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Messages - BOLT96

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10
General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Martin!!!!!
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:50:12 PM »
Happy 18th birthday dude!! Hope you have a great one!!! :biggrin:

General Emulator Discussion / Re: Alternate Computer
« on: October 20, 2009, 07:46:58 PM »
:blink: Do you realize that you could PM them about this instead of making a topic? :foolish:
Oh, yeah I guess I could lol

General Emulator Discussion / Alternate Computer
« on: October 20, 2009, 07:08:50 PM »
Hi, I just got another computer and I wanted to ask your permission if I may install the emulator that computer as well.

Bug Reports / Re: Running emulator for extended periods of time
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:00:08 PM »
While I havent experienced Gil's problem, I have experienced another problem where the computer restarts by itself when running in extended periods. if I run it at night, my computer has usually restarted when I wake up.

General Discussion / Re: WeatherSTAR XL Emulator???
« on: September 08, 2009, 08:48:42 PM »
I also found a 3000 emulator site that seems to be running:   :dunno:

General Weather Chat / Re: What's the weather in your area?
« on: August 28, 2009, 01:45:43 AM »
Thunder 73F With lightning every second!! Literally!! I've never seen so much lightning in my life!  :wow:

General Discussion / Re: Hi Everyone!
« on: August 27, 2009, 09:02:27 PM »
are you epzik8 on YT by any chance?" That user uploaded Bel Air MD 4000 videos from June 08.
No. I moved from Bel Air in 04'.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions / Re: Website Errors and Problems
« on: August 27, 2009, 09:00:11 PM »
Just some errors I found scaning the site:

- "Classic Music Clips" is unclickable
- Under the reference guide, "FAQ's" and "Glossary of terms" have php errors
- Under misc. the "TWC today stream" has a php error
- If you click on "Current music clips" some of the links on the top and the left side have php errors, also if you click on the "miscellaneous" link at the top it will take you to a part of the site with an xl background with a lot of broken links.

General Discussion / Hi Everyone!
« on: August 27, 2009, 07:24:51 PM »
 Well I registered here at the fourms a few months ago, made a few posts, but I never really introduced myself so I decided to now.  :hi:

My name is Jason, i'm 13 y/o and my hometown is Bel Air, MD, I've moved to a lot of places but I currently live in Columbia, MD (near Baltimore.)

I was first introduced to TWC when I was about 5 years old flipping through random channels. I started to watch it more and I really paid attention to it when the LOT8's came on because I found it very intresting and I liked the music  :P (Little did I know that what I saw was a WS4000)  :thrilled:
Then I came across Weatherscan Local which I found even more intresting. I used to have that on a lot untill about 2003 when it upgraded completely and I was like "wtf is this?"  :P

My other intrests are music, which includes Metal, Jazz, Rock, Industrial, and New Age (I also play electric guitar), and Sports which include Basketball, Football, Skateboarding and Golf.

And yes I like to use smileys alot!  :yes: :happy: B) :thumbsup: :bleh: :lol: :wave: :) :D :biggrin: :dance: :rofl2: :smoke2: :P ;) :fight: :euro: :innocent: :ninja:  :plane: :velho: :pirate: :sing: :cool2: :harhar:

Your Local Weather / Re: Waukesha Weather
« on: August 27, 2009, 05:38:52 PM »
First, welcome to the fourms, :) and second, Where is Waukesha?  :dunno:

General Discussion / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: August 27, 2009, 05:25:50 PM »
Gravity - V Shape Mind
Chasing Rainbows - Chris Geith
The Abrasive - Twin Method
Promenade - Peter White
Master of Puppets - Metallica
Give Me More - Apartment26

General Discussion / Re: Recent music purchases
« on: August 27, 2009, 05:15:36 PM »
I just bought the Trammel Starks CD1

I also agree with the authorities on this one, but you gotta give her respect for her bravery. I'm 13 and I know would never, ever do that by myself! :no: How old was Zach Sunderland?

General Discussion / WeatherSTAR XL Emulator???
« on: August 26, 2009, 10:46:58 PM »
I found a fourm about a weatherstar xl emulator project. The site seemed to be having problems so I "cached" it. Heres a pic. Do you guys know anything about this?  :blink:


Contributions / Re: LFMusicFan's Intellistar Videos
« on: August 26, 2009, 01:12:18 PM »
Wow, I didn't know weatherscan gave forecasts for Canada!  :o
That forecast segment is for the Vancouver in Washington, not Canada  ;)
Oh, lol :doh:

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