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Messages - byron

Pages: [1]
Figured it out.  Dumb me.   End of thread. :]

Ahh.. now it makes some sense.. .Thanks!  I thought they didn't want PM requests for it anymore... but I'll figure it out eventually...


I wasn't aware I .. had.. a CINE account?  I didn't scan around like crazy for "CINE" in the Search but I did try "User Access Verification" and came up with 0 hits...

Guess I'll search for CINE now.. to see if I can get myself up to speed on whatever that is.. :)


edit:  No search hits for "CINE" either.. Still clueless on CINE.   My hardware ID must be too cool for school apparently.

Help and Support / Click Get My Key --> "User Access Verification" appears?
« on: February 07, 2009, 05:48:05 PM »
Hey guys.  I'm hoping to test out this latest version...  I've let my trial key expire but I'd like to get a new one.  I've read :) as much up as I can I believe on how you're supposed to do this...

However, after performing the Manual Upgrade... When I access WeatherScan and access "Get My Key" ... I get a "terminal-like"  (AIX or UNIX guys should know) titled "CINE" with a "User Access Verification" screen..

It reminds me of trying to log into a switch.. (??)

Is the Key generation site down or is this normal and I'm just not doing something correctly??

(btw.. according to IE I'm passing ""*REMOVED DO NOT PASTE LINKS LIKE THIS AGAIN*" in the window as this happens.)


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