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Topics - Localonthe8s

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17]
Contributions / Thunder's Contribs
« on: July 21, 2007, 01:47:30 PM »
Here is a video of a satellite lf with an unknown Justin Hayes song. If you want to view more videos from me, just click my Youtube username.


8:38pm featuring a Winter's Tale by Spyro Gyra.

An lf from this morning featuring Wildflower by Ryan Farish.

The Game Room / The sarcastic game!
« on: July 20, 2007, 01:08:46 PM »
I say something really stupid and obvoius and you figure it out.

To start:

Where on earth is New York City?

The Game Room / Which would you prefer?
« on: July 18, 2007, 02:01:09 PM »
Saw this from TWCC. You have to choose which you prefer then type in another question for another person to choose from. An example:

Dell or Apple?


now it's your turn:

Dog or cat?

Someone else responds


It's that easy!

Now to start the game:

Thunder or lightning ( :D)

The Game Room / Put the wrong emoticon at the end of the sentence
« on: July 14, 2007, 09:10:29 PM »
This was in TWCC. You are definitely the least funniest person I have ever known.  :rofl2: I hate this song! :dance: :dance: :dance:

General Discussion / Do you have someone in the family who hates TWC?
« on: July 10, 2007, 10:36:17 AM »
Every single day, my stupid as*hole father keeps complaining "get off the computer!" "stop watching TWC" I just said "Shut up, already!" "I don't care if you don't like TWC. I do and if you don't like it, get a life!" I also have to hand in the fact that he can be heavily drunk sometimes but this is ridiculous. Does anybody else know someone who keeps complaining of your hobby of the Weather Channel!?

Local Forecast / Here is the July 2007 Playlist
« on: July 08, 2007, 01:05:02 PM »
Carlos has it posted on TWcclassics as well.

July 2007



Walk With Me-Steve Glotzer-N/A
January Day-Steve Glotzer-N/A
New Dawn-Steve Glotzer-N/A
Why I Sing the Blues-BB King-BB King:Anthology
Red Beans and Rice-Hiroshima-Little Tokyo
Simple Pleasures-SPYRO GYRA (not Jeanne Ricks!)-Good to Go-Go
Get Busy-Spyro Gyra-Good to Go-Go
Easy Street-Spyro Gyra-Good to Go-Go
Groove Lounge-Marcus A. Mitchell-R&R
Just Groovin'-Marcus A. Mitchell- R&R
Justin-Patrick Yandall-N/A
Young At Heart-Ryan Farish-Everlasting
Wildflower-Ryan Farish-Everlasting
Brighter Day-Brian Hughes-Along the Way
Wherever You Are-Brian Hughes-Along the Way

Don't Cave In-Steve Glotzer- N/A
Lanai-Hiroshima-Little Tokyo
On The Fence-Hiroshima-Little Tokyo
Island Winds-Tony Davilio-N/A
Brighter Day-Brian Hughes- Along the Way
Why I Sing the Blues- BB King- BB King:Anthology
Jazzy Jam-Justin Hayes-Justin Hayes
Latin Love-Justin Hayes-Justin Hayes
The Left Bank-Syro Gyra-Good To Go-Go
A Winter Tale-Spyro Gyra-Good To Go-Go

Tempest Wind- Samuel Lincoln- N/A
Island Winds-Tony Davilio-N/A
The High Road-Fred Gross-Weathering the Storm
track 9-Fred Gross-Weathering the Storm
Saturday Night-Joe Lasokta-N/A
Auburn Eyes-Patrick Yandall-N/A
Setting Sun-Nathaniel Valentin Bolensky-N/A
Goodnight-Steve Glotzer-N/A
Moment-Steve Glotzer-N/A
Thinking About You-Steve Glotzer- N/A

Local Forecast / Where to get Eddie Reasoner music?
« on: July 05, 2007, 05:05:53 PM »
Does anybody know where to get Eddie Reasoner's wonderful music? Some songs I"m interested in getting are PCH, LAtin Summer Nights, Dewpoint, Trade Winds and Equinox and the others.

Local Forecast / Weather Channel CD
« on: July 04, 2007, 12:02:41 PM »
There have been a lot of rumors of this highly controversal topic but I found an article that says that TWC will have a music cd now that they are licensed. TWC also plays much of the music from music packages, something I hadn't known before.

Programming and Graphics / TWC new icons, to like or not to like
« on: July 04, 2007, 10:26:46 AM »
Bringing a topic/poll  back from Twcclassics. I love the old icons. Especially because you can tell a regular thunderstorm icon with two stikes and a severe icon with 1 strike. The new icons I absolutely hate!

Local Forecast / Why did the lfs go back to a K flavor?
« on: July 04, 2007, 10:13:01 AM »
I personally do not like the 1:30 timed local forecasts on :18 and :48. I'd love to hear an additional :30 of music. Is it perhaps to save time for that bogus Head On commercial?

Certain places such as Bluefield, WV and Montpelier, VT have a WeatherXL system. Some such as Panama City, Fl have a WeatherStar 4000, Syracuse has a Weatherstar JR and most of the other cities have the IntelliStar. Is there a way to find out which communities have specific types of WeatherStars? I'm curious becasue I like to know what other cities have a WeatherXl and 4000 system. The cable company, AFAIK, decides what WeatherStar to use.

Local Forecast / Your Favorite playlists.
« on: June 30, 2007, 10:18:31 PM »
Mine would be July, August, September, December 2005. May, June, October, November (grr!) 2006 and February 2007. I also stopped watching TWC after 9/11 so pretty much all of the playlists especially July 2001 were really good. Actually IMHO, the main reason I watch TWC is for the music and any severe weather occuring in my area.

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