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Messages - boyercam

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9]
Emulator Videos / Re: Boyercam's emulations
« on: January 18, 2014, 08:31:41 AM »
Alternative Weatherscan (Intellistar) reboot concept idea:
Youtube Link

System Emulated: IntelliStar Weatherscan
Location: Manchester, UK
Music Used: Track 28
Narration Used ('Vocal Local'):  :no: No
Created With: PowerPoint (Basic Emulation)
No Background as such, just a proof of concept.
Technical Background:
It's a fairly basic creation, just ignore the hopeless weatherscan page at the end :blushing:

TWC Fan Art / Re: luesjo12's Art
« on: January 17, 2014, 03:38:24 PM »
2 things:
a) Looks awesome, really does fit with the Weatherstar system
b) Where did you get the weather icons, especially the animated one like your avatar  <_< ?

The Game Room / Re: Put the wrong emoticon at the end of the sentence
« on: January 17, 2014, 03:26:05 PM »
Remember kids, don't do drugs :smoke2:

Emulator Videos / Re: Boyercam's emulations
« on: January 17, 2014, 12:21:39 PM »
Alternative emulation to the one above:
Youtube Link

System Emulated: IntelliStar 2 Local
Location: Manchester, UK
Music Used: The Weather Channel Local On The 8's Version 2 Fall ('Woo-ooo-o-ow')
Narration Used ('Vocal Local'):  :no: No
Created With: PowerPoint (Basic Emulation)
The IntelliStar System Covering Manchester unexpectedly broke down, in order to keep up with TWC's changes a IntelliStar 2 system was shipped in from America to cover this area. A software update for UK configurations had not yet been installed and so some features were unavailable
Technical Background:
This emulation took about 2 hours to make, even at it's basic level, some features are different such as Font and Icons as I don't have them available. This emulation was difficult to create with PowerPoint as some features were impossible to recreate, also It appeared I couldn't spell Temporarily, so ignore that

Emulator Videos / Re: Boyercam's emulations
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:08:59 PM »
Ok here is my first emulation:
Youtube Link

System Emulated: IntelliStar 2 Local
Location: Manchester, UK
Music Used: The Weather Channel Local On The 8's Version 1 Fall
Narration Used ('Vocal Local'):  :no: No
Created With: PowerPoint (Basic Emulation)
The IntelliStar System Covering Manchester unexpectedly broke down, in order to keep up with TWC's changes a IntelliStar 2 system was shipped in from America to cover this area. A software update for UK configurations had not yet been installed and so some features were unavailable
Technical Background:
This emulation took about 2 hours to make, even at it's basic level, some features are different such as Font and Icons as I don't have them available. This emulation was difficult to create with PowerPoint as some features were impossible to recreate, also It appeared I couldn't spell Temporarily, so ignore that

Emulator Videos / Boyercam's emulations
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:07:52 PM »
Hello everyone and welcome to my little corner on this forum, where you can see my emulations.

Seeing as I am based in the UK, most of my emulations will use local places and with each emulation there will be a brief description...

.... so, umm... I suppose I should start.

IntelliStar 2 Discussion / Intellistar 2 Greetings list
« on: January 16, 2014, 03:23:14 AM »
So many of you are probably aware that Intellistar 2 now has greetings, so basically, I think we should list them all here.

Weatherscan Discussion / Re: What exactly is weatherscan?
« on: July 29, 2013, 03:41:40 PM »
In case there is any confusion, I should mention that these are two separate channels we're talking about.  The Weather Channel is one channel, and Weatherscan is an entirely different channel that some cable providers offer to their subscribers.

...Now it makes sense. Whoops  :blushing:

Weatherscan Discussion / Re: What exactly is weatherscan?
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:07:25 AM »
So I'm confused about weatherscan, what exactly is it? As far as I can tell it's the same as WxStar and IntelliStar. Is there a difference?

I'm rather new to weatherscan and so I don't really understand why TWC still use it instead of the other systems.


It's a separate Intellistar based totally on different graphics and segments which is why it doesn't look like the current SD IntelliStar or Satellite forecast viewers see daily on their local TWC Feed.  It is available to certain cable companies as far as i know.

They show segments like Garden, Ski, Health, and more local conditions than the current Intellistar and WeatherStar XL since TWC shortened the locals to 60 seconds.

So, is it something they show when they have no programs scheduled? A little bit like this? >

Weatherscan Discussion / What exactly is weatherscan?
« on: July 29, 2013, 07:18:36 AM »
So I'm confused about weatherscan, what exactly is it? As far as I can tell it's the same as WxStar and IntelliStar. Is there a difference?

I'm rather new to weatherscan and so I don't really understand why TWC still use it instead of the other systems.


General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself! (For New Members)
« on: July 26, 2013, 04:39:46 AM »
Hello Everyone, my name is boyercam and I would like to introduce myself to these forums, now, there is one thing I must clear up from the start, I am english (you may have worked that out already) and I live in england. Now let me explain myself for invading your forums, there are two reasons why I am here:

1. I am interested about the weather and I have a professional weather station on the side of my house.
2. I am interested in WxStar emulations (not forgetting intellistar) and wonder why we don't have it in the UK (the main reason probably being that we don't have the weather channel on our little island)

So I will probably be making UK based emulations and I hope that no confusion occurs between the English (US) and the English (UK) language boundary.
P.S I'm having problems getting onto your forums as apparently I have been Spamming although I have never been to this site before. I'm having to post this through a proxy. Could a admin help me with this problem?

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