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Messages - Anistorm

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OCMs & Personalities / Re: Rumors about Steph & Mike
« on: August 08, 2011, 08:21:00 PM »
Have a lot of OCMs deleted their Twitter pages? I remember Twitter being the big thing on TWC, but I don't seem to notice them making a big deal about it anymore. :thinking:

On the A&B note, it's a good thing they're not splitting, but honestly, have then been together often in the past year? I do not watch YWT, but from discussion here it always seems like Steph is on duty somewhere (or when she's not, then Mike is) and someone else is filling-in for one of them.
Well Jen is in for Steph this AM.

Assuming she has the day off. That doesn't mean the rumors are true.

Anyways, Martin's got a point. They got rid of the show pages due to very little followers and/or too much clutter and lots to take care. Don't really need to see the same post on 4 different pages. xD

Twitter used to be the big thing back in what.. 09? TWC was the reason why most of us decided to get a twitter account and yet I still have mine today. xD Now it seems like they're more into facebook, but most of us don't really prefer facebook too much. :/

OCMs & Personalities / Rumors about Steph & Mike
« on: August 06, 2011, 08:52:05 PM »
I've decided to take this discussion from the FP to here since it sorta bothers me to see TWC discussion on the FP. Don't ask..

Anyways, it was announced on Friday that the Abrams & Bettes Facebook page is being deleted, as announced:

A big thank you to all of the 10,000 of you who have followed us on Facebook. Today will be the last day for the A&B Facebook page. Please continue to like Stephanie Abrams and Mike Bettes on their individual pages. Have a great weekend and thanks for being dedicated weather fans!

...then rumors are going around (which I can't seem to find proof of). But I guess it turns out they are NOT splitting up. They're just cleaning up their "social network" by deleting those unnecessary pages that we've been liking for no reason that they've been creating for each special/show/series. The A&B page is one of them, as well as prooooobably Twitter (I think I figured why they stopped following me on twitter. :( )

Which is good, though... I remember Stephanie updating FOUR pages (the A&B, her own page, Weather Proof, and I believe WUWA as well) It's pointless to have that many pages.

So yeah, better news is that they're not splitting...if anyone is still concerned. I should start watching them this week, xD

Let's discuss~

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: August 06, 2011, 08:41:30 PM »
Or, maybe I can make a separate thread about this instead of bombarding it here at the FP? xD
That would be a better idea.  The Front Porch and the Pot Belly Stove are for random topics that have nothing to do with TWC, and I've sensed a little too much abuse of this rule lately from some people.  If you have a TWC topic, take it to where it belongs on the forum.

I was JUST about to do that, actually.

Everyone, FOLLOW ME. :D

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: August 06, 2011, 12:34:14 PM »
Guys, guys, guysguysguysguysguys. Don't take this seriously. It's only a rumor. Now that I have more time for myself and modding my section seems pretty slow these days, I'm gonna try to investigate this. This means having to watch YWT on monday morning or something. >_>

Or, maybe I can make a separate thread about this instead of bombarding it here at the FP? xD

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: August 06, 2011, 01:24:17 AM »
Random Question... Did anyone record YWT this morning? Trying to find a copy

Does this have to do with rumors about Steph & Mike splitting up? I'm hearing them as well, and I hope it's not true. All I heard so far is that their A&B FB page is being taken down only.

General Discussion / Re: Your class schedule...
« on: August 05, 2011, 08:16:18 PM »
9 Classes? :blink: That's a lot!

It's quite normal in middle school. I remember taking 9 during my two years.

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: August 04, 2011, 02:11:49 PM »
Sorry about your experience, Tyler. I guess you got unlucky with your judge. I have yet to serve, but I'll wait for the government to hunt me down to fulfill that civic duty.

Also, I just wanted to say good-bye to you guys for a little while. I'm not permanently leaving, but I'm having some real-life issues that are making me seem a lot more irritable than I really am. (This explains why I unintentionally bash TWC; I seriously don't mean to, but it just comes across that way.) Now I'm aware of the number of complaints about TWC and all, so my jets will be cooled for future posts. After talking to a friend, he advised me to take a neutral stance on TWC and their changes, and I think that's a good example we can all consider using because TWC is going to change in a way to help its ratings whether we like it or not, and we will have to adapt to the inevitable realities of life. (You know who you are, and I thank you very much for your help.) I may not be an avid fan for much longer, but I hope to be here while I am and visit during my spare time.

Hopefully once junk in my personal life gets better, it will make me a better poster and influence in the TWCT community. Hope to see you guys again soon--probably after I adapt to yet another year of college. I plan to go in with a better attitude this year, and that is the best thing we can do.  B)

Take care, everybody.

Blehh. Hate it when personal lives do that, but it's understandable that it must be dealt with accordingly. Coincidentally that I just came back from setting my priorities straight. xD Best of luck with your next semester at college. You're gonna need ittt :D

General Discussion / Re: Amazon Cloud Player
« on: August 03, 2011, 10:11:16 PM »
I am a frequent user myself, and it's a pretty good feature. I bought my Lady Gaga album (which was $.99 on release day) and the album was immediately stored in the player. I can download the songs and the booklet anytime and if I lose my songs in the event of a computer derp.

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: August 03, 2011, 10:08:22 PM »
Went to serve my jury duty today, and the judge kicked everyone who was wearing jeans or shorts out! We were all told we would be re-summoned to appear at a later date. How ridiculous! I was wearing a nice polo and nice shorts, nothing inappropriate. What a  :censored: :censored: :censored: she was.

And they wonder why people hate the justice system!

They're THAT strict? I wore jeans to court on the day I went on jury duty and the judge didn't even say anything about it. Heh, probably the EC courthouse are a bit lenient.

Everything Else TWC / Re: Transparent TWC Logo
« on: August 02, 2011, 02:29:29 AM »
Not that logo, but the one they have been using since the debut of Peter lik

That's the logo I was talking about. So it was a different logo in FaaF then? Man, my rocky memory won't let me remember. >_>

Everything Else TWC / Re: Transparent TWC Logo
« on: August 01, 2011, 06:17:50 PM »
So basically the transparent logo that was used for Flick & A Forecast is being recycled for longform programming? To be quite honest, I find this pretty awesome. I really like the logo. It looks pretty in HD. <33

Programming and Graphics / Re: If Al Roker wasn't enough...
« on: August 01, 2011, 06:14:31 PM »
Maaaaybe some sort of a "Forensic weather" show, since meteorology also affects forensics...I wouldn't be surprised if they did that.
Wasn't something like that already in the works?

Yeah...but it never aired or anything. xD

Forensic Weather – See how Mother Nature helps solve crimes with forensic meteorologists who take viewers on a fascinating step by step journey to uncover the evidence and the impact of weather  on the investigation. The show revisits crimes and accidents reconstructing actual weather conditions using high-end graphics and dramatic, stylized re-enactments. Interviews with witnesses and victims bring these compelling stories to life.  (Launch date: 1Q 2011)

Programming and Graphics / Re: If Al Roker wasn't enough...
« on: July 29, 2011, 01:18:45 PM »
Totally doubt that there's going to be a Law & Order-like show. Maaaaybe some sort of a "Forensic weather" show, since meteorology also affects forensics...I wouldn't be surprised if they did that.

We don't have to give them ideas...  :censored3:

I....just did?  :bleh:

Everything Else TWC / Re: Storm Alert Mode 2011!
« on: July 29, 2011, 01:17:34 PM »
...they're in red mode for a Tropical Storm? I thought they do those for hurricanes this time around.  :noexpression:

But anyways, haven't been this hyped for red mode since ever!

lol Matt. he beat you to storm-alert thread making

Programming and Graphics / Re: If Al Roker wasn't enough...
« on: July 29, 2011, 01:14:26 PM »
Totally doubt that there's going to be a Law & Order-like show. Maaaaybe some sort of a "Forensic weather" show, since meteorology also affects forensics...I wouldn't be surprised if they did that.

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