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Messages - Zach

Pages: 1 ... 124 125 [126] 127 128 ... 553
Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 25, 2011, 02:29:53 PM »

TWC apparently changes their long form shows every 3 months... because Ive noticed since this past week different shows are airing at the long form times :unsure:

IntelliStar 2 Discussion / Re: IntelliStar 2 Beta Launch
« on: September 25, 2011, 01:42:24 PM »
What if you were to contribute the additional cost of HD programming and an HD cable box yourself?

Back in the mid-1990s, our cable company introduced its first cable box with an on-screen programming guide.  I wanted one, but my parents didn't want to pay the extra cost of having one in my bedroom, so I paid the extra amount myself.  Later on, when DVRs came in cable boxes, I paid the extra cost of having one in my bedroom.

http://tampahdtv.com/tpahd-vb/forumdisplay.php?f=9 and specifically http://tampahdtv.com/tpahd-vb/showthread.php?t=31658

IntelliStar 2 Discussion / Re: IntelliStar 2 Beta Launch
« on: September 25, 2011, 01:12:49 PM »
Eric, I've been reading up on a forum occasionally that talks about TV services around Central Florida, and according to their sources, both Bright House of Orlando and Tampa Bay are in talks of TWC HD... havent seen any more news on the topic, but it hopefully is by the end of 2011..

General Discussion / Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:49:12 PM »
My school has a system of conduct cuts in each class (and the teacher doesnt have to tell you when he and or she assigns them, and they vary by class).. but for the AP/principal level, we have things called office referrals, in which at one point they were hand-written and are now written online.

TWC Fan Art / Re: TWCZach's Emulations and Drawings
« on: September 24, 2011, 07:05:38 PM »
I finally got around to arranging a tides slide for my XL emulations... hopefully the next time I make a Tampa XL emulation this will be implemented :thumbsup:

When hell freezes over :P

Aw, come on Zach...where's your winter spirit? :P

I am not quite familiar with the "timing" of Norman's wintry precip, so I'll predict that sometime around mid-December will be our first snowfall.
Hmm, did someone forget where I lived? :thinking: :P

General Discussion / Re: Post your desktops
« on: September 24, 2011, 10:41:11 AM »
I installed the Developer Preview of Windows 8 on my Compaq laptop last night...

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 24, 2011, 10:24:57 AM »
Talk about a coincidence.. the one Tavores posted from 2009 is in use again this year, making this the first time since either late 2009 at earliest or early 2010 at latest that multiple backgrounds have been used on the ID screen at one point in time! :blink:

EDIT: WN used their intro music at 11 AM, too :)

General Discussion / Re: What's Your Speedtest and Pingtest results?
« on: September 24, 2011, 10:19:39 AM »
Took some speeds this morning

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 24, 2011, 12:12:40 AM »
Yeah, i think the one running this time around seems to be new, based on the one Tavores posted.. ive never seen it until yesterday :no:

As for the one in the video from 2009 Tavores posted, I remember seeing it in 2008 as well :yes:

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 23, 2011, 11:25:41 PM »
For some reason, there was a squuezback at :28 or so during commercials, and the squezeeback had the SD national LDL TWC logo.

Did it have a reflection and a little blue flare under it? if so than its the IS LDL logo, not the national TWC logo
It didn't.

EDIT: There was another fall station ID at :57. It's a forest, with the camera panning down on some mountains in the background. Has it been used before?

That one was used back in 2009. There is another one of a mountain range and a blue sky with cirrus clouds streaming overhead. I think that one was used last year.

It was also used in 2009 as well :yes:

HD Local Forecast - November 6, 2010 - 11:58 AM ET

HD DirecTV Forecast 2009

General Discussion / Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:15:01 PM »
This was a surprise... Chip Carter, the sports director of Fox 13 Tampa was down on the football field of my high school earlier this evening, and it totally caught me off guard seeing him on the field :blink:

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:13:39 PM »
The ID screen with the forest is the one I referred to yesterday...

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 23, 2011, 06:24:03 PM »
For some reason, there was a squuezback at :28 or so during commercials, and the squezeeback had the SD national LDL TWC logo.
Did it have a reflection and a little blue flare under it? if so than its the IS LDL logo, not the national TWC logo

General Weather Chat / Re: Weather Photo Thread
« on: September 23, 2011, 05:23:23 PM »
Taken at 5 PM today

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