Local Forecast / Recently switched to Verizon FiOS; liking TWC HD!
« on: April 10, 2011, 02:32:39 PM »
I find that even though the traditional local narrative TWC works wonders for getting current conditions & forecast quickly for where I live, the TWC HD channel we have is a very nice way to get most of the US' weather very quickly with the music playing without any voice-overs. this is where I wish they made the forecasts a minute or two longer. As I still have only an SDTV, the screen looks pretty cramped with all the forecast info on the screen when you have several cities displaying 5 days at once very quickly. I'm not sure if other subscription TV providers do it this way, but our TWC HD is what looks to be the national feed. The last time I saw the national feed (I believe 2007, except a few YouTube clips), the graphics looked similar to the Lot8s & shown all 4 contiguous US time zones time.