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Topics - Dylan

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In this video, "Morning In Martinique" by "EKO" is airing as an M flavor, but on the twcclassics playlist for February 1994, it's only listed as airing during the E and K flavors, as well as BTF (there is a video of it airing during that with a later cut), but all other LF videos only have it airing on K, furthermore, theweatherchazz's (RIP) video description claims it also aired as an L and J (the latter without narration like the M). My question is, I believe it being used for E since it's listed on the playlist, and it obviously aired as an M, and videos confirm it aired as a K, but did it really also air as an L and J or did theweatherchazz have a false memory? And did it start from the beginning on all those flavors, or did at least one have a later cut like the BTF?

Does anybody here have access to the local forecast video clips that were on the old TWC Today website until the non-forum website was closed in 2020? Local Weather Drewbie on YouTube had uploaded them there, but he recently closed his account so I was hoping somebody somewhere had them stored up on their computer so they wouldn't be lost forever.

I don't think the song in those videos is commercially available, because a full length version is nowhere to be found, but it played on TWC in both August and September 2005, both in the overnight, but when this website had playlists, there was a song called "Cold Front" by "Rob Weiss" listed in the August and September 2005 playlists, but the audio clip was a totally different song. By luck, I have the audio clip here to show you what I mean. Is that song another one called "Cold Front" by another "Rob Weiss", does the song have 2 totally different interludes and the wrong one was listed on this website years ago, or is it just erroneously titled "Cold Front" by "Rob Weiss"? I'd be interested in knowing the name of the song in the file I attached, it's pretty catchy, even if it didn't air on TWC.

Local Forecast / "Survive" by "Doug Granville"
« on: October 16, 2023, 09:52:08 AM »
Is there a way to obtain "Survive" by "Doug Granville" from March/April 2009? I thought the official song was used in a WeatherStar 4000 simulator video at one time, but I can't seem to find it now.

Local Forecast / "Morning Awakes" by "Dover" sampled twice
« on: August 25, 2023, 11:51:17 PM »
So a song that TWC played way back in March 1998 called "Morning Awakes" by "Dover" I've heard is lost forever, because "Timothy Bright" (the artist behind "Dover") lost the masters to it, but somehow, this song managed to be sampled twice. First, by somebody calling themselves "NxxxxxS" naming it "Weather 4 0 0 0", then second, somebody named "Lil Bit" sampled the same song, added lyrics to it, and named it "Ta-Ra". This is the original song I'm talking about and notice how replies to the linked comment suggest the songs that sampled is:
And listen to the songs in these two videos to notice what I'm talking about:

Does anybody remember the online video forecasts that TWC had on many years ago? Well, there is a very small number of them on YouTube, but I was wondering if (other than the small few already on YouTube) anybody has them stored up somewhere that they could upload somewhere sometime. It would be a nice blast from the past, and it'd especially be interesting if there were any somewhere from before the icons changed in December 2006, both the OCM locals and the locals that had music and Allen Jackson narrations that came after an OCM showed a 36 hour regional forecast.

Programming and Graphics / The Weather Channel Winter Moviefest
« on: January 28, 2023, 12:21:31 PM »
As of Friday, January 6, 2023, The Weather Channel has a new block called "Winter Moviefest" where they air movies on Friday and Saturday nights at 8 pm et and 12am et, with Thursday scheduled to be added on Thursday, February 2. The question is, what are your thoughts on The Weather Channel airing movies again after the fiasco this caused back in 2010?

Does anybody have any full national satellite LF clips from the 1998-mid 1999 timeframe? I find the format they used then interesting to see since the only videos that exist are partial recordings. Years ago, on the twcclassics website, there was a full one from April 1998 with the song "L'Arc En Ciel De Miles" by "Incognito", but that hasn't been seen in years. Is there any chance that and/or some other full satellite LF clip from the 1998-mid 1999 timeframe is around somewhere? Also, are "Bobby Love's" songs from "Channel Weather" and "Channel Weather II" that played on TWC back in the late 1990s available anywhere? At the very least, if they're out of print but somebody has the CD, is there any chance that person could please post them on YouTube for people (including me) can enjoy the full-length versions of those classics from the late 1990s?

I was wondering, if the Local on the 8s format ever did change, what do you think is the most likely possibility? Share your thoughts on the poll above.

Local Forecast / Setting Sun by Nathaniel Valentin Bolensky
« on: January 21, 2022, 09:07:47 AM »
Is this song from the July/August 2007 Overnight playlist available anywhere under a different name and/or artist? It's one of the songs MrDaniel789 from YouTube is missing from his July/August 2007 playlist clips, and there are no clips from anybody else anywhere with this song, and I'm interested in hearing what it even sounds like.

Programming and Graphics / Weather Center Live Discontinued
« on: November 13, 2021, 11:22:51 AM »
Some of you may have seen this coming, but after seeing its time gradually diminished out twice in a year in favor of AMHQ/America's Morning Headquarters being expanded twice, Weather Center Live is officially no more. Starting on Monday, Weather Underground is moving to the 12-4pm et time slot and a new show titled Storm Center will take over from 4-8pm et.

General Discussion / Question about the 1998-2006 icons
« on: March 08, 2021, 11:15:51 PM »
Is it possible to access the nighttime icons from the 1998-2006 set, but in the March 2002-December 2006 form as well as the "WINDY" icon with the letters more squiggly rather than straight without getting them from an actual STAR (which would be illegal to distribute)? TWCZach had a weather site way back in the day, and the icons could be accessed (including the aforementioned nighttime icons and the "WINDY" icon), but that's been gone for many years. I'd appreciate any help from anybody on this.

Would it be possible to get the simulator to run on a continuous loop on some website without always running on my PC? I'm interested in running it continuously, just like a real "Weatherscan", but it wouldn't be good for my PC to never turn it off at some point.

Bug Reports / Extended Forecast configuration error
« on: June 07, 2020, 12:30:50 PM »
When I try to build my configuration for my Phoenix area, when I enter "Greater Phoenix Area" as the county into the "Extended Forecast", it tells me this: "Data from NWS does not provide tabular Extended forecast data for this Zone number, please try another zone.", even though this page;, suggests otherwise. Is this a bug, or am I overlooking something?

Programming and Graphics / Question About the Male OCMs
« on: May 13, 2020, 04:21:16 PM »
Does anybody pay attention to how a lot of the male OCMs dress these days? Well, if you do, am I overreacting or is it annoying how so many of them dress these days? First off, so many of them don't wear ties, not only that, but they also don't even wear coats, including "Mike Bettes", "Carl Parker", "Dr. Rick Knabb", and "Dr. Greg Postel", and those 4 will always have their sleeves rolled up, which to me looks so unprofessional, especially when you consider that years ago, it was a given that if you had a job on TV, you'd wear a coat and tie, besides those 4, "Chris Warren" has been doing that lately, he quit wearing a tie at the start of the year, but he'd wear a coat up until recently (I will give them a pass for doing these things when they work from home, but unless I'm overreacting, this is really annoying seeing them do these things in the studio). In fact, "Alex Wallace" and "Ray Stagich" are the only ones who will always wear a tie, and 95-99% of the time, will wear a coat, except for when their working from home, which as I said, I can give them a pass for that. Back when "Abrams & Bettes" was a thing, Mike would often not wear a tie, so this is not something that just recently started, but it got to be really normal starting when "Weather Underground" premiered back in 2015, in fact, very rarely does anybody wear a tie on that show, just a couple times when "Chris Bruin" and "Tevin Wooten" guest-hosted the show, both of whom, don't always wear ties, though they'll almost always at least wear a coat.

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