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Topics - twcfan68

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Local Forecast / March/April and May 2012 Playlists
« on: March 09, 2012, 07:14:29 AM »
I've been hearing new songs on the HD LF's while on the standard they're not playing them yet. I just heard "11, 12, 13" by David Holmes. This has got to be the start of the the incorporation of the new playlist. The two songs that I heard are very good, in my opinion. Good contemporary music, I mean. I was not able to identify the one at 5:48 CST, though, and a Linkin' Park song aired on both the HD and standard-definition at 5:58.

I think this is my first topic started...haha. I hope this isn't all just a false alarm but I'm pretty sure I'm hearing the start of a new playlist.

WeatherSTAR Tech Support / 22891 Request
« on: June 24, 2010, 10:23:22 AM »
Hello STAR Team,

Now that I'm living in Lafayette, LA, I was just hoping that you could perform my request to improve the STAR (if it's possible). In regards to Lafayette's metro map, the view to the east is pretty decent as it includes the city of Baton Rouge. However, the metro view to the west seems pretty skimpy. Plus, weather changes usually happen in the west. Would it be possible to include Lake Charles or at least Jennings to the metro map? It would move Lafayette closer to the center and it would give the viewers here a more convenient way to see the weather further out west. (People in Lafayette have a lot of family in both Baton Rouge and Lake Charles, so I'm sure they would also like the change.) Other than that, the STAR here looks great. I appreciate your consideration and time for my request. Thank you.

General Discussion / Probably My First and Last Topic
« on: October 06, 2009, 08:46:58 PM »
Hi gang,
Long time no see, eh? Well, I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone here and why I haven't been on much. I'm not sure if all of y'all know, but about three months ago I got in a car wreck which caused me to be absent from the forums for quite a while recovering from the accident. Also, college has been extremely hard and time-consuming so I have little free time. And to make matters worse, just about a month ago, my father passed away of a serious heart attack in the middle of the night, which has had a very huge impact on my life. His death affected me severely not just because he was my father but rather my defender, the person I'd look up to for help, inspiration, laughs, but most importantly, he was my best friend and the man of my life. His death is probably going to have an impact on me for the rest of my life, and it has definitely changed my life forever. Moreover, I'm just going through a very hard time and I honestly don't see myself on the forums much at all anymore. However, my time here has been a blast and I have come to know many of you as good friends and I will always remember and cherish the memories. And Martin, you are doing a fantastic job as a TWCT owner, and you must be very proud to own the forum of such an awesome community of people. You guys are really great, and being on this forum was such an awesome experience for me. Thank you all so much for the ride and I hope I have the time and stamina to come back and visit in the future.   Take care everyone,  :)


Help and Support / CINE Account
« on: January 28, 2009, 05:58:18 PM »
Hi. I'm confused how you log into CINE. I've received a key a while ago, but I wasn't able to get in. Could one of you tell me if I'm even registered there, and if I'm not, I would like to be so I can get my emulator experience going. And I honeslty can't remember if I sent one of you a PM, and I don't want to send another one in case I already did. I try my best to keep those to a minimum because I know how busy you two are. Thank you for your help. 

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