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Messages - LOT8MANIS

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Weatherscan Discussion / Re: Weatherscan Emulator
« on: December 14, 2020, 06:25:50 AM »
I tried opening up the AEP files in the free version of a software called File Magic. The files, unfortunately, will only open up in the registered paid version of File Magic. I can't afford Adobe After Effects or any other paid software. I don't have a bank account or even a job so downloading the trial version of Adobe After Effects isn't an option. I think what you're doing in creating a Weatherscan emulator is an awesome idea. When the actual emulator is ready for release, will the public have to get paid software to use the emulator? Or will everything be 100% free, including the emulator download? PLEASE let me know. I really appreciate it. Thank you.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 04, 2012, 06:28:20 PM »
May I recommend not posting so many back-to-back posts next time? :wacko:  You got to show more patience when it comes to these issues.  I've deleted that support thread as you've indicated that the issues are fixed.

    I am patient. I wasn't rushing the issue fixing. I was keeping you guys posted just about each time something out of the ordinary would happen. When the issues started back on Thursday night, I wasn't sure if this was going into a TWC meltdown. phw115wvwx, you're right about the fact that I shouldn't post so many posts back-to-back. I do apologize for posting so many posts. The next time there is a problem, I will definitely not post so many posts.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:19:41 PM »
    Martin, you don't have to move this thread to STAR Tech Support. I just started a new thread in STAR Tech Support telling the TWC STAR Team to view this thread for more information on the audio & video outage. Any more posts I make concerning this audio & video outage will be made in the new thread in STAR Tech Support. The new thread is here at https://twctodayforums.com/forums/weatherstar-tech-support/intellistar-20902-audio-video-outage/. That is all.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:01:13 PM »
    You're right, Zach. But, I can't move this thread to STAR Tech Support. Martin can since he's the administrator. By the way, the regular LDL came back in time for a bottom of the screen LOT8s. Now, Ice Pilots is starting up normal.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:43:11 PM »
    Now during the times of the video coming back in, the satellite LDL displays at the bottom of the screen. They just went to a commercial break running without the audio, and then the video went back out. Now, the video's going on & coming back in again. I apologize if this is repetitive, but it is. No, my parents haven't called Xfinity. I haven't been able to tell my parents to call Xfinity. Both audio & video have just returned to normal again.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:36:51 PM »
Now at 8:37 P.M. ET, the audio drops out again, and the video goes out & comes back in again. The video constantly going out & coming back in is keeping on going.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:22:10 PM »
    Okay, it's well after 8PM ET. I tuned in to the 4PM hour of WCL earlier, and the audio outage continued on. Here's where it later gets interesting. I tune in to the 7PM hour of WCL last hour, and just before 7:30 P.M., the video starts going out and coming back in. This keeps on going for 15 minutes. Also during this time, the satellite LDL replaces the local LDL, and the satellite LOT8s runs at 7:28 P.M. Then at around 7:45 P.M., the video stays out, and then the severe weather alert crawl comes up at the bottom of the screen due to severe thunderstorm warnings being issued for counties in the South side of the greater Atlanta area. No local ads run. LOT8s runs at :48 & :58 as a regular local run without the narration. Just before the :58 LOT8s, the TOH ID came in with the Xfinity logo on the black screen, and then one of the radio station logos came on the screen with the hill background. The screen continued to run black without the audio. Now, as I'm typing this message, both audio & video have returned to normal within 10 minutes into Twist of Fate. I'll continue to monitor the audio & video very carefully, and I'll let you guys know if anything changes.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 03, 2012, 01:35:33 PM »
    Hi everyone. I was able to check TWC HD on my parents' TV in our den earlier this morning. TWC HD is fine. All audio is coming in the way it should be, and I was able to hear Storm Tracker Jim Cantore's narration on LOT8s via IntelliSTAR HD. SD audio is still out. I still can't hear anything in SD. The local ad audio runs around the :18 & :48 past the hour LOT8s are still occurring the way they have been since last night. They come in, and then the audio drops out in time for LOT8s. I'll still have my parents contact the guys at Xfinity.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:56:49 PM »
    Thanks for the advice, Martin. I knew from the beginning that this audio outage problem was on TWC's end. Yes, the local ad audio just happened the way it's been happening since the 7PM WCL and again during this 10PM WCL. I have been noticing a trend. The local ad audio would only be playing around the timing of the :18 & :48 past the hour LOT8s. Well, the 10PM WCL is wrapping up for the night. I'll be tuning back in to TWC tomorrow for a checkup to see if this audio outage is still going on. I'll also be checking to see if this problem is also occurring on TWC HD on my parents' TV in our den as well. If the problem is still persisting, I will definitely tell my parents to call the guys at Xfinity. Good night, Martin. Good night, everyone.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:24:46 PM »
Okay, 3 ads just ran with audio. 1) An Orlando tourism ad. 2) A Lipo-Flavonoid ad. 3) A Schiff MegaRed supplement ad. Then the audio dropped out in time for LOT8s. LOT8s has passed. WCL has continued. And there is still no audio in the past 7 minutes from 10:17 P.M.-10:24 P.M. ET.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:03:17 PM »
Hi everyone. It's after 10PM ET. I just tuned back into WCL, and there is still no audio.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 02, 2012, 08:12:57 PM »
No, I wasn't getting the Allen Jackson SD narration. The LOT8s was just running without the audio.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 02, 2012, 07:55:37 PM »
No, it isn't just my TV. My TV is fine. A local ad from a store here in the Atlanta area known as The Dump just ran minutes ago with audio, and then 2 additional ads just ran also with audio. They were both health-related. Then, the LOT8s came in without audio. And then, the Tropical Update ran without audio. Still no audio on TWC. It must be just my local weather ID which is 20902. Of course, I live in Acworth, GA which is 25 miles north of Atlanta. I don't plan on watching Pyros and Lifeguard! Southern California coming up between 8PM & 10PM, but I will be checking back in during the 10PM hour of WCL.

TWC and your Cable Company / Re: TWC No Audio
« on: August 02, 2012, 07:47:02 PM »
No, the IntelliSTAR isn't out. The LDL is still updating current conditions and forecasts. I can still see LOT8s pop up when each LOT8s comes up. The WCL segments and commercial breaks still run. It's just constant video and no audio.  :(

TWC and your Cable Company / TWC No Audio
« on: August 02, 2012, 07:17:55 PM »
    Hi everyone. I'm watching Weather Center Live right now on TWC as I'm typing this post up, and there was absolutely no audio. No, my TV is not muted. I was watching WeatherScan before I changed the channel to TWC, and the WeatherScan audio was fine.  :o Is anyone else having this same problem? Is this problem national? Or is this just where I live in TWC's home Atlanta, GA market? Of course, I do have the IntelliStar, and I have Xfinity. The audio just came back on only for a brief moment. It was playing some ad spots for Xfinity. Now, there's no audio again. If anyone else is having this problem, you're more than welcome to post below. You may also comment about this below. That is all. Thank you.

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