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Topics - ilovemikebettes

Pages: [1]
OCMs & Personalities / Cool Jim Cantore Thing!
« on: October 19, 2008, 01:49:33 PM »
This is cool,send a presonalized message to your friend from Jim Cantore through phone or email! http://weatherhistoryquiz.varitalk.com/ for it!  :yes: :happy:

General Discussion / My Song Writing!
« on: October 14, 2008, 07:36:25 PM »
This is a sad song I wrote about my dead kitten yesterday.
Tell me if you like it.

"Lost Void"

Painted butterflies fly,and they fall.
I don't know why they all fell on the same porch.
It's so sad to see them all gone,just like you.

That night,I knew it was trouble.
The killer said it needed to be done.
I got out,when you saw.

Now,life is in black and white.
Like an unfinished painting.
The bottom of the world never seemed so grey.
Cloudy is the main mood.
It's no wonder the sky doesn't show us the beauty today.

That night,I knew it was trouble.
The killer said it needed to be done.
I got out,when you saw.

The lost void...you were my joy.
Now the thoughts of good times brings me sadness and inside joy.

That night,I knew it was trouble.
The killer said it needed to be done.
I got out,when you saw.

Sometimes the waterfalls visit me.
Sometimes I get a feeling of gulit because it could have been avoided if I was there
to save you.
But,I was away.
At least I said "goodbye".
But,you never lived a full life.

Yet me know if my music makes you  :cry: or  :clap: or if it's  :thumbdown::yes:

I saw a cashier that looked like Jim Cantore (but not completly bald),and one that really (sorta) looks like Mike Sidel!  :yes: I am dead serious here. I thought that it was cool,but I wanted someone to look like Rich Johnson so someone could say to one of the people that work there in reply,"Yeah,lets do that!" or "Sounds like a plan!". That was awesome.  :happy:

OCMs & Personalities / Mike Bettes
« on: September 28, 2008, 10:40:51 AM »
Mike Bettes is pretty cool. And he's cute.  :wub: If you want to talk about Mike,this is the thread to do it.  :yes: :biggrin: :twothumbs:

General Discussion / Your Thoughts On The Emergency Alert System
« on: August 01, 2008, 03:35:12 PM »
I always think that the EAS is life saving,but freaking annoying sometimes. I woke up to the EAS at 6:30 this morning. It was for a flash flood warning that wasn't even for me! Luckily,my cable company has the option of you exiting the EAS alert.  :yes: That's nice if you don't want to hear about a flash flood warning,or any warning for that matter that isn't for you! Your thoughts? Please write them.

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