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Messages - cc17926

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General Discussion / Re: Music Package Trading Thread
« on: July 22, 2020, 05:05:14 PM »
I am a little late but I have some themes... I have: iNERGY (Non NBC), CBS Local, This is the Place, and Aerial all by Stephen Arnold Music.
I note I am hoping to get
- Extreme (Stephen Arnold Music)
- Aerial (I need a few folders to finish this piece up)

Message me or shoot me an email, I look forward to trading...

As a courtesy to others on the forum, please don't reopen a thread that has been unused for an exceptional amount of time. Such as 5 years. Thanks!

Bug Reports / Re: Extended Forecast configuration error
« on: June 11, 2020, 10:50:00 PM »
Unless I'm crazy or something, AZZ543 does not appear in the county list from the scroll down menu. Instead, the "Greater Phoenix Area" is listed under AZZ023, which gives me that error message, as well as anything involving "Maricopa County", and some other counties listed. Does this mean I can't configure an "Extended Forecast" for Phoenix?

I added a Zone to the bottom when you're inside of Extended configuration. Select "543" in Arizona's list which I had labeled "Try This for Extended".

Bug Reports / Re: Extended Forecast configuration error
« on: June 07, 2020, 04:09:53 PM »
When you try and configure this, try and use Zone AZZ543 which appears to include Phoenix.

It's still running, and out of place at the end.

It appears to show at the end of the LF, and out of place. Neat to see it again though

TWC Today News / Re: Some changes on the Forum
« on: May 06, 2020, 03:47:56 PM »
Hi Folks-
Been working through some mild changes.
-Added some internal page formatting which will allow forum thread data to appear in social-networking posts, such as Twitter, Facebook, Discord, etc.. This will include the name of the site, the title of the forum thread, and also a snippet of the text in the thread. (See picture 1)
-Added a webhook to the WxCINE Discord chat https://discord.gg/EbM3Vfs that will display when a post has been made inside the channel #twctoday-forum. (See picture 2)

I am optimistic that some of these changes will help the newer generation of guests to interact and collaborate with others on the forum while keeping abreast of recent posts.

TWC Fan Art / Re: Prevue Guide and Weather Channel (2020 version)
« on: May 03, 2020, 08:48:42 PM »
very nice

TWC Today News / Re: Some changes on the Forum
« on: April 26, 2020, 02:13:29 PM »
Yes, to answer to the above questions, and to reiterate a previous point.. We are working on a plan to design a forum-integrated 'home' page. Two goals that are apart of this are to re-theme the forum, and to include basically a landing page where these previous components of TWCT website would be available.

News and Updates / Public Release Now Available (April 2020)
« on: April 23, 2020, 02:33:56 PM »
Hi Folks,
I wanted to bring to your attention that I have created a new build of the Emulator. This is to correct a few data source issues, and also replace the "Regional Satellite" product with pre-configured projection views.

If you are a current emulator user:
  • Backup any custom music/backgrounds/logos that you work with. Then uninstall the emulator from your system. (Please do not do an in-place re-installation on top of the existing install.)
  • Under the 'Local Forecast' package, configure the 'Regional Satellite' view of choice, then 'Build' your config.
  • Proceed to download and install the new version of the Emulator. Do not forget to configure your ID, and replace any custom music/backgrounds/logos.

For new users, this is a repeat:
If you have never worked with program in the past, there are two halves.
1. CINE (The Configuration Interface for Networked Emulation) - This is the heart of where you control your emulator's experience. All settings and options are managed through this web-portal. Any changes made in the portal will propagate to the Emulator as it is running. You have the ability to "cue" all changes, then when you are ready, select 'Build Now' in CINE.
2. The Weatherscan XL Emulator application, itself. This is the client-end application which, when configured with your selected ID, will download, present, and update forecast and other regional details around the clock while it is running.

When you get started building your first config to work with the emulator, we suggest simply starting off with the 'Local Forecast' package. This is just to make sure all works correctly on your system. Once you have a working Local Forecast loop, you're welcome to add in other products.

Please be sure to make sure all options are configured, so you can "Build Now" all of your settings!! --Very important!!

So you would like some help?
It's quite alright, we have a live chat with humans just like you, and they are anxious to get you emulating too. We do this via the Discord Chat system. Join via this link from your computer or mobile app: https://discord.gg/EbM3Vfs

So, you think you're ready now?
Let's get started! Go visit CINE, create and validate your account information. Once you have completed this, then get building. Here's the link: http://wxcine.com:21863

Once again, we're happy to have you and we're excited your taking this opportunity to enjoy an emulator, which is a signature experience from not only mine, but other "The Weather Channel" viewers past.

TWC Today News / Re: Some changes on the Forum
« on: April 19, 2020, 12:01:44 PM »
Thanks all for the encouraging words. Continuing with some more house keeping news..

Some updates for today:

Updated the server engine to support SSL encryption, then enabled it for this site.
Made changes in the SQL database that previously referenced HTTP to reference HTTPS for calls. The website should now only load on the HTTPS side, therefore will be encrypting user communication end-to-end.

This comes as Google has made several changes, including down-ranking unsecured sites, and also notifying users inside of Chrome that the site is not secure.

If anyone notices any issues, please drop them here.

TWC Today News / Some changes on the Forum
« on: April 17, 2020, 04:37:11 PM »
Hi Folks - Been doing some house keeping on the forum as of late.
-Fixed the email subsystem, which would affect new users signing up, or exchanging personal messages.
-Removed a bunch of unused user groups, mostly because those people are no longer patrons of the forum anymore.
-Combined all of Matt's "TWCClassics.com"-related forums into one grouping.
-Eliminated the old website which has not been touched ~10 years. Visiting twctodayforums.com will immediately redirect to the forum.

There have been thoughts on adding a "home" page which integrates with our forum, and perhaps bringing some of the old website content back to that in a better curated format.

BIG NEWS: I have set up the integration between the forum and the Tapatalk app for mobile devices. This will allow easy mobile access to collaborate and discuss on this forum.

Coming soon, perhaps a visual re-theme and new logo -- something to fit our time.

I know an old legacy admin 'Stephen' patronizes this forum from time to time, and I would like to hear his input, along with everyone else who visits here.

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: March 26, 2020, 02:45:54 PM »
Nice and sunny today!

Help and Support / Re: Errors logging in and configuring
« on: November 26, 2019, 09:17:15 AM »
My apologies if I am late to the party on responding to your issue below. To expedite the resolution of your issue below, please visit the Discord chat server noted here: https://twctodayforums.com/forums/news-and-updates/official-discord-chat-server-for-weatherscan-support/

« on: November 26, 2019, 09:13:37 AM »
Make sure you have an account with Discord app first before clicking this link:


Please note, the purpose of this is to expedite any support related requests.

General Discussion / Re: Charles Abel-Lear 1980-2019
« on: November 26, 2019, 09:07:29 AM »

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