« on: August 12, 2014, 06:55:52 PM »
2014 Is the worst year for Atlantic City as 4 out of the city's 12 casinos have closed their doors and more than 8,000 workers are on the streets. The Revel, which I myself have been a big fan of, is closing their doors after failing to secure a buyer at a bankruptcy auction. The megacasino was open for just two years, but never turned a profit.
It's so sad to see things spiraling downwards in my hometown. The effect on the local economy will be terrible...I'm glad I'm going to move out of here after graduation. AC will end up like a ghost town in a few years. Blame all those greedy politicians authorizing casinos. There are too many casinos in the East Coast, eating up their own revenues.
Obama should do something and stop allowing other states from building casinos. The effect is devastating and nobody is stopping the saturation from getting out of control.