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Messages - ABC7

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26] 27 28 ... 40
Programming and Graphics / Re: Official Ike Storm Alert Thread
« on: September 13, 2008, 12:10:39 AM »
Normally he's happy when he's out in the field...
He is never happy when he covers dangerous hurricanes.

Programming and Graphics / Re: Official Ike Storm Alert Thread
« on: September 13, 2008, 12:01:53 AM »
Sharon is on with Paul tonight for EEWC. Paul is having a long shift tonight. Sharon is fittingly wearing red.

Spring beat me to the punch.

Programming and Graphics / Re: Official Ike Storm Alert Thread
« on: September 11, 2008, 08:26:34 PM »
Should TWC be in Storm Alert?
The answer isn't yes. ;)

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 07, 2008, 04:39:16 PM »
That was directed to me, I suppose?

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 07, 2008, 02:08:27 PM »
Now the Hurricane Ike radar inset and graphics are here, along with the Ike LOT8's opener.
Should we start the Ike Hype thread?

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: September 07, 2008, 12:51:05 AM »
Technically speaking, they didn't go into Hyperventilation Mode for Hanna. They just had the radar insets and he bright flashy lower-thirds.

Programming and Graphics / Re: Official Hanna Hype Thread
« on: September 05, 2008, 10:09:14 PM »
TWCT might be caught in the hype too. I have AdBlock, so I can't see the banner.

Programming and Graphics / Re: Official Hanna Hype Thread
« on: September 05, 2008, 08:40:13 PM »
If TWC wants to hit a new low tonight, I freakin' dare them. They did fine all season until now.

Local Forecast / Re: September Playlist
« on: September 01, 2008, 08:26:30 PM »
I've been mostly hearing the Storm Alert songs from 05 and 06. I will wait until tomorrow to hear more songs in the playlist.

Programming and Graphics / Re: Official Gustav Storm Alert Prediction Thread
« on: September 01, 2008, 07:02:38 PM »
Do you think they will remain in SA when Gustav weakens to a tropical storm?

Yep. It made the small tropical system seem large and urgent.

For some reason, Adblock on my Firefox browser will not show the banner.

I don't know whether I should be watching this or NASCAR... :P

I would recommend the first option.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: August 31, 2008, 06:26:43 PM »
I guess they wanted to name a hurricane in Dr. Lyons' honor.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Jim Cantore leaving?
« on: August 31, 2008, 06:25:14 PM »
I hoped that was true. It goes to show you to never trust Wikipedia.

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