TWC Fan Art / Weather World.com
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:18:06 AM »
Ok, This is my idea of a weather website.
It is essentially this : http://www.weatherdaddy.us/weatherdaddy/index.html But with fonts, graphics, and icons from the intellistar used from 2007-2013. More specifically 2010-2013. I am currently exploring different radars, since I know the real one used is impossible to use. I am very pleased with Baron's VIPIR and FasTrac, they have a similar style and look to TWC's previous radar. That is the website in a nutshell. It will include a 12-hour temperature and conditions forecast along with the typical 36 hour outlook, 7-day, almanac, record temps. I know absolutely nothing about doing any of this, but I'm still going for it even if i don't get anywhere. Another great feature of the site is that it will have a music option where I will include 2 tracks, but users can upload their own and have them on a repeating playlist, or no music at all. I have created several logos you guys tell me your favorite. I am completely open and welcome to criticism, as long as its constructive. I am also open to changes to the site graphics and name. Heres a *VERY* rough draft of the site i drew on paper, excuse my awful artwork.
It is essentially this : http://www.weatherdaddy.us/weatherdaddy/index.html But with fonts, graphics, and icons from the intellistar used from 2007-2013. More specifically 2010-2013. I am currently exploring different radars, since I know the real one used is impossible to use. I am very pleased with Baron's VIPIR and FasTrac, they have a similar style and look to TWC's previous radar. That is the website in a nutshell. It will include a 12-hour temperature and conditions forecast along with the typical 36 hour outlook, 7-day, almanac, record temps. I know absolutely nothing about doing any of this, but I'm still going for it even if i don't get anywhere. Another great feature of the site is that it will have a music option where I will include 2 tracks, but users can upload their own and have them on a repeating playlist, or no music at all. I have created several logos you guys tell me your favorite. I am completely open and welcome to criticism, as long as its constructive. I am also open to changes to the site graphics and name. Heres a *VERY* rough draft of the site i drew on paper, excuse my awful artwork.