You are no longer a fan of the current network if you no longer have anything positive to contribute towards it. Sorry but thats simply how I see it. If you no longer like something you can't call yourself a fan of it. This forum was established to find like minded people who enjoyed various aspects of The Weather Channel... not to complain about how its not being run to your satisfaction. Some of you dislike the programming, OCMs, music, local forecasts (or lack thereof), etc. What do you actually like then? This board has a close community that likes to interact about personal and off topic issues. While thats fine it can't be the main reason the forum exists. If there are no longer any fans of The Weather Channel then this forum serves no purpose and should cease to continue operation or at least become archive only. You all should try to look on the bright side of the changes since there is little you can do to turn back the clock.
But, we can still talk about classic TWC in a
positive matter, right? I'm not longer a fan of present TWC programming and haven't since probably 2007 (only watched for LFs after that), but that doesn't mean my interest in classic TWC will ever go away.