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Topics - NYCTWCjunkie

Pages: 1 [2]
Perhaps you guys heard about this over the last two days or so. This is something that I find BEYOND shocking
and deplorable. On local and national newscasts, mentioned was a YouTube video clip that surfaced earlier
this week (it's not there now) that showed a United States Marine at an undisclosed location throwing
a helpless puppy off a cliff. The video showed two Marines in it and both were joking about it as if it was
real funny. I find not only the dispicible act outrageous, but their attitude to be without regard to animal life
has completely inhumane beyond belief.

FOX News reports today that the Marine's family in Washington state has received death threats and
that's expected. Does his family deserve it? No.  But he deserves to be discharged from the Marine Corps
and possibly serve jail time for the possible death of this dog. There has been no confirmation of exactly
where this incident took place and the fate of the dog.

Cable News Network (March 4):
"Video appears to show Marine abusing puppy"

FOX News Channel (March 6):,2933,335490,00.html
"Marine, family receive death threats and hate mail over puppy abuse video"

Your Local Weather / Western New York State weather
« on: January 11, 2008, 05:00:45 PM »
After moderate to heavy rain moved through the eastern Great Lakes region last night, there is the chance
for residual showers for the remainder of today with windy conditions in most locations around the
Buffalo metropolitan area and western New York State. Temperatures will remain above normal as we start
the upcoming weekend.  Lake effect snow showers are in the forecast by early next week.

This is a brand new graphics package.  It will probably need tweaking in the days, weeks and months ahead as
hopefully there will be more reporting sites available.  This is mainly in reference to the metropolitan area map.
Originally I had wanted to use West Seneca on it instead of Buffalo Niagara International Airport as well as
Amherst, New York.  However, Amherst doesn't have a reporting site available.

I have not added the transparent byline on the photo yet, but to give the appropriate copyright credit,
the current conditions graphic page background is by "jbcurio" at Flickr.

The downtown Buffalo weather observations site did not provide relative humidity and dew point data
for this report. Also, there was no radar view available at 2:50 PM, so it is not included in this post.

About 99% of the time, I'm usually completely on top of things, but I accidentally have been posting
the wrong name for Buffalo's primary airport.  The correct name for it is Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
Then again, the National Weather Service can also be blamed because they have yet to make the proper name
reference change.

Your Local Weather / San Francisco Bay Area weather
« on: September 01, 2007, 04:24:07 AM »
A very pleasant overnight period for the San Francisco Bay Area and a very pleasant day ahead as well.
Fair skies and temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s near the coast and significantly warmer for inland areas.

I have not added the transparent byline on the photo yet, but to give the appropriate copyright credit,
the current conditions graphic page background is by "zachdb" at Flickr.

Your Local Weather / New Orleans weather
« on: August 30, 2007, 03:35:16 AM »
On this two-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, all is quiet on the Gulf Coast during this early
overnight period. There is the chance of scattered showers and a possible thunderstorm or two
for at least the next 36 hours. Temperatures will be near 90° later today and Friday.

In case anyone is interested, I posted a blog entry on Hurricane Katrina.
It's not much, but I figured I'd say a few words on it.

I have not added the transparent byline on the photo yet, but to give the appropriate copyright credit,
the current conditions graphic page background is by "Boys Last Shot" at Flickr.

Programming and Graphics / Hurricane Katrina 2-year anniversary coverage
« on: August 28, 2007, 01:06:03 PM »
This is certainly of interest to those of you that live in the Gulf Coast region, but of course also to others that have followed this story since this disaster took place.

During the overnight hours tomorrow morning, it will mark the two-year anniversary of when Hurricane Katrina made landfall in southeastern Louisiana and later on Mississippi coast.

The Weather Channel plans to have live coverage tonight during I believe Abrams & Bettes as well as Evening Edition. Will you watch it?  What do you expect in terms of coverage?

It is not likely I'll be watching, but if I do at all, I'll just be peeking in during commercial breaks while I focus my attention on Power of 10 and Big Brother 8.

So let's hear your thoughts on The Weather Channel coverage or even on the anniversary itself.  Whatever is on your mind, let's hear it!

Your Local Weather / Dallas-Fort Worth weather
« on: August 12, 2007, 06:14:59 PM »
After reaching 100° for the very first time this entire calendar year yesterday, the Dallas-Fort Worth area
will have to endure the brunt of an ongoing brutal heat wave that engulfs the entire southern half of
the country for at least this week. Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport recorded that 100° temperature
at 3:00 PM yesterday afternoon to make it the 6th-latest date during a given summer that Dallas didn't reach
triple-digit readings. Keep in mind that the National Weather Service forecast office in Fort Worth does not provide
archived daily weather roundups for Love Field in Dallas.  That explains why The Weather Channel announced
this 100° high temperature for Dallas yesterday by using Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport's data.

For more details, I have provided some extra information from the National Weather Service regarding
yesterday's high temperature.

4:30 PM CDT SAT AUG 11 2007


Shortly before 3:00 PM Central Daylight Time, the temperature at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
climbed to 100°. This is the first time this year that Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport has reached
the century mark. This is the 6th-latest first 100° day.

There have only been 2 years in the 109-year* history of observations for the official Dallas-Fort Worth site
when we did not hit 100°... 1906 and 1973.

In those years when we had 100°+ temperatures, the first 100° day has occurred as early as March 9,
back in 1911 and as late as August 23rd, back in 1989. The average first day that we reach 100° is June 30th.

We have had 100°+ temperatures every month from March through October with the earliest occurrence
being March 9th and the latest occurrence being October 3rd.

The average number of 100°+ days is 16.  The record number of 100°+ days in 69 which occurred in 1980.


T-1   1906, 1973   NONE
3   August 23, 1989
4   August 19, 1905
5   August 16, 1903
6   August 11, 2007****
7   August 10, 1992
8   August 8, 1968
T-9   August 7, 1908 and August 7, 1919

Observations for the official site for Dallas-Fort Worth site go back to September 1898.
The official site has changed during that time.
The Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport site has been the official site since 1974.

A Heat Advisory is in effect until 6:00 PM Central Daylight Time tomorrow. Also, an ongoing Flood Warning is
still in effect until further notice for the Elm Fork portion of the Trinity River near Carrollton in Dallas County
thanks to the excessive rain that has fallen prior to this dry spell.

Lancaster, Texas did not submit their latest weather observations for this hour, so I'm replacing it with
Duncanville, Texas for this report.

Since The Weather Channel has decided to run their original introduction to the Local on the 8s from when they launched the new logo last year, how long will it be until they decide to unveil an intro for TWC HD? This is mainly to ask your prediction on when you think this will happen.

If I had to guess, perhaps about a month from right now.

Your Local Weather / Minneapolis-St. Paul weather
« on: July 26, 2007, 04:48:56 PM »
I thought I would share what I posted at TWC Classics in terms of a weather report for today with the addition
of a Twin Cities weather thread at TWC Today.

For past reports and chat posts, feel free to visit the TWC Classics' Minneapolis-St. Paul weather thread.

A very hot day in the Twin Cities metropolitan area this afternoon will give way to stormy conditions
by the evening rush hour as a potent cold front moves through to bring considerable relief.
Temperatures are well into the 90s with scattered thunderstorms across the region.

More storms are on tap for tonight and much better conditions is in store for tomorrow with high temperatures
in the 80s. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect for the Twin Cities until 9:00 PM Central Daylight Time.

Central Minnesota regional radar as of 2:21 PM Central Daylight Time (courtesy of WCCO-TV)...

Your Local Weather / Winnipeg weather
« on: July 24, 2007, 04:46:00 PM »
I thought I would share what I posted at TWC Classics in terms of a weather report for today with the addition of
a Winnipeg weather thread at TWC Today.

For past reports and chat posts, feel free to visit the TWC Classics' Winnipeg weather thread.
You will also find background introduction for this city in my Canadian weather tour.

Unusually hot temperatures invaded south central Canada yesterday and a major heat wave continues for Winnipeg
during the next 36 hours.  Temperatures running in the 90s isn't something Manitobans experience that often.

It will be even hotter this afternoon with peak readings in the upper 90s with a slight chance of more showers
by tonight. It will remain unseasonably hot tomorrow before a cold front moves through by Thursday.

Brand new to this thread are graphic pages for my Winnipeg weather reports. They are in Imperial units used in
the United States as opposed to metric units in Canada. I'm not sure yet if I'll expand to have an option for
metric units in my reports given that I'm using The Weather Channel's style graphics not seen on Canadian TV.
There are no additional metropolitan area reporting sites available here as there would be for American cities.

I have not added the transparent byline on the photo yet, but to give the appropriate copyright credit,
the current conditions graphic page background is by Eric Thomas at Flickr.

Your Local Weather / San Diego weather
« on: July 17, 2007, 03:40:06 PM »
I thought I would share what I posted at TWC Classics in terms of a weather report for today with the addition of
a San Diego weather thread at TWC Today.

For past reports and chat posts, feel free to visit the TWC Classics' San Diego weather thread.

After primarily being overcast through the first few hours after sunrise, much of the clouds and haze
is beginning to lift during this late morning in San Diego County.  Temperatures range from the upper 60s
along the coast and already it is into the low 80s in the warm spots inland.

For one of the most pleasant areas of the country, the southwestern-most corner of the United States
will enjoy fair conditions with temperatures in the low to mid 70s along the coast while it will be toasty
in the mountainous areas of San Diego County.

As of right now, I'm holding off on posting Tijuana, Mexico forecasts, but at least I'll proving the latest
weather conditions in my reports.  Campo, California did not provide sky conditions in their report as of
the hour of this update.

I have not added the transparent byline on the photo yet, but to give the appropriate copyright credit,
the current conditions graphic page background is by Sue Roesner at Flickr.

Your Local Weather / Los Angeles weather
« on: July 15, 2007, 12:56:19 PM »
I thought I would share what I posted at TWC Classics in terms of a weather report from last night
with the addition of a Los Angeles weather thread at TWC Today.

For past reports and chat posts, feel free to visit the TWC Classics' Los Angeles weather thread.

The report below is from 10:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time last night.

A very pleasant evening in southern California tonight will give way fair skies tomorrow (Sunday).
Depending on where you live in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, it will be noticably warmer inland areas
with forecast high temperatures in the 90s while it'll be in the 80s within 20 or so miles from the coastline
(including downtown Los Angeles).  It will remain dry for at least the next five days.

I have not added the transparent byline on the photo yet, but to give the appropriate copyright credit,
the current conditions graphic page background is by Stephen Friday at Flickr.

Your Local Weather / Philadelphia weather
« on: July 10, 2007, 03:10:34 PM »
I thought I would share what I posted at TWC Classics in terms of a weather report for today with
the addition of a Philadelphia weather thread at TWC Today.

For past reports and chat posts, feel free to visit the TWC Classics' Philadelphia weather thread.

Another sweltering day is underway in the City of Brotherly Love as it will be very hot and quite humid
this afternoon. Once again, high temperatures may come very close to reaching the century mark in
some locations. Even if they don't, heat indices in the high majority of reporting sites across the
lower Delaware River valley are above 100°.

While it won't be until late tomorrow or Thursday at the earliest for this heat wave to end, showers
and thunderstorms are possible across the region this afternoon, tonight and tomorrow. It is expected
to reach 90° again tomorrow as well.

For the rest of today, an Excessive Heat Warning is in effect until 6:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time.

Some locations have already had their temperatures surpass their forecasted peak readings.

Your Local Weather / New York City weather
« on: July 09, 2007, 05:00:02 PM »
I thought I would share what I posted at TWC Classics in terms of a weather report for today with the addition of
a New York City weather thread at TWC Today.

For past reports and chat posts, feel free to visit the TWC Classics' New York City weather thread.

Today is expected to be the hottest day of the 2007 calendar year in the New York City metropolitan area as
well as other parts of the northeastern United States. Temperatures are expected to top out in the mid to
upper 90s this afternoon with some hazy conditions in some areas. The hot spots of northern New Jersey and
the Lower Hudson River Valley may be close to 100°.

It will remain unseasonably hot and it will be humid (as a typical July day should) for at least the next two days.
The chance for showers and scattered thunderstorms will increase as the week progresses and hopefully
the first true heat wave will end by Thursday or Friday as peak temperatures will be back to seasonable levels.

I have not added the transparent byline on the photo yet, but to give the appropriate copyright credit,
the current conditions graphic page background is by Harriseye at Flickr.

Some locations have already had their current temperatures surpass their forecast highs.

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