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Messages - altesticstorm10

Pages: [1]
OCMs & Personalities / Re: Steve Lyons leaving TWC
« on: May 15, 2010, 07:57:26 PM »
Knabb was pretty beast during Katrina...and smart...but he won't be able to replace the hard worn experience of Steve Lyons who will be truly missed along with Dave Schwartz, Hillary Andrews, Janine Albert, Eboni Deon, Jeanetta Jones and everyone else. I'm starting to miss even old Bob Stokes and annoying-voiced Heidi Cullen now (believe it or not). Al Roker is a horrible fit for TWC. Not to take away from his Food Network show which is good...but that's where he should remain, Food Network.

Hurricane Central / Re: 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season Predictions
« on: May 15, 2010, 07:51:38 PM »
...but this is 2010, 2005 being the analog year...

Local Forecast / Re: Operant - Vesper (August - September 2005)
« on: May 15, 2010, 07:50:33 PM »
Is KingwoodWeather your Youtube name? If so I'll subscribe.

Local Forecast / Re: Operant - Vesper (August - September 2005)
« on: May 10, 2010, 11:33:52 PM »
Darn, I don't have a job nor a credit card. I just turned 16 a little over a month ago. My mom? No way in heck would she buy something for ME that isn't food.

In 2005 Vesper was pretty much only used during the late evening and overnight hours or as perfect "after the storm" music on every LF for 12 hours after Katrina and Rita's "storm alert" periods were over.

I haven't considerably watched TWC since 2006 and it's their fault. My suggestions would include -

- bring back the 2005 daily show graphics and music (and show times)
- bring back all the 2005 tropical graphics, dramatic forecasting, and music (POST-Irene, not the ones used for Ivan/Dennis etc.)
- cancel all the environmentalist and history shows. Only 1 hour of Storm Stories every P.M. and possibly an hour of something else overnight
- quit having itchy minds. CHANGE IS A BAD THING!! Don't always feel the stubborn need to change; to fix the unbroken that was 2005!
- "The Hurricane Authority" (Late October 2005-present) needs to go, Hurricane Central worked best for a short but awesome month and a half
- Keep the same logo post-August 2005. I may be an outcast here but the old logo just looked too 80's.
- Basically, put EVERYTHING on TWC back to the way it was during the period August 15-September 30. Maybe Nature will respond with some awesome hurricanes again!

Local Forecast / Re: Morning Daypart Anniversary
« on: May 10, 2010, 11:28:17 PM »
Wrong thread. Anyways, this is silly and should go.

Hurricane Central / 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season Predictions
« on: May 10, 2010, 12:56:40 AM »
What's your predictions for the upcoming hurricane season, beginning June 1st?

Mine are for 20 tropical storms, 11 hurricanes, and 5 major hurricanes.


- Record-level sea surface temperatures observed in the Atlantic, surpassing those recorded in 2005. In addition, TCHP is at the highest level ever observed for this point in May.
- Below-average upper-level wind shear across the development regions of the basin, running between 5 and 35 knots below normal.
- El Nino is dying or already dead as we speak. The Nino 3.4 region is down to 0.0C which is exactly neutral. The other Ninos are either neutral with a warm bias or remaining at weak El Nino status, but are expected to decrease to "neutral" before the start of the hurricane season. A neutral to cold bias or weak La Nina is predicted for this year's hurricane season, which is similar to what we saw beginning in the autumn of 2005.
- Above-average moisture is forecast for the Atlantic during this year's hurricane season as below-normal air pressures are expected throughout the hurricane season. This will disallow dry air and Saharan dust to roam the Atlantic as it did in seasons such as 2007. African (Cape Verde) waves will be allowed to develop free of too much African dust and subsidence.

Local Forecast / Re: TWC Songs you've heard in other places
« on: May 10, 2010, 12:48:44 AM »
Layla by Eric Clapton, obviously.

Oh, and that Devo song...Gut Feeling? (in a movie).

Local Forecast / Re: Operant - Vesper (August - September 2005)
« on: May 10, 2010, 12:43:48 AM »
I didn't recognize the title, but after listening to a sample, I vividly remember hearing this song play back then, It would be nice to hear it play on TWC again.
As I recall they played it after Ike though I'm not 100% sure. IF the 2010 pans out to be the 20/11/5 season many of my friends and people think it will, we could expect the same Storm Alert LF music (Eye of the Storm) and possibly the aforementioned operant-vesper following stormalert mode and the demise of the hurricane.

And to the guy above me - the only help I've gotten is that it's available on iTunes which I already know. Can you download iTunes as a regular MP3 to your computer? Because I have a SanDisk that I call my ipod but it's not an official Apple iPod.

Local Forecast / Re: Operant - Vesper (August - September 2005)
« on: May 09, 2010, 09:53:37 PM »
Altesticstorm10, may I ask why are you criticizing us when that was your very first post here?  Where did you ask us for help a couple months ago?
TWCC, I've existed on that site and posted sporadically under various names since Ernesto (2006).

Localonthe8s, they did play it on August 13th before the big TWC change and before Katrina? Wow, the first time I heard it was August 29th (obviously in the evening after Katrina became a TS). I also vaguely remember "Shine" by Ryan Farish, my 5th favorite song of that period, on August 25th ("Hurricane Katrina Has Arrived [In Florida]!). "Legacy" by RF being my 4th favorite and "For The Movies" by Lenny Marcus my 3rd favorite.

I agree Summer/Fall 2005 was by far the best LF music, but then again, 2005 was the best everything for TWC...best music, best tropical and severe weather graphics and music to go along with the graphics, best program lineup and the best regular show graphics (no ICHT, only 1 hour of programming per 12 hours, [usually Storm Stories at 7:00 PM CDT and half-hour programs at 1AM], Afternoon and Overnight Outlook still existed, etc), best hurricanes (duh), best OCMs (Dave Schwartz and Hillary Andrews overnight were epic, no Samantha Mohr), and much more. TWC begin its slow and steady decline in mid-October 2005 (when they extended First Outlook for the earlier and took out Overnight, put in Weekend View which was horrible, then a couple months later put in a second full-length program per 12 hours [ICHT] eventually leading to Abrams & Bettes...the changing of all the regular show graphics in 2006, and the decline of TWC. It's really sad, TWC was so amazing in 2005...the year I watched TWC the most, ironically...I'll never forget TWC in 05.

Local Forecast / Operant - Vesper (August - September 2005)
« on: May 09, 2010, 07:44:35 PM »
Thanks for not helping me a couple months back, folks. Well, here's your chance to save face. After months of research I found that the song I was looking for was "Vesper", the 14th and final track on an album called "Encoded" by jazz band "Operant".

It's like my second favorite TWC instrumental because it reminds me of my 1st favorite, "eye of the storm - Stephen Arnold" (obviously, the StormAlert hurricane music) from my favorite year of my life, 2005, when my life was intimately glued to TWC, my favorite channel (at the time, before it started sucking in 2006). This song was played after Storm Alert was over for about 12 hours during the demises of Katrina, Rita...possibly Wilma and/or Ike as well? It takes me back to Katrina, the most exciting time of my life yet, and it's the best most underrated saddest most emotional "aftermath" instrumental that exists.

Is there anyway I could listen to the whole song for free? I'm not asking to download it or anything, there's just no videos of it on Youtube or anywhere else I could find online and I've been looking for it for nearly five long years (since 2005) I want to be fully reunited with it. The only thing I can get so far is 30 lame seconds which isn't the best part of the song anyway. Help?

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