Alright. I am creating this thread to clear up the confirmed future of TWC, this is going to be completely made out of the information that I can share publicly.
The Weather Channel - Late 2014 Early 2015Many of you are speculating that there will be a relaunch this year, this isn't the case. It's going to be a very small, "blink and you will miss" it kind of changes. Here is what I can say about that:
- There will be a push to make TWC more interactive, eventually completely removing the utilization of Chroma walls and using more walls monitors ad plasma's, as seen in the recent Severe coverage by using the large AMHQ video wall for the MAX weather graphics.
- More efforts will be made to make the Local On The 8's flow more smoothly and remove some of the common glitches around now - that's all I can say there.
The Studio- Currently AMHQ shares the same large studio as Weather Center Live. There are some plans to extend that studio a bit and use it more extensively for both shows.
LFPThere are plans to livestream hyper local severe coverage on Youtube, which means if you have family in a severe area that TWC has done a local cut-in on, this will eventually be streamed online.
Let me know if you have any questions. I think I've cleared most of the rumors up.