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Topics - Spring Rubber

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Everything Else TWC / Looks like Dr. Cullen is gone...
« on: February 09, 2009, 07:49:40 PM »
I was just looking at the TWC Personalities page:

...and it looks like Dr. Cullen is gone from TWC. I have to feel bad for her if she was laid off (which I'd assume to be the case), but I'm sure a lot of people will be happy to have her gone. Surely it won't stop the TWC/NBC propaganda from continuing, nevertheless.

So, Rich, who laid you off?

Ahh, I see. What did you say when they told you the news?

How much did getting laid off piss you off?

Ok, yeah, thanks Rich.

According to my guide, as a part of Why I Love Winter Week, TWC will be airing a special program tonight titled, "Winter Remix," and apparently it's a compilation of the best of TWC's winter coverage; it's not quite clear if it's talking about just this year or if the show's going to take a look past into the past, but it should be interesting to check out.

It's going to air in place of WWCH at 9 PM ET, and it'll be a half-hour show followed by Epic Conditions at 9:30. Epic Conditions will air two half-hour shows on both Tuesday and Thursday night, and Friday night will again feature the Winter Remix/Epic Conditions combo. WWCH will reair only on Wednesday and Saturday night this week.

Also a little bit different is that, according to my guide, the previous night's long-form will re-air during the 2 PM ET block each afternoon; no word on whether Weather Center will air at 3 PM ET or if that block will still be FFN.

Programming and Graphics / New Storm Session on the way
« on: January 21, 2009, 10:26:44 PM »
Jim just announced during EE that a new tornado edition of Storm Session is going to be aired during Tornado Week in February. ^_^

Everything Else TWC / Don't drop that s-bomb, Adam!
« on: January 19, 2009, 02:09:53 AM »
At 12:36 CT during tonight's EEWC, HD Master stayed with the studio feed instead of switching to the commercials, and as a result, us HDers heard Adam talking to Master off-camera about how they had a failure and didn't record the :25 segment, so Adam needed to stay late and re-record it. Of course, it's not Adam's fault since he didn't think he was on the air, but he dropped an s-bomb during his little conversation with Master. :blushing:

Here's a crappy recording I got off my SlingPlayer using headphones held up to the microphone:

Everything Else TWC / A request
« on: January 12, 2009, 05:51:13 PM »
If anyone has the ability tonight, could you record the end of A&BEE at 8:54 ET just in case Alexandra comes back tonight? I'm going to record regular EE, but you may also wish to do so for your own sake if she is indeed coming back. :P

Everything Else TWC / It's baaaccck...
« on: November 25, 2008, 06:54:45 AM »
I feel asleep on the couch and just woke up, and guess what! It's the THANKSGIVING TRAVEL BLUE BAR OF DOOM! ROAR!

I saw this a few days ago but forgot to mention it, but sometime over the past week, TWC relaunched the OCM bios page under the new format. They also added a bunch of pictures of the OCMs, added a Q&A section that allows you to ask the OCMs questions about themselves, and added in bios for their reporters. They also put Warren Madden's bio back up there and added Ryan Goswick's bio.

Check it all out here:

BTW, apparently Julie Martin is studying Meteorology full-time according to her new bio. Might we see her pull a Kristin Dodd and go from reporter to OCM? I guess we'll find out! :P

We already had that strange A&B with Abrams and Bettes in the field and Carl in the studio, but now EE comes, and...

Carl and JULIE MARTIN are hosting?!?

Yes, you heard that right, yet Paul's voice is in the teaser. This is just outright confusing; I guess we'll see what happens...

Programming and Graphics / Special Edition of Abrams & Bettes tonight
« on: November 11, 2008, 07:20:17 PM »
Tonight for A&B, they're doing a special Hurricane Season 2008 recap featuring Steph and Mike in New Orleans and Houston, respectively. Carl Parker is back in the studio holding down the fort. :P

They did this for Ike coverage, but I never thought they'd intentionally do a setup like this. :blink:

Programming and Graphics / TWC tagging along for NBC's Green Week
« on: November 11, 2008, 12:35:51 PM »
All of the green ads you've been seeing on TWC since yesterday aren't random; this year, TWC is going to be a part of NBC's Green Week, and as a result, TWC is going to be promoting environmental friendliness like crazy next week, according to the ads that launched today, and they will also be airing special weekday episodes of Forecast Earth (it better be during current long-form slots is all I'm saying). Like the rest of the NBC family, they might even turn the TWC logo green. (if they update the Intellistars to do this)

Everything Else TWC / This is very strange...
« on: November 07, 2008, 01:13:11 AM »
For some reason, instead of the regularly scheduled "let's do that show", TWC is airing a repeat of the final hour of regular EE with Paul and Adam, which is a real no-no since it contains live radar and whatnot. I wonder what's going on...

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