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Topics - TWCCraig

Pages: [1]
Forecasting / Fall/Winter Weather Discussion Thread
« on: November 06, 2013, 06:43:57 PM »
OMG, so close to an all out blizzard!  :fire:

Forecasting / Spring/Summer Weather Discussion Thread
« on: April 22, 2013, 06:51:23 PM »
Thought I should start a thread. Gives this little subforum life. Feel free to discuss anything, your local weather complaints, to weather pattern discussion etc.  :thumbsup:

The majority of us are wondering where is spring? It really hasn't been here for most. I know Mac in Grand Forks is really hoping for some warmer weather. Luckily he'll get some starting this Friday.  Anyway, good news going into the long range. One of the reasons why we've been so cold is because of where the all this cold air is coming from, Canada. H5 heights have been pretty low in the Hudson Bay area and north. This time last year, southern Canada was pretty thawed out. Not so much this year. With decent snow pack in Canada and a favorable cool pattern there, it has been an unrelentless supply of cold air. Places in the North Central US have temp departures about -10°F to -15°F. Here's the good news. Models have been signaling for a rise in heights and warm up over the northern central plains extending into Canada. This should begin the thawing out of Canada and ultimately diminishing our supply of cold air.

While the warmer temps in Canada eat away our cold air supply, the CFSv2 weeklies have been signaling a warm up, and possibly a major warm up, the first two weeks of May. It starts off warm in the northeast and then spreads south and west into the mid west. A Quebec ridge builds up then spreads west for the first two weeks of May. Having an ideal ridge to our north is a good spot for a potential heat wave. Anymore north and east the ridge and we could be talking some back door cold fronts.

With the diminishing cold air supply heading into May, I think we'll start seeing above average monthly departures again.

General Weather Chat / Record Low Arctic Sea Ice Extent Possible Soon
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:10:09 AM »
I'd like to address a very concerning issue. The arctic sea ice extent this year has been so well below normal and is currently at a record low level to the current date. The current ice extent is also nearing the all-time lowest Arctic ice extent ever recorded, and it's only August. This is a very dangerous issue. The arctic sea ice sea ice extent has never been this low this early in the year. One major cause for the sea ice loss is a powerful low pressure system that has been impacting the arctic for a while, that low pressure system has moved away but it's damage is done. The storm that dropped to I believe 976mb caused rough seas, breaking apart the ice, causing more surface area to be exposed, thus creating more ice loss. I believe we will see record low ice extent in the arctic this September, if not earlier. Please note, I did not bring up this topic to trigger a debate on climate change, I did it to address a very important issue that could also be discussed in a non-debateful way.

Record Low Arctic Ice Extent Graphs and Maps:

Image Credit: NSIDC (National Snow & Ice Data Center)

Hurricane Central / Invest 90 Feb. 5, 2012
« on: February 05, 2012, 02:24:26 PM »
Never thought I'd be posting something like this... In February!!


Hazardous Weather / Dec 7-8th: High Wind Event for the Northeast
« on: December 08, 2011, 02:51:45 PM »
As for a nor'easter that seem like it couldn't do much harm, it did well more than expected. This is my perspective of this incredible high wind storm. It first started out as a warm calm wet night. The wind was advisory was already put into effect, although the air was completely still. When I went to sleep around 11:30PM EST, the wind was still calm, there was light rain and the pressure was around 993.5hpa. The strange thing is, according to local airport data, right around midnight, the wind suddenly increased, and the pressure instantly, over 30 minutes, dropped to 988hpa. The wind kicked up, from a 0mph wind, to a sustained 41mph NNW wind along with gusts up to 70mph in some parts of the island. That's tropical storm force winds! Now most of you are thinking well ok, what's the big deal? Well I'll tell you this, where I live, there are a lot of very tall Norway Spruces about 70-120ft tall. If you get a 65mph gust, at the tops of those trees would probably be about a 70-75mph wind. Those tree bend to their tipping points and it's actually very scary. There was also damage caused by this high wind event. I saw tree limbs down, garbage pales some 10-20ft away from where they should be, and outdoor Christmas decorations knocked down. The strong winds didn't last long though, reaching their peak intensity at around 2:00am. I love high wind storms because it's amazing to watch the trees move greatly in the high winds. The storm only dropped to 988hpa, just imagine if the storm was any stronger. I was up for the worst of it too. Compared to other nor'easters, this would be in the top 5 of the past decade. It was nothing like the March 13, 2010 nor'easter in which that one brought hurricane force wind gusts up to 80mph and the winds also lasted longer. Nor'easters are very under rated storms. For example, we lost power for 3 days here on Long Island because of the March 2010 nor'easter, which in fact, was weaker (in terms of pressure) than this storm. Anyway, I believe nor'easters can pack a powerful punch just as powerful as a hurricane can. I'll update this post when the NWS releases more information on the winds of this storm. Thanks for reading!
*NEW INFO: It appears that Westhampton, NY recorded a wind gust of 69mph!

Info from NWS:

***********************peak wind gust***********************

Location Max wind time/date comments
                        gust of
                         mph measurement


... Fairfield County...
   Bridgeport Airport 45 310 am 12/08 ASOS
   Danbury Airport 36 126 am 12/08 ASOS

New Jersey

... Bergen County...
   Teterboro 41 621 am 12/08 ASOS

... Essex County...
   Newark Airport 43 442 am 12/08 ASOS
   Caldwell Airport 39 615 am 12/08 ASOS

New York

... New York County...
   Central Park 39 250 am 12/08 ASOS

... Queens County...
   Kennedy Airport 54 228 am 12/08 ASOS
   NYC/La Guardia 48 248 am 12/08 ASOS

... Suffolk County...
   Westhampton 69 347 am 12/08 ASOS
   Patchogue 62 215 am 12/08 trained spotter
   Shoreham 61 222 am 12/08 trained spotter
   Islip Airport 56 312 am 12/08 ASOS

... Westchester County...
   Hastings-On-Hudson 49 1133 PM 12/07 public

Airport data retrieved from: http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KISP/2011/12/8/DailyHistory.html

Your Local Weather / Long Island Weather
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:01:09 PM »
Warming up towards the weekend. Highs in the low 80's (near record highs) and lows in the low to mid 60's. Record high temperatures are expected on Sunday Oct 9. Here is the almanac for Oct 9:

Record High: 78°F (1990)
Record Low: 30°F (2001)
(Climate Record Period: 1973-2011)

Oct 9. Average Highs and Lows:
Avg High: 66°F
Avg Low: 47°F
(Climate Average Period: 1971-2000)

Forecasted High Oct. 9th:
High: 81°F
Low: 63°F

The good news is that this will be the last warm days of the year. Well, that can be good or bad news depending on how you look at it  :happy:

WeatherSTAR Tech Support / Intellistar II Glitching
« on: July 12, 2011, 10:29:29 AM »
Hello, Today I recorded a video of an Intellistar II malfunctioning. It was glitching to the satellite LF and back and sometimes to a blank green screen. Here is the link to the video.
LOT8's: Heat Advisory & VERY Glitchy Intellistar 7-12-11 8:28AM

TWC and your Cable Company / Can't get SD Feed from TWC
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:26:30 AM »
I'm pretty sure this is a problem caused by Cablevision. This actually happened a few months ago when Cablevision changed Channel 62 to HD which was originally was SD. I don't see the point of that because there is already another HD TWC channel which is Channel 762. I use a HD cable box, and before this happened, I was still able to get a SD Feed from TWC. Is it possible to fix this and how? Thanks.

I still have no weather bulletin screen on my Intellistar 2. A few weeks ago, I checked weather.com for any weather warnings. There was a flood watch. However, I had no notification on my IS2 because I have no weather bulletin screen. Please fix.

WeatherSTAR Tech Support / No weather bulletins on my Intellistar 2
« on: April 28, 2011, 09:06:48 PM »
I am new to these forums and I have a problem with my Intellistar 2. I get no weather bulletins. On the SD channel with the intellistar 1, I do receive weather bulletins. Can you guys fix this, I will provide all the information you need.

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