LF opener.


The Weather Channel is notorious for reusing stock footage from any given time at all. Examples include Cheryl Lemke in the 2003-2005 Weekend Planner Intro, which was originally used in 1998/99, and the guy shoveling snow in the Winter 2003-05 Afternoon Outlook intro being reused in a late 2009/early 2010 Weekend View LOT8s opener.

Programming and Graphics / Re: The Weather Channel - LIVE ON YOUTUBE
« on: July 02, 2014, 06:59:41 PM »
Clearly this is new, and it's against YouTube's streaming terms of service. Notice that it's the actual live feed from TWC with commercials, ticker and LOT8s. In the past, all they just showed was the live feed only when the shows were on (without commercials and LOT8s), and they didn't show the LDL either.

Also, it's against YouTube's terms of service because a streamer cannot insert any form of their own advertising into their streams.

Everything Else TWC / Re: Blooper Thread
« on: June 21, 2014, 08:35:23 PM »
Is that typo like that on all IntelliStars though?

If not, for all we know, it could just be the IntelliStar's character omission/corruption/change glitch. It's been around for as long as possible, and only happens in rare cases.

Tropical Storm Hanna Local Forecast 3 - 9/5/08 10:58pm

Notice how the C's on the advisory crawl got turned into small 6's... that's one example of said glitch.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: June 17, 2014, 06:38:30 PM »
Before I report this, I'm curious if anyone else is having this issue. On the SD feed of TWC there is once again no video feed only a LDL overlayed on screen. The only time video is shown is when the local forecast is airing, in addition, no audio is present during the local forecast except the narration. On the HD feed meanwhile, everything is fine from the audio to the video feed.
It might be a sun outage causing the IS to lose the feed, but still be able to cue the LOT8s. My sd feed has been fine all day. Or maybe your IS is just not able to handle the feed.
It's definitely not related to sun outages. Those only occur in early March and late September.

Local Forecast / Re: Song ID Thread
« on: May 20, 2014, 05:43:57 PM »
Yes, it's Euge Groove. It's Born 2 Groove.

Local Forecast / Re: 4000/XL/Jr. - The End Is Near
« on: May 15, 2014, 01:42:32 PM »
On my STAR database site I'm currently working on a new page for IS2 Jr units which I hope to have ready by tomorrow. Quick question for anyone who might know just out of curiosity  -- for the legacy STARs, wouldn't the STAR ID numbers remain the same as before with the new IS2 Jrs or would it be a different number?
I doubt it. Back then, STAR IDs were actually tied to the headend, meaning as a headend went from the I/I/III, to the 4000, and then to the XL, the headend ID # remained the same. Ever since the IntelliStar, the ID number has been tied to the unit itself.

Local Forecast / Re: 4000/XL/Jr. - The End Is Near
« on: May 12, 2014, 02:21:03 PM »
I believe it's up to the headend on what they want to do. I'm sure a majority will scrap their STARs while some may go to eBay to sell theirs. However, I don't see why TWC would need them anymore if they're going to be out of service now.

Local Forecast / Re: 4000/XL/Jr. - The End Is Near
« on: May 11, 2014, 09:35:16 AM »
Knowing that the 4000 was based on an SGI derivative and SGI went bankrupt in 2006, it proves that they had a good product and could keep it going.
I think you may have meant the XL there, since the XL was essentially an SGI o2 model inside a different enclosure.

I was so happy to see a STAR 4000 five years ago in Virginia. Here's a video to relive that memory as well.

Chincoteague, VA WeatherSTAR 4000 (NOT FAKE!!!!!) #1- LM Flavour

Also, I'm probably the only person here that has never seen a STAR XL in person ever :(

I saw TWC today again on BHN, and they're now letterboxing their IS2 feed onto SD. Although I think it's pretty neat to see the IS2 now, I'll still miss 24629 :(

If I were to say something though, this is something I'd be against, unless TWC themselves were the ones letterboxing HD onto SD. Why? The text on screen is barely readable on the SD feed, and because the network themselves does not send out the feed this way.

Here's a couple screengrabs I got.

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: April 19, 2014, 08:58:05 PM »
Nothing really. Just a normal Sunday. Hopefully mom gets me something chocolaty like she does every year  :)

TWC Fan Art / Re: TWCZach's Emulations and Drawings
« on: April 18, 2014, 08:31:41 PM »

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