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Topics - SO7430

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TWC Fan Art / My first attempt at an emulation
« on: March 13, 2016, 12:45:01 AM »
Well I finally did it.

- I am not meant to do these.

-Yes I am aware of the countless errors and was just eager to finish after 6 hours which is depressing.

- The time temperature and fonts are all way really off.

- stupidly I thought I could add animation to the air quality forecast, but it cues way too late and is way too slow.

- Laugh it up and feel free to post more errors I didn't feel like adding, oh and the time its 2:15 long but the time only counts for maybe a minte at best.....       ughghghghghghghg


Local Forecast / Ok really new song during local on the 8s !
« on: March 11, 2016, 07:45:07 AM »
This is by far different from the current mix of song plus I got video proof this time! Myrtle Beach IS2XD 7:29 a.m.   My prehistoric phone took 30 years to load so I just caught then of it.  I like the sound of it, it sounds like one of their old tracks. ve recorded two songs so far.


This one's my favorite.


Not sure if these were used prior to November '13 you guys be the judge.

So cool, I saw this back in September and thought it would never happen again. It's a snowing icon which appear to be from the set of icons used from 2006-2010.

Recorded from my phone sorry, in the process of getting a dvr : https://youtu.be/aCtz6PEbh-8

It's hard to tell but the cloud is moving, but like the 2006 ones they ihad that more textured movement.

Programming and Graphics / Glitchy LDL
« on: March 03, 2016, 10:21:53 PM »
Mooresville N.C.'s Intellistar 2 jr. LDL  was extremely Glitch the past two days. The national forecasts were overlapping my local forecasts with text and icons. It was probably just mine. I really hope I get an XD soon, the jr. Is pretty old to me. Although the local on the 8'S were still normal and for my area..... This happened 3 times in the past two days, and of course my stupid camera takes 30 years just to switch to video mode, so I wasn't able to capture it.

TWC Fan Art / Beta Revised Icons
« on: February 20, 2016, 11:41:51 PM »
Ok so here is my first attempt at a revised Wintry Mix icon. Several things to note...

-The loop is much more smooth, if you download it to your PC  it doesn't have little blips caused by edge, internet explorer, etc.

-I enhanced it to make it stand out more.

-I still don't have a transparent background yet, I'm having trouble with it.

-This one isn't final either, there's going to e a few more tests/revisions I will make, because the new program I'm using to compile them makes sun and cloud animations look awful......

I hope you guys like it, if you have any comments or suggestions just let me know.

***I do not own this***

If I have to remove this please notify me to do so.

General Discussion / Found the music I was looking for!!!
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:55:53 AM »
So I got a copyright notice on the youtube video I posted and I got a link to a production company's website with all of the songs and I was able to download them!  Success!!    :dance:


Rather than upload all the files again I made it into video with the corresponding song name in the order that they play. Man the original video's audio is atrocious compared to the direct files. If you want the song names, file, or link to the sites where they were found just let me know. :)

I own nothing, the songs belong to Megatrax, and their own composer(s).

TWC Fan Art / Weather World.com
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:18:06 AM »
Ok, This is my idea of a weather website.
 It is essentially this : http://www.weatherdaddy.us/weatherdaddy/index.html But with fonts, graphics, and icons from the intellistar used from 2007-2013. More specifically 2010-2013. I am currently exploring different radars, since I know the real one used is impossible to use. I am very pleased with Baron's VIPIR and FasTrac, they have a similar style and look to TWC's previous radar. That is the website in a nutshell. It will include a 12-hour temperature and conditions forecast along with the typical 36 hour outlook, 7-day, almanac, record temps. I know absolutely nothing about doing any of this, but I'm still going for it even if i don't get anywhere. Another great feature of the site is that it will have a music option where I will include 2 tracks, but users can upload their own and have them on a repeating playlist, or no music at all.  I have created several logos you guys tell me your favorite. I am completely open and welcome to criticism, as long as its constructive. I am also open to changes to the site graphics and name. Heres a *VERY* rough draft of the site i drew on paper, excuse my awful artwork.

TWC Fan Art / Am I allowed to post these?
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:15:12 PM »
I've been working on some Intellistar icons, and yes they are the 2010 ones. Before I post *a few of them* aka, 1 or 2. Just to show you guys, and see how they look. They are directly from recordings, but I placed them through an image editor and looped them into .gif files. They have backgrounds because of they way I compiled them, so they are not transparent. I just want to know id its ok? I will upload a video of a few of them, I am only able to get them to animate in PowerPoint or my generic photo viewer on my pc, which they lag in both, but when opened with internet explorer, Firefox, etc. they animate at a pretty decent speed. I would also like to state that they are not 100% crystal clear, for the most part they are anywhere from a 90-95%. Some are a little lower due to the quality of some of the recording I have. This is still a work in progress so I only have like a third of the whole available set....

Tell me what you guys think! :)


Once I have them all recorded, edited, and compiled, y next project is to remove the backgrounds, does anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to do it? If not I just figure it out eventually. I actually tried animating the icons by hand, but that was an overwhelmingly long process that didn't give a result I could be proud of.

***I would like to state that I do not own any of this.***

General Discussion / Is anyone able to identify these for me?
« on: February 14, 2016, 04:29:32 PM »
These are a few songs from a local weather channel in Cleveland Ohio. Its just a 24/7 continuous loop of current radar and temperatures with music playing in the background. In my opinion the songs are awesome, but I can't find them online. I recorded them while I was visiting my family in Ohio, but they aren't in the best quality. Anyone think they can help?

Also here is the channel from 2011 before the channel, owned by WKYC, updated to the current Gannett graphics.


I pieced together this from the above video in audacity.


Now this is the only video I can find of the channel after the update, its from 2014, but the channel still looks like that and still has that music, checked with my dad last week.


(mind the commercial)

Only three of the total 5 songs are heard in the video.

Also I do not own any of these songs, so no infringement intended here.

The songs are listed as Voice 06 - Voice 10 they play in order as 08 -> 06 -> 10 -> 07 -> 09

Local Forecast / New song during local on the 8s?
« on: February 14, 2016, 01:00:49 AM »
At around 9:30am ET yesterday there was a new song playing. It was distinctively different than the current mix of TWC songs that they play, which is why I even did a double take to make sure. It was just a constant beat but with a few other elements to it, and the rythm did not match to other current ones, it also wasn't that one that is a constant beat, it's completely different. Did anyone else catch this? It hasn't happened since then. I listened to the current songs list on YouTube and it was not in there.

Programming and Graphics / Intellistar Icons 2010-2013
« on: December 30, 2015, 02:58:52 AM »
I have all of the Icons, believe me, they are just not animated. I need them for a project. PM me if you want to find out. Can anyone help?

General Discussion / I want to create a weather website
« on: December 30, 2015, 02:54:54 AM »
Any help is needed. Basically a website almost identical to this one

but with updated graphics, like intellistar's 2010-2013 icons and a few more cool details I think you will like. PM me for more info, I made a post so big you had to scroll several times to read it and 9 attachments, none of which exceeded the limit but it didn't post. :( Since I don't feel like spending another 2 hours typing, just PM me or email, I promise you'll like the idea :)

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