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Topics - TWCToday

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General Discussion / 2008 Presidential Election
« on: November 02, 2008, 09:12:50 PM »
Who would you vote for in the election? Poll closes after November 4th. Feel free to post who and why  :yes:

General Emulator Discussion / Post Logos Here
« on: November 02, 2008, 05:54:18 PM »
Got a great logo you want to share with everyone? Post it here.

Logos Posted So Far

-Bright House Networks
-Insight Communications

replace sponsorlogo.PNG here with your new logo

Help and Support / Official Keys
« on: November 01, 2008, 07:09:42 PM »
The reason the trial key is issues is so that users can see if they like the program and want to run it in the future. Please post your hardware ID here and an official key will be made for you.

The reason it is called a hardware id is because the key is based on your computers hardware. Much like the Windows Genuine Advantage works. If you use the emulator on a different computer your hadware id will be different.

Help and Support / Changing the Logo
« on: October 31, 2008, 10:40:41 PM »
The logo is stored here:
C:\Program Files\Weatherstar\Weatherscan\main

and is labled sponsorlogo.png If you do not want to make/use a different logo than the comcast one just rename the comcast logo (also located in the directory) to sponsorlogo.png

Help and Support / Local Weather Data Temporarily Unavailable
« on: October 31, 2008, 10:24:17 PM »
When you see this dont panic. Its normal and it happens to everyone once in a while. It simply means the emulator did not get the data it needed. Sorta like when the intellistar says Temporarily Unavailable. This could be from several reasons.

1. Firewall or security program is blocking the emulator from getting data
2. NWS or other data source is down
3. Issue with your network
4. Slow connection- could not download all the data within the required time

If this problem persist for OVER 1-2 hrs then post here. The emulator downloads new data every 15min so in most cases it will go away at that time.

Bug Reports / Known Issues and Bugs
« on: October 31, 2008, 04:42:37 AM »
Will be updated as needed.

Help and Support / Music Setup
« on: October 31, 2008, 02:39:39 AM »
Here are the steps to change the music on the emulator.

1. Navigate on your computer to the following folder

2. Now click the WeatherScan folder and then the music folder.

3. Place any music files you want the emulator to play here. They must be non DRM mp3s.

4. Right click the list.m3u and open it up with NOTEPAD.

5. Follow the same format you see listed. For example if I have "awesomesong.mp3" and want the emulator to play it, I add it on a seperate line in notepad and type in EXACTLY how the filename and FILE EXTENSION is spelled. An easy way to do this is to right click on the song and select rename. Then when the text is highlighted use Ctrl. C to copy it and then paste it into notepad. Then add.mp3 if it is not already added.

5. Save notepad and your done!

Note For Vista Users
Vista likes to be difficult and sometimes wont let you edit files in program folders. To get around this, copy the file to your desktop, edit it there, save the changes. Then move it back to the program folder and overwrite the file there
Post any issues or questions you may have here.

Help and Support / Setting Up The Configuration
« on: October 30, 2008, 04:45:16 PM »
After you have given me the username/star id and password you would like to use for the emulator and I (or Brian) have confirmed your account has been set up, please follow these simple steps.

1. Go to http://copper.yi.org:21863
2. Under Restricted access click WeatherScan Configurator
3. You should see a login screen.
4. Enter the login information you gave me
5. Now you should see a panel on the left. Click Current Conditions and select your info there.
6. Continue to click on the links in the side pannel and complete your setup. Its all self explanatory.
7. When you have finished go to "Review Cfg'n "
8. Scroll to the bottom of the text.
9. If you entered everything correctly you should see a link saying Build Configuration. Click that link and your configuration is complete!

Now that you have set up your account, it is important to tell the emulator your username. To do this click the "Set Affiliate ID" shortcut on your desktop and enter your username there. Hit save and exit. REMEMBER: Vista users must right click the icon and "Run as admin" for the program to work right. The emulator itself must also be started this way

Help and Support / Initial Setup Procedures
« on: October 30, 2008, 10:53:53 AM »
1. Download the program and install it:

2. Three icons will appear on your desktop. Please click the icon that reads "Set Affiliate ID" This will tell the emulator which user you are. If you would like to sample this (only option as of now) please enter one of the following: Martin or brian
NOTE: Windows Vista users MUST right click on the icon and "Run as Admin"

3. Now start the emulator by clicking on the Weatherscan Local XL icon.
NOTE: Windows Vista users MUST right click on the icon and "Run as Admin"

4. For copy control, a key is required. This key is determined by your computer hardware and will be assigned to you. For now you may use a trial key until a permanent one can be given to you. The trial key will last for three days:

Name: Trial
Key: 0J3F98-6TXEY5-GX6Q66-NJT5TW

More info will be provided today.

Update coming soon

General Emulator Discussion / Suggestions
« on: October 29, 2008, 11:23:58 PM »
Got a really cool idea or want to see a certain feature added to the emulator? Post it here. While not all suggestions will be implemented, they will be taken under advisement.

Bug Reports / Before Posting A Bug Report...
« on: October 29, 2008, 11:21:35 PM »
Please make sure that any issues you may have come across have not been posted or reported already.

Thank You!

Help and Support / Weather Alert Scrolls and Bulletin
« on: October 25, 2008, 06:54:09 PM »
The WeatherScan XL emulator uses a special third party program to receive pushed alerts from the National Weather Center. Using the data from this program, the emulator can create weather alert scrolls and a weather bulletin slide. This software is called Weather Message. It's not just only good for the weatherscan program, its also good to recieve all the weather messages from your area.

This program however is not free. You will have to purchase the "Weather Message for 1 server Includes Server, Message and Map Clients - 50 Connections" package from wxmesg.com There is however a trial for 30 days so you can see if you like the program and if its worth the $45 to purchase it.

Disclaimer: Neither I nor anyone else on this project receives any kickbacks from this software. This is OPTIONAL software and the emulator will run fine without it.

More details as well as a step by step guide to set up the program will be released soon.

General Emulator Discussion / Live Emulator Streams
« on: October 25, 2008, 06:24:55 PM »
Post links to your live WeatherScan XL emulator streams here! B)

Note: Please post the status of the stream. If your stream is down and the status is not updated within a day, your post will be removed.

News and Updates / Release Date
« on: October 25, 2008, 05:46:43 PM »
As some of you may know, the WeatherScan XL emulator project has been in a closed Beta for several years. The reason being was there were not enough server resources to handle many users. For each user of the emulator, a remote server (located at Brians house) had to complile together radar and maps for each user. As you can imagine with about 15images per person its a lot of load on a server. This has now been elimated and all of the graphics are compiled by the program itself. This allows Brian to open up the project to the masses.

Before, as user participation was limited, users were required to stream the emulator. This is no longer required but highly encouraged!  :happy:

One important thing to note is this is not an open release. Yes the emulator is public but you will have to request participation so that a username and password can be generated for you. This login information will be used in the web based emulator configuration. This is to ensure that there is some control over the program.

Since this project has been kept closed for the most part, user awareness of the project is low. This is a major reason we have teamed up with TWC Today! Its a great way to interact with the community and also great for users to have a single place to go instead of multiple forums.

We are very close to a release date everyone! The release should happen before October 31st. Thanks for your patience!  B)

News and Updates / Welcome to the Project!
« on: October 25, 2008, 05:39:24 PM »
First off let me give a big thank you to Gary here at TWC Today. He has been so helpful in providing me with the resources and help to bring this project to this forum.

What is Weatherscan Local:
  • by defination: Weatherscan Local by The Weather Channel features customized, local weather information continuously, 24-hours a day.
  • Current conditions, forecast information, almanac data and satellite and radar images are built around customizable weather packages such as Golf, Boat and Beach, Gardening, Skiing, Travel and other outdoor activities.
  • Weatherscan Local is updated continuously throughout the day providing viewers with valuable forecast information.

What is the Emulator:
The Emulator is a goal-oriented object to overcome the home-made handicap of creating an authentic-looking weather data system for broadcast level output. The system was created around the likeness and specification defined by the Weatherscan Local product circa 1999-2003 by The Weather Channel.

What is the Project:
The Project, started in 2003 by Brian (aka cc17926), is an attempt to re-create a discontinued market object for personal informative uses. Much private research was obtained and still in progress to help facilitate the fullness of this project. The emulator is not restricted to features shown on the original product but open to many possibilities as long as they fit the correct format.

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