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Topics - Spring Rubber

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OCMs & Personalities / Rich Johnson is starting to go Cantore on us
« on: February 06, 2008, 02:17:11 AM »
It's after 2AM now, and the layers of clothing on Rich are starting to come off as the we head late into the night. :P

He's now starting to sport the Cantore look of a shirt and tie with rolled up sleeves.


This article, published today, lays out a whole slew of changes coming to TWC when they move to HD, including

*Rear-projectors replacing chroma-keys almost entirely
*A move to Titan HD for radar products
*Usage of the Evertz master control switcher
*A slew of other infrastructure changes

One thing I don't understand is the sentence stating that the HD master control room opened in December. I figured it would have opened months prior to that in order to broadcast HD programming.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions / About the Contact form...
« on: January 26, 2008, 11:42:11 PM »
What exactly do you do with the "Verify" field?

General Discussion / Who do you sound like?
« on: January 24, 2008, 09:51:39 PM »
LOL. How ironic that you had a neighbor named Rich that looks just like Rich Johnson.  :D

Speaking of Rich Johnson, he looks and talks like my school principal

I was talking to myself with a Rich Johnson voice while I was in the shower last night. :unsure:

Everything Else TWC / Is anyone else's TWC feed down?
« on: January 21, 2008, 10:58:10 PM »
I just went to tune into TWC, and DirecTV has lost both the SD and HD feeds from TWC and is currently displaying DirecTV technical difficulties messages on both channels. Is everyone else's providers still getting a feed from TWC?

Contributions / Missing 2001-2003 openers
« on: January 13, 2008, 05:04:28 PM »
Gary, I know I accidentally sent this to you a while back with my personal email address, so I don't know if you got it or not or if you even knew who sent it to you, so here's the ZIP file again.

Contributions / Steve's (Spring Rubber's) Contributions
« on: December 31, 2007, 09:55:07 PM »
I'll be posting my general contributions for this site in this topic. The ones on Imagehost will be deleted after 30 days of inactivity. Gary, you're of course welcome to take whatever you'd like for use on this site.

First off, my previous contributions to the site were deleted when there were server issues, so here are those files again...

Dave and Hillary on Groundhog Day 2006:

Early (and mostly funny) videos from the early days of TWC HD:

Other videos:

Mike Seidel doing a "rain dance" behind the desk on Saturday, March 31, 2007:

The infamous "Robot Dave" skit during a Weekly Planner on Saturday September 22, 2007:

Dave being silly on Monday December 17, 2007:

More to come later...

Contributions / Some 2003 videos
« on: December 31, 2007, 04:13:57 AM »
I'll be posting some videos of shows from late November 2003 here. I already posted this Overnight Outlook video in another topic:

Now, here are some videos of Evening Edition from Wednesday, November 5...

Here's a video from the start of the show. Notice how the show still had a format back then <_<, and notice how the LF aired in between two studio segments, just like on A&B today, but the LF was only 1 minute on EE back then. Also, notice that Jim Cantore was using what ought to be the very first installation of SkyTracker, and of course notice that Jim Cantore still had a little bit of hair on his head.

Here's another video from the second segment of the show that features the Forecast to Go. I never realized the Forecast to Go existed after the 2003 relaunch until I found this video. I had always assumed that the Travel segment on EE became the "TWC Travel Forecast" upon the relaunch; apparently that's not the case. Is it me, or does the start of the Forecast to Go music sound reminiscent of the 2001-2004 CNN Headline News music? After all, both packages were created by Stephen Arnold Music.

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