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Messages - BOLT96

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The Game Room / 2 Truths and a Lie
« on: June 08, 2009, 05:56:45 PM »
Just thought i'd start this game for fun :D For anyone who doesn't know how to play you say three things about yourself but one of them is a lie and everyone has to try and guess what the lie is.  :thinking: Whoever guesses right can then post their own 2 truths and a lie and so on... I'll go first.

I go to high school
My favorite types of music is rock/metal
And my favorite football team is the Baltimore Ravens


Local Forecast / Re: Independent Music Removal
« on: June 08, 2009, 05:32:35 PM »
Well IMO I think that they definately shouldn't get rid of their original smooth jazz, but i'm also a big rock fan so i think it would be really cool if they started to do rock too.

Do you even realize that this means she won't make any money off of her music? :o :blink:

Oh sorry. I just realized that a twc musician started this thread  :doh: In that case thats not cool  :no:

Local Forecast / Re: Independent Music Removal
« on: June 08, 2009, 05:22:11 PM »
Well IMO I think that they definately shouldn't get rid of their original smooth jazz, but i'm also a big rock fan so i think it would be really cool if they started to do rock too.

Emulator Videos / Re: SnowManiac's Emulations
« on: May 28, 2009, 10:21:36 PM »
An update from last night.......

Awesome emulations!  :clap: So did you make these with powerpoint?

Weatherscan Discussion / Re: Weatherscan Topic
« on: May 25, 2009, 08:04:30 PM »
For those who may not have seen the IntelliStar version of the Thundersnow icon, here it is! I recorded this during the March 1st, 2009 Snowstorm in a HiRad Outage, My backup location is the airport, which is where he observation came from.

Thats cool, but the new intellistar icons make it look like rain, the old icons were better!  <_<
Anyway if I remember correctly there were two early XL versions of weatherscan and I was wondering if v.2 had an air quality forecast anywhere in the segments.   :thinking:

Weatherscan Discussion / Re: Weatherscan Segments
« on: May 25, 2009, 08:29:16 AM »
Did old weatherscan xl v.2 ever have an air quality forecast?  :thinking:

General Emulator Discussion / Re: Suggestions
« on: May 25, 2009, 06:57:51 AM »
I agree with tuez13 on that suggestion, but I also have a few small suggestions myself:

~I think it would be nice if the radars were changed to make them look more similar to the ones they used on wxscan
~If its not a lot of trouble, an option to go fullscreen would be cool (something like right-click|fullscreen )
~I also think it would be cool if you could put the actual voiceovers in, (not to say whoevers voice that was in there was bad :happy: ), but I  did manage to get my hands on a good quality version of the second voicever (The forecast for your area) if you wanted it, and maybe if you or someone else could find the first one (Your current condtions) and put them in, then that would be awesomel!  :dance:  :worship:
 Other than that I think the emulator is excellent!!  :clap:  :clap:

Latest Release Information / Re: Emulator Release - March 2009
« on: May 23, 2009, 09:08:46 PM »
Alright, what do I login with here?
Sorry, I'm new, and don't get this at all.
Let me explain what I know about it, i'm kinda new too. First you send a pm to Martin with a username & password you would like for your account on (CINE for short) which you will need for the emulator . Then you go to the login page (, enter your username & password, then you should see a page to set up the weather configuration for your area, just follow the instructions. If you have any questions past that Martin has posted help topics in the Wxscan XL fourms. Hope that helped you out a little!  :)

Latest Release Information / Re: Emulator Release - March 2009
« on: May 22, 2009, 04:21:18 PM »
:wave: Hi, the emulator says "Your key has expired. Please obtain a new one", but where do I get another one?  :dunno:

CINE is down at this time, so we'll just have to wait until Martin or Brian have enough free time to see what they can do to fix things.

Really because I can get on. Sometimes there is a trick to the site. I know this is wierd if you find that you cant connect to the CINE login page, sometimes if you go to the main site first ( then go to CINE, it works!   :yes:

Latest Release Information / Re: Emulator Release - March 2009
« on: May 22, 2009, 04:00:09 PM »
 :wave: Hi, the emulator says "Your key has expired. Please obtain a new one", but where do I get another one?  :dunno:

I have a question about the main site. Under the "Emulators" tab, why doesn't anything happen when you click on any of them?

General Discussion / Re: Twitter
« on: April 30, 2009, 08:30:01 PM »
Its cool, just sent you the message.

General Discussion / Re: Twitter
« on: April 30, 2009, 07:05:11 PM »
I can't believe I just did it...but welcome to your newest Twitter user.

and if someone please help me with the site? I am not too familiar with it.
Should be fairly easy to figure out. Feel free to contact me for help :)
This is sorta off topic but sorta not lol  :happy: but martin ive sent you a couple of messages on this site and i havent gotten a response. Maybe i didnt send the message right  :lol: but idk.

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